double materiality issb

Posted by Frederick Alexander (The Shareholder Commons), on, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, on One Small Step From Financial Materiality to Sesquimateriality: A Critical Conceptual Leap for the ISSB, Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value, Reconciling Fiduciary Duty and Social Conscience: The Law and Economics of ESG Investing by a Trustee. Far from it, assured the ISSBs vice-chair, Sue Lloyd, during the ISSBs 21 September meeting: [F]or those listening, I think we need to be careful to be very clear that this isnt because we are not worrying about the comments that we received and the feedback that weve got. This means stewardship that is less focused on the risks and returns of individual holdings, and more on addressing systemic or beta issues such as climate change and corruption. Double materiality should be included in global standards, says ESMA The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has called on the global financial standards body to capture climate and environmental impacts in its forthcoming sustainability standards. To make an assessment of materiality, the ISSB recommends that companies consult the industry-specific materiality factors outlined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards, as well as the most up-to-date topic-specific guidance of other standard-setting bodies, such as the Climate Disclosure Standards Boards (CDSB) guidance for water- and biodiversity-related disclosures. ESRSISSB . Excluding beta information from the reporting standard does not reflect evolving recognition of the importance of beta. Thats where we aregoing. Thats why we were created. The version of enterprise value we use in financial reporting today would consider the effect of many sustainability matters on long-term cash flows as hardly material since they are inherently uncertain and typically have little effect on the business today. The Schroders Report calculated that one third of all listed companies around the world created net social costs that exceeded their profits. 24 February 2023 They must do so again. (b) disclosures to investors, lenders and other creditors about sustainability matters that affect their assessment of enterprise valuethese disclosures enable investors, lenders and other creditors to understand the impacts that sustainability-related risks and opportunities have on the value, timing and certainty of the entitys future cash flows, over the short, medium and long term and therefore users assessment of enterprise value. Welcome to IPE. Copyright 19972023 IPE International Publishers Limited, Registered in England, Reg No. Changes in the reserve would flow into the statement of comprehensive income and then through the statement of changes in equity. This idea extended beyond security selection and included influencing corporate behavior by voting shares and engaging with management. Expanding the ISSB definition of materiality to include beta information would not significantly expand the reporting burden. At a time when regulation alone seems increasingly inadequate to the task of addressing threats to the environment and our social fabric, an apparent retreat from a market-based solution in a document as influential as the ISSB standards would be a serious setback. get as much direction as quickly as possible to really build on momentum.. Financial materiality is in line with current U.S. disclosure rules. Companies that prioritize their financial return to shareholders face a prisoners dilemma with respect to such resources, and unchecked market competition will inevitably lead to their depletion. Because the ISSB is a standard for disclosure, and not for action, it can be neutral on which side to take and simply provide beta-relevant information, in order to inform investors of the trades being made. Secondly, although climate science makes some environment-related sustainability information relatively simple to calculate and put a value on, companies will find it a great deal harder to quantify and set the bar for materiality for social and governance issues and other environmental issues like biodiversity. Just like any issue that can factor into the market price for a debt or equity security, sustainability issues can affect the likelihood, timing and amounts of potential cash inflows and outflows resulting from a companys activities over any time horizon. This article addresses a fundamental debate over the purpose of the uniform standard and reaches the following conclusions: Four types of impact. These include what might affect investment valuation, an investments contribution to systemic risk, how exposed it is, and what the implications of proxy voting might be. Global Leader, Public Policy & Regulation, PwC United Kingdom, Director of Investor Engagement, PwC United Kingdom. On March 31, 2022, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), an investor-focused initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, released long-anticipated drafts of its sustainability reporting standards: the General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information (the All of this will edge companies closer towards a materiality assessment based on both the companys impact on the world around it as well as the potential effect on its enterprise value; in other words, and for all practical purposes, applying a double materiality concept. It is likely that if companies begin to report accurately on their sustainability profile, the information they provide will be illuminatingly different from what the market thought it knew. A business would create a sustainability reserve to represent the full compounded effect of decarbonising its operations. This divergence of interests arises in many cases from the unpriced availability of finite common resources, such as the earths carbon sink or the capacity of society to absorb growing inequality. Figure 1: Convergence of Voluntary Sustainability Disclosure Standards. Furthermore, the ISSB recommends that entities rely on industry-specific guidance for certain disclosures in addition to industry-agnostic general reporting guidance. In this Alert, we outline the contents of the draft standards focusing on the General Requirements Standard and situate them within the context of converging voluntary disclosure standards and increasing regulation. Central to the debate on global alignment is the concept of materiality, which is critical to determining what gets reported. Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey - June 2022, Ukraine: Tax, Legal and People considerations. But investors wont give companies a free pass and their patience will wear thin quickly if companies do not appear to take this reporting seriously. Planetary forces much greater than cataclysmic weather events have decided that. Encourage the ISSB drafters to move to an express sesquimateriality standard. It is quite different, for example, from the EU's more ambitious 'double materiality' approach in its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the mandate given to expert body EFRAG to draft detailed reporting standards. But the trade is inevitablethe only question is which type of investor it will favor. The ISSB will deliver a global baseline of sustainability disclosures to meet capital market needs. This does not mean that disclosure standards drafters do not themselves need to understand the contextthat understanding is critical to eliciting the correct information for investors to use. For ESG integration, the standard must call for disclosures of E/S matters that investors can use to model an enterprises value and future cash flows. By Stephen BouvierNovember 2022 (Magazine). ISSBs Proposed Framework Seeks to Unify Global Sustainability Disclosure Standards, Private Equity International Responsible Investment Forum, Kirkland Advises Greenbriar Equity Group on $3.475 Billion Fundraise for Oversubscribed Sixth Fund, Kirkland Advises Patient Square Capital on Record $3.9 Billion Inaugural Fundraise, General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information, European Sustainability Reporting Standards. There have long been investors who shunned sin stocksalcohol, tobacco, and gambling companies, for example. It defines a liability as a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits. This is a critically important public policy development, not simply because it will improve investment returns, but because it will lead to better social and environmental outcomes on the ground, as many of the most serious threats to beta are also the most serious threats to people and the planet on which we live. The planned agenda consultation has also been pushed back into next year. Yet diversified portfolios remain exposed to nondiversifiable risks, for example where declining environmental or social sustainability undermines the performance of whole markets or sectors Indeed, for investors who are likely to hold diversified portfolios in the long-term, the question is particularly pressing since these are likely to be the main ways in which they may be able to make a difference. Yet away from the awkward realities of climate change, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was proving it could respond in a crisis. Notably, the ISSBs disclosure regime is predicated on an assessment of financial materiality. The expectation is that this cost will be outweighed by the benefits to the market and companies of having more complete, transparent, comparable and reliable information on which to base resource allocation decisions. This reflected moral concern with profiting from suffering, rather than the use of investment to address a social issue. The publication of these two draft standards represents a potentially significant step toward the coalescence of voluntary corporate sustainability reporting frameworks and could influence mandatory disclosure regimes that are evolving in the U.S., UK and EU. - 2023 PwC. In doing so, it has removed the existing definition of 'enterprise value' and the words 'to assess enterprise value' from the objective and description of materiality in the proposals. As discussed in the Freshfields Report and the PRI Report, decision-useful information extends beyond information that affects enterprise value; if a companys E/S impact has the potential to affect beta, diversified shareholders may well act on that information by, for example, voting against directors who fail to act to mitigate negative externalities. The logic for this is implicit within IAS 37. Businesses, regulators, and governments will have to convene and work together rapidly to develop them. This change will not create a significant additional burden but will make the project more coherent and consistent with evolving fiduciary standards. At a time when regulation alone seems increasingly inadequate to the task of addressing threats to the environment and our social fabric, an apparent retreat from a constructive market reform in a document as influential as the ISSB standards would be a serious setback. One of the biggest is that all three proposals define what is material in different ways. Integration with Financial Reporting: Like the SECs proposed climate rule, the General Requirements Standard recommends that sustainability-related information be disclosed alongside an entitys general purpose financial reports as part of the ISSBs emphasis on the materiality of sustainability-related disclosures to investors. As dynamic materiality makes these relevant to investors, the ISSB can then take over responsibility for the . Financial materiality means that the activity has an effect on the companys cash flows or enterprise value (consistent with the SEC and ISSB). Even if the ISSB wanted to include double materiality, it could well meet with opposition in jurisdictions still coming to terms with even basic sustainability reporting. The actual influence of certain behaviours on cash flows are still being understood and standard models for measurement in these areas are nascent, or missing altogether. In this second article in our series on the sustainability reporting landscape, we aim to illustrate that this division neednt be so deep, or at least neednt derail progress towards achieving globally aligned standards. Such a standard, rising above a single focus on financial materiality but rooted in investor return, would not rise to the level of double materiality, and might best be described as sesquimateriality.. Consequently, this low bar for materiality will mean that the initial volume of information companies may feel under pressure to report will be massive. Additionally, what is material and who is a stakeholder will likely change based on country and culture so evaluation of impact and consideration of materiality will require sifting, analysis, and assessing tradeoffs. Read our policy. In the other camp sits EFRAG, which through the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) seeks to implement a double materiality approach, a concept which encompasses financial materiality and impact materiality. The ISSBs collaboration agreement with GRI further bridges the gap; a no gaps, no overlaps approach gives a holistic picture of sustainability performance on the basis of both impact and enterprise value. ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber has effectively ruled out the use of double materiality The board now expects to issue its climate-change standard next year Developments in the EU, US risk fragmenting the sustainability-reporting landscape Climate change denial has been a tough ask this summer. The materiality principle chosen in the General Requirements seems to ignore the most important issue on the table without explanation. The ISSB is the product of agreement among a critical mass of relevant industry participants to develop a uniform standard for disclosure of social and environmental impact. The failure to even address beta-oriented disclosure is surprising because there is a growing emphasis on the need for diversified investors to monitor and steward the beta impact of portfolio company activity. Once such a standard is established, failure to adhere will become a reputational and regulatory risk, so that the question of meeting that standard becomes financially material. Modern investing principles obligate those institutions to diversify their investments, because diversification allows them to earn the higher financial returns that come from bearing risk while diversifying some of that risk away. If their content is aligned then the effect will be powerful. If risks of this sort materialised, they would therefore damage the performance of a portfolio as a whole and all portfolios exposed to those systems. In the alternative double-materiality rubric, financial materiality is referred to as outside-in information, because it addresses how social and environmental matters affect the company. The second is a provision for the capital cost of opening the new net-zero carbon-based business that must replace the existing carbon-based activity if the company is to be a going concern. On March 31, 2022, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), an investor-focused initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, released long-anticipated drafts of its sustainability reporting standards: the General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-Related Financial Information (the General Requirements Standard) and a Climate-Related Disclosures framework (the Climate Standard). The ESRS focuses on "double materiality", which attempts to capture a company's impact on the environment and society, along with the sustainability impacts to the organization. E/S information can travel three pathways to affect investors and a fourth to affect other stakeholders: ISSB embraces a single type of data. Thus, diversified shareholders internalize E/S costs that individual companies can profitably externalize: This is a trade. It explains the approaches of the GRI Standards ( impact materiality), the IFRS' International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) ( financial materiality) and the incoming European Sustainability Reporting Standards ( double materiality), and how they interconnect. Please see for further details. Because negative externalities burden the economy and beta. While this trade might financially benefit a shareholder with shares only in that company, it harms a diversified shareholder by threatening beta. Firstly, the time element will force companies reporting under either the ISSBs and SECs rules to include outward impacts since, logically, the outward impact will eventually work its way inward. TNFD's basis for adopting the 'enterprise value' approach doesn't appear to be evidence based. However, for Andromeda Wood, vice president of regulatory strategy . Thus, to gather the E/S data that are material for company valuation purposes, the ISSB standard will have to include the same data that will be used to determine whether a company is externalizing costs to the detriment of people, planet, and other companies. In its October 2022 board meeting, the ISSB . Pursuant to applicable rules of professional conduct, portions of this publication may constitute Attorney Advertising. See Bill Baue, Compared to What? Economists have long recognized that profit-seeking firms in free-market economies will not account for negative externalities, and there are many profitable strategies that harm stakeholders, society, and the environment. The market must find a way to determine when this is important, and crucially, when it is not. There are some other areas that need ironing out too before standard setters finish their work. A market price also factors in todays expectations about any potential implications that, at some future point in time, might affect a companys legal or regulatory situation (even if only by association). "Enterprise value is a backward-looking, lagging indicator," it said, adding that . But as capital markets matured, investors began to contemplate a more active role, and after a divestment campaign helped end South African apartheid, the idea that investors could change bad corporate behavior, rather than simply avoiding it, developed a broader following. As important as these two categories of impact may be, they are likely to be more heterogeneous than shareholder interests in beta, making them less likely to be good candidates for standardized disclosure. Since it cannot meet that essential accounting expectation of being a going concern unless reinvestment does take place, this provision must also be made upon the balance sheet, upfront, now. When the economy suffers, so do diversified shareholders. Putting businesses on the path to a low carbon economy will require access to funding throughout the transition. As noted above, the GRIs disclosure standards adopt a broad, multi-stakeholder interpretation of materiality. The IFRSs accounting rules issued and maintained by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), on which the ISSB is modeled, have been adopted in over 100 countries, and the IFRS intends to co-develop the two independent sets of standards to ensure their connectivity, compatibility and relevancy to investors. Unfortunately, the present obligation might not exist at the reporting date but could be a real future impact. The ISSB drafters should recognize the risk that excluding beta could, at the margins, lead to the omission of decision-critical information for investors concerned with company impact on social and environmental systems that support other portfolio companies. And, in practice, a small one at that. [.] But, two subtle differences in how the ISSB and SEC both require the calculation of enterprise value mean that reporting entities using this standard would end up reporting broadly similar material information as those using the EFRAG standard. The ISSB documentation expressly rejects "double materiality," the standard European regulators embrace, which couples financial materiality with information designed to inform other stakeholder data. Why? Equally, if a sustainability issue might at some point in the short, medium or long term have an effect on a companys activities (even if it is not currently affecting the companys cash flows), then it too must be reported now. DWP sets up Taskforce on Social Factors for UK pensions industry, Threefold rise in asset managers holding board responsible for ESG, Accounting: Long-haul climate change reporting, Print advertising rates and specifications, Digital advertising technical specifications (pdf), Standard Terms and Conditions for Event Sponsors, ISSB chair Emmanuel Faber has effectively ruled out the use of double materiality, The board now expects to issue its climate-change standard next year, Developments in the EU, US risk fragmenting the sustainability-reporting landscape. USS welcomed the ISSBs decision to build on the structure of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations in IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. Centrality of TCFD and SASB: As described above, the ISSBs General Requirements Standard centers on the four pillars of the TCFD framework, which are geared toward integrating sustainability risk assessment into the core processes of a companys business, as well as the industry-specific disclosures outlined by the SASB Standards. Although there is no charge to the income statement, the reduction in shareholder equity arising from this proposal would reduce the amount of distributable reserve available to shareholders. Take the example of an estimated sustainability cost of 66m (75m). The ISSB's superpower may lie in illuminating issues that are emerging across the global markets for consideration by investors and the broader markets. But these standards do not provide for a grade or make a judgment as to whether the companys treatment of workers or fuel efficiency will in fact threaten its cash flows and enterprise value: that is generally left for investors to decide. Interest 61 (1971). Many of the comment letters on both standards are broadly supportive, but there were some niggles among the praise. As shown above, there is significant literature establishing that E/S disclosures that go beyond enterprise value may be of great importance to diversified investors economic decisions because of their financial interest in beta. But from a disclosure perspective, investors should have the data that would allow them to understand the risk the company is taking by continuing to externalize costs. 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