physiological function dream theory

Moruzzi G. Sleep and instinctive behavior. Electroencephal Clin Neurophysiol 1955:673-690. Such movements occur while motoneurons are being inhibited through hyperpolarization of their membrane (41,75). According to Hobson, Pace-Schotter & Stickgold (2000), since image studies show activation of "limbic" and "paralimbic" structures of the forebrain during desynchronized sleep, as compared to wakefulness (120,126-128), emotion may be a primary shaper of dream plots, rather than playing a secondary role plot instigation. Braun AR, Balkin TJ, Wesenten NJ, Carson RE, Varga M, Baldwin P, et al. Brain warning function for REM-sleep. Around 1860, Kohlschtter, a young medical student in Germany, showed that the threshold to awake humans by auditory stimulation oscillates along the night (4,8). 119. In fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep, occur in the cerebellar cortex. In some animals, however, a reduction of heart rate and respiration may occur, what also happens during an attentive wakefulness if they are threatened. Table 1 shows the results of some of such studies, including our data concerning nearly 2,000 dreaming episodes recorded from rats. Perspective of Motor Behavior and its Neural Basis. Foulkes (1982) considered that dreams are so easily forgotten because the brain in desynchronized sleep is in a "reflective state". Regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate in human sleep assessed by positron emission tomography. 47. Foulkes D. Children's dreams. Therefore, theta waves undergo both AM and FM changes that certainly carry some kind of information that may prove in the future to be crucial for understanding dreams. Whereas Freud was convinced that dream forgetting was an active function of repression, Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) attribute the failure to recall a dream to a state-dependent amnesia caused by aminergic demodulation of the sleeping brain (120). Gadea-Ciria M. Plasticity of ponto-geniculo-occipital waves during paradoxical sleep after frontal lobe lesions in the cat. In such a condition, the brain produces a behavior that immobilizes the animal, in order to simulate it is dead and may thus become uninteresting to a predator that is in search of fresh flesh. Kuboyama T, Hori A, Sato T, Mikami T, yamaki T, Ueda S. Changes in cerebral blood flow velocity in healthy young men during overnight sleep and while awake.Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. Gottesman C, Gandolfo G, Zernicki B. (ed. Buchsbaum MS, Gillin JC, Wu J, Hazlett E, Sicotte N, Dupont RM, Bunney WE. Such periods were overlooked in the classic studies of Loomis and co-workets (13), in which they identified the phases of synchronized (another term coined by Adrian but now to label slow waves, i.e., potentials with a low frequency and a high voltage) sleep. Sleep 1973;2:36-42. The dream between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Brain Res 1970;19:263-75. In: Baust, W. 122. On the other hand, cells that were silent during the behavioral task did not show the increase in frequency. 71. Progr Neurobiol 1984;22:241-88. 33. 46. They may well be activated during the behaviors caused by dreams (and which are not the dreams but their consequences), that are expressed as eye, head, lips, tongue, fingers, legs and other movements, that is, the motor components of the oniric behaviors. The neurophysiological mechanisms of the postural and motor events during desynchronized sleep. Problems with Physiological function Theory This does Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! As mentioned above, Plato, preceding by twenty four centuries one of the dogmas of psychoanalysis, believed that "forbidden" dreams, such as incestuous or criminal dreams, were only a way of doing incestual sex or killing someone without punishment. 55. To discuss this issue we will concentrate only on a few hypotheses. 94. Wallace CS, Withers GS, George VM, Clayton OF, Greenough WT. Such high values of r may mean that theta waves arrive in such areas almost synchronously, coming from some other sites in the central nervous system. 27. Thus, any study of dreaming also lends itself to psychological scrutiny and clinical application. Vertes RP. Jung R, Kornmller AE. Interestingly, bilateral ablation of the frontal lobes in cats leads to deep changes of the PGO potentials in the VI cranial nerves and in the mobilization of the lateral rectus muscles during desynchronized sleep (71). 68. Some peculiarities of the dreams of patients with vestibular diseases. 118. The cycle of sleep in the rat (preliminary report). 111. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:793-842. PMC WebOne hypothesis drawn from TST is that real threatening events encountered by the individual during wakefulness should lead to an increased activation of the system, a threat simulation response, and therefore, to an increased frequency and severity of threatening events in dreams. Winson J. Instead, they thought that dreams were not provoked by spirits, ghosts or gods, which took over the mind to express themselves through dreaming. World Fed Sleep Res Soc Newsletter 1997;5:20-1. The other is that dreams are caused by forebrain activation by dopamine. Shiromani PJ, Winston S, McCarley RW. Revonsuo A. Grimm R, Tischmeyer W. Complex patterns of immediate gene induction in rat brain following brightness discrimination training and pseudotraining. 112. Neurosci Res 1993;17:127-140. 3. The form and content of dreams is not random but organized and selective: during dreaming, the brain constructs a complex model of the world in which certain types of elements, when compared to waking life, are 89. Analysis of the electro-oscillograms yields extremely relevant information that can be correlated with movements and changes in heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. WebAs the foregoing discussion of rival theories of dream function suggests, there are many findings that contradict the idea that dreams have any kind of physiological or Eye movements in born-blinds are probably due to a quite different reason. 44. In sleep pathology there is a well-known syndrome, expressed as powerful movements during desynchronized sleep. Behav Brain Res 1995;69:13-22. De Sanctis S. I Sogni e il Sonno. Therefore, any neural event, be it running or just thinking, or dreaming, requires a large amount of oxygen, which is carried to the nervous system by the blood through powerful hemodynamic adjustments, such as increase in blood pressure, heart rate and central blood flow (21,25,26). Nature 1989;304:111-4. Magoun HW, Rhines R. An inhibitory mechanism in the bulbar reticular formation. It is likely that even strong stimuli may be ineffective in producing an arousal during sleep if they are trivial, whereas light stimulation containing relevant information may be highly efficient. Fenn WO, Hursh JB. 15. Those that are specific to certain behaviors. Karger, Basel, 1997:65-76. Learn Mem 1999;6:500-8. In fact, when the voltage of each theta wave in one site is compared with the voltage in another site it is possible to assess the degree of coincidence or phase shift between the two sites. 79. 49. 103. Generally, in humans oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, what is obviously linked to vision as the main human sensory channel. In humans a dream may be reported and its content can thus be analyzed. In more recent years several approaches confirmed these findings (89). 16. Forebrain activation in REM sleep: an FDG, PET study. 135. 52. WebEssentially, during sleep the mind integrates new information acquired during the previous day into memory and processes it by making necessary connections. In nocturnal macrosmatic animals, olfaction is the predominant sensory channel and their vibrissae are usually very long, to detect the presence of objects at relatively large distances. Vertes & Eastman (88) argue against memory consolidation during sleep, what is in opposition to Wilson & McNaughton's hypothesis (87). Roffwarg HP, Adrien J, Herman J, Pessah M, Spiro R, Bowe-Anders C. The middle ear muscle activity in the neurophysiology and psychophysiology of the REM state. 41. On the other hand, respiration usually undergoes a reduction in frequency and in frequency variation but during dreaming activity the respiratory frequency increases and becomes variable, which is certainly related to the temporal evolution of the oniric experience, as is the case during wakefulness. Considering that desynchronization is predominant all over the cortex in humans and in the frontal cortex of both cats and rats, we consider it to be a phylogenetically more recent functional acquisition. A correlation has been proposed between the development of desynchronized sleep in children and their waking cognitive maturation (24). 66. 9. J Neurophysiol 1954;17:532-57. Maquet et al. Arch Psychiat Nervenkrankh 1938;109:1-17. Dreams and Nightmares in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Review. Lovblad KO, Thomas R, Jakod PM, Scammel T, Bassetti C, Griswold M, et al. Timo-Iaria C, yamashita R, Hoshino K, Sousa-Melo A. Eye movements in humans predominate because vision is our main sensory channel and our visual memory is overwhelmingly predominant, resulting in preponderance of visual dreams. (eds.) MeSH Penile erection, that also occurs in monkeys, is present during desynchronized (paradoxical or REMsleep) but it is not necessarily linked to erotic dreams. A dream is a conscious experience that occurs during sleep. The motor components are usually weak and poorly expressed movements during a dream, mainly if it occurs during desynchronized sleep; when a dream takes place during synchronized sleep phase I, near wakefulness, not only movements are more faithful to the dream content but also the latter is much more logic. The narrower is the angle of rotation, the lower is the recorded potential, which happens when attention is being directed to a very small part of the object or when the object is very near. Physiol Behav 1970;5:402-7. During wakefulness theta waves consistently exhibit a lesser voltage and are less regular than during desynchronized sleep, what makes it easy to tell wakefulness from desynchronized sleep from the shear inspection of the electro-oscillograms (21,30,31,125). This author reported that dream production in human subjects from 3 to 5 years of age was minimal and that the content of the dream reports generally consisted of "static imagery" in the absence of narrative context. During the medieval era in Spain, by then the very cultural center of Europe (probably of the entire world), and mainly in the 13th century, some Muslim Arabs and Jewish rabis, centered in Cordoba rediscovered the Greek literature, that had been concealed by early Christianism, and translated all that important work into Latin, Arabic and Hebraic. Inasmuch as all this relevant knowledge is entirely ignored, we hope the present review may help in rescuing it (4). 124. Neurons from the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis send fibers to nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis in the medulla, a part of which passes through the dorsal tegmental field of the pons, and electrical stimulation of both nuclei also produces inhibition of muscle tone (53,54). Doctoral thesis, Federal University of So Paulo, 1995. In ancient Greece, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle discussed about the meaning of dreams, concluding that the prevailing mistic and mythic concepts about them were incorrect. Hypotheses attributing a function to dreams tend to invoke reasons not well founded and in some cases they are rather fancy or even mystic. It is thus not surprising that during dreaming activity in rats both rostrum and vibrissae move preponderantly, probably because most of their dreams contain olfactory and snout tactile components. In rats we found similar potentials in the amygdala as related to olfactory dreams, expressed as rostrum movements (32). Studi Psicologici e Clinici di un Alienista. J Sleep Res 1993;2:188-92. WebThe psychoanalytic theory, in terms of its explanation for the function of dreams, has received much criticism from the psychological field. Correspondence between sites of NGFI-A inductions in sites of morphological plasticity following exposure to environmental complexity. A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. The case against memory consolidation in REM sleep. Neurosc Res 1993;17:181-202. In cats, Baust (1971) recorded tachycardia starting 1 or 2 seconds before eye movements appear (38). yet, it is well known since Kohlschtter and Michelson (4,8) that the threshold to awaken a human being during desynchronized sleep is much lower than the one to produce wakefulness during synchronized sleep. (eds.) eCollection 2021 Aug 12. Psychosomat Med 1975;37:147-59. Arch Ital Biol 1963;101:648-68. It is interesting that the representation of animals in dreams of infants is quite conspicuous. This is for sure the most enigmatic issue about dreaming. Pompeiano O. Mechanisms responsible for spinal inhibition during desynchronized sleep. Selective deactivation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has been found in desynchronized sleep. In: Baust, W. 129. Ribeiro S, Goyal V, Mello CV, Pavlides C. Brain gene expression during REM sleep depends on prior waking experience. No PGO potentials have been found in rats (70). The American psychologist Mary Whiton Calkins published in 1893 an important, although entirely unkwnown, article under the title Statistics of Dreams, wherein she introduced the technique of arousing people when they moved parts of the body during sleep and asking them to report their dreams (4,7). 93. Pompeiano O. These authors argue that despite the marked suppression of desynchronized sleep provoked by tricyclic antidepressants neither selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors and mono-amino-oxydase nor learning and memory are disrupted. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. The most prominent, the activation-synthesis hypothesis, derived its view of dreaming directly from the neurophysiology of REM sleep, in particular the role of the brain stem, and in its original form regarded dreams as not essentially meaningful. In rats bilateral lesion of the midbrain reticular formation is followed by a long lasting state of synchronized sleep, with predominance of phase III (Timo-Iaria, Assumpo & Bernardi, unpublished observations). 39. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. Europ J Neurosci 1994;6:1298-1306. A related point of view was put forward by Krueger & Obal (1993), who proposed that, on the basis of use-dependent synaptic stabilization, the neuronal assembly not activated during wakefulness will be activated during sleep, to prevent it from atrophy (117). This author "thus proposes a psychoanalytical model of dreaming, in which dreams constitute a way of representing the individual's inner world with internal objects related with one another and with the self" (135). The brainstem and its content can thus be analyzed can be correlated with movements and changes heart... For sure the most enigmatic issue about dreaming 24 ) invoke reasons not well founded and in cases! Is for sure the most enigmatic issue about dreaming, occur in the cerebellar cortex occur the! Fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep J, Hazlett E, Sicotte,... 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