servandae vitae mendacium

Le refus des louanges est souvent un dsir d'tre lou deux fois -- The refusal of praise often proceeds from a desire to have it repeated. Argumentum ad misericordiam -- An appeal to the mercy of your adversary. To be commended by a man of high repute is the greatest possible praise. Leonina societas -- Partnership with a lion. I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world. Particeps criminis -- A partaker in a crime; an accessory either before or after the fact. Rem acu tetigit -- He has hit the nail on the head (literally touched it with a needle-point). Argumentum ad crumenam -- An appeal to self-interest. Vade mecum -- Go with me; a constant companion; a manual. From where the sun rises to where it sets. Dictionary of Latin Phrases. [Greek: opse then aleousi myloi, aleousi de lepta]. con., abbrev. Familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere -- It is common to man to pardon all his own faults. Terra incognita -- An unknown land or domain of things. Amicus anim dimidium -- A friend the half of life. Vivat Rex or Regina -- Long live the king or queen. Deridet, sed non derideor -- He laughs, but I am not laughed at. When we are young we take pains to be agreeable, and when we are old we take pains not to be disagreeable. E tardegradis asinis equus non prodiit -- The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass. Ex nihilo nihil fit -- Nothing produces nothing. In silence, i.e., without notice being taken. By Divine right, or ordination of heaven. Ad eundem -- To the same degree. He seeks the meal of a parasite or hanger-on. Interdum stultus bene loquitur -- Sometimes a fool speaks reasonably. Browse You might be interested in these references tools: Notice This definition of Mendacium is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . Melioribus auspiciis -- Under more favourable auspices. Satis superque est -- Enough, and more than enough. Gradus ad Parnassum -- A help to the composition of classic poetry. Tecum habita -- Live with yourself; keep within your means. Utrum horum mavis accipe -- Take which you prefer. Ditissimus agris -- An extensive landed proprietor. Alter remus aquas, alter mihi radat arenas -- Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. To be in great straits (literally to pull the devil by the tail). The law of nations, as the basis of their international relations. Nulla falsa doctrina est, qu non permisceat aliquid veritatis -- There is no false doctrine which contains not a mixture of truth. Salvo ordine -- Without dishonour to one's order. Tertium sal -- A third salt; a neutral salt; the union of an acid and an alkali. Terra firma -- Dry land, in contradistinction to sea. Sardonicus risus -- A sardonic laugh; a forced ironical laugh. Stare super vias antiquas -- To stand upon the old ways. (The river-banks and the open fields and the groves know it.). Alea judiciorum -- The hazard or uncertainty of law. Do you want to translate text, files, tickets, emails, etc.? Mult terricolis lingu, clestibus una -- The inhabitants of earth have many tongues, those of heaven have but one. Aura popularis -- Popular favour (literally breeze). Desideratum -- A thing desired, but regretfully wanting. For a common man to mutter what he thinks is a risky venture. The Latin text of a Jesuit drama by Nicolaus Avancini, transcribed and edited . This story begins with Jove or Zeus, scouring the lands surveying the affairs of men. [Greek: Anr ho pheugn kai palin machsetai] -- The man who runs away will fight again. Ne plus ultra -- What cannot be surpassed; perfection (literally no more beyond). Astra redux -- Return of the goddess of justice. "That's what humans do. Fames, pestis, et bellum, populi sunt pernicies -- Famine, pestilence, and war are the destruction of a people. Arma cerealia -- The arms of Ceres, i.e., implements connected with the preparation of corn and bread. Natura naturata -- Nature passive; nature formed. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should check the Dictionary of Famous Quotations. Cita mors ruit -- Death is a swift rider. Nulla res tantum ad discendum profuit quantum scriptio. Hoc erat in more majorum -- This was the custom of our forefathers. There is a certain wonderful sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge. Status quo, or Statu quo, or In statu quo -- The state in which a matter was. Argumentum ad invidiam -- An argument which appeals to low passions. Vis inerti -- The inert property or resisting power of matter. Jucunda rerum vicissitudo -- A delightful change of circumstances. The Lord be with you, and with thy spirit. Dii majorum gentium -- The twelve gods of the highest order. -- No one can escape death. Ne Hercules quidem contra duos -- Not even Hercules could contend against two at once. To the same degree. i.e., leave off touching up. Voices of Fauns are often heard, and shapes of gods often seen. A posteriori -- From the effect to the cause; by induction. Ex professo -- As one who knows; professedly. Obscurum per obscurius -- Explaining something obscure by what is more obscure. He who grieves before it is necessary, grieves more than is necessary. Contra bonos mores -- Against good morals. Extrema manus nondum operibus ejus imposita est -- The finishing hand has not yet been put to his works. Ab ovo usque ad mala -- From the beginning to the end (literally from the egg to the apples). Qualis avis, talis cantus; qualis vir, talis oratio. The place for the seal; pointed out in documents by the letters L.S. Liter humaniores -- Polite literature; arts in a university. To construe men's characters by their looks. Orator improbus leges subvertit -- An evil-disposed orator subverts the laws. The younger men for labours, i.e., the heavier burdens. I feel indignant when a work is censured not as uncouth or rough, but as new. Mutum est pictura poema -- A picture is a poem without words. Even little things have a grace of their own. Jus commune -- The common or customary law. Ignobile vulgus -- The base-born multitude. Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus honores / Sed Moses sacco cogitar ire pedes -- Galen gives wealth, Justinian honours, but Moses must go afoot with a beggar's wallet. Brave as lions in peace, timid as deer in war. Stylo inverso -- With the back of the pen. The deeds of man never can be hid from the gods. Quality: Minor est quam servus, dominus qui servos timet. Usque adeone / Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter? 2003-2026 - All rights reserved - Olivetti Media Communication, hae sunt eius faces hi stimuli propter quos iuvandi et emerendi cupiditate flagrat, communem culpam hi in illos illi hos regerere posse confidunt, think about it or find a solution, rather, cogitate multos ex his incommodis pecunia se liberasse liberavisse, haec benevolentia magis elucet inter aequales, until today, until the present, until now. Hoc age -- Mind what you are about (literally do this). Nemo ita pauper vivit, quam pauper natus est -- No one is so poor in life as he was when he was at birth. Terram clo miscent -- They mingle heaven and earth. Cercato ho sempre solitaria vita / (Le rive il sanno, e le campagne e i boschi), I have always sought a solitary life. Adulation is ever the attendant on great wealth. Licuit, semperque licebit / Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis -- It has ever been, and ever will be, lawful to spare the individual but to censure the vice. Quality: The word that is heard perishes, the letter that is written remains. To weave spiders' webs, i.e., a tissue of sophistry. Peccavi -- I have sinned. The mind of man can accomplish whatever it resolves on. Ordinem Unctionis infirmorum eorumque spiritualis cur litteris [Greek: Arch andra deixei] -- Office will prove the man. Index expurgatorius -- An expurgatory index. No ruler can sin so long as he is a ruler. for Nemine dissentiente -- Same as above. Le savoir vivre -- Knowing how to live; good manners. Intus si recte, ne labora -- If inwardly right, don't worry. Parvula scintilla spe magnum suscitavit incendium. This change effects a great saving of time (literally life). Absit omen -- May the omen augur no evil. Spe via obliqua prstat quam tendere recta. Stultitiam dissimulare non potes nisi taciturnitate -- No concealing folly save by silence. Chi ha tempo, non aspetti tempo -- He who has time, let him not wait for time. Domus amica domus optima -- The house of a friend is the best house. Similia similibus curantur -- Like things are cured by like. Familiare est hominibus omnia sibi ignoscere. Auto-da-f -- An act of faith; a name applied to certain proceedings of the Inquisition connected with the burning of heretics. Ingratis servire nefas -- To serve the ungrateful is an offence to the gods. More suo -- After his usual manner; as is his wont. The Oxford Biblical Studies Online and Oxford Islamic Studies Online have retired. This entry needs to be proofread. -- Oh, holy condemnation! Verba volant, scripta manent -- What is spoken flies, what is written remains. Je ne changerois pas mon rpos pour tous les trsors du monde -- I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world. Colubram in sinu fovere -- To cherish a serpent in one's bosom. Sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis -- Good is mixed with evil, and evil with good. The state in which the belligerents stood before war began. Our sufferings are light, if they are merely such as we should weep for. En vrit l'amour ne saurait tre profond, s'il n'est pas pur -- Love, in fact, can never be deep unless it is pure. Latin Dictionary: the best Latin dictionary with a conjugator and a Latin declension tool available online for free! Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt -- Fate leads the willing, and drags the unwilling. By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. In mercatura facienda mult fallaci et quasi prstigi exercentur -- In commerce many deceptions, not to say juggleries, are practised. Read the whole if you wish to know the whole. Errare humanum est -- It is human to err. Acti labores jucundi -- The remembrance of past labours is pleasant. Spe Faunorum voces exaudit, / Spe vis form deorum -- Voices of Fauns are often heard, and shapes of gods often seen. Toto clo -- By the whole heavens; as wide as the poles asunder. Schicksal und eigene Schuld -- Fate and one's own deservings. Mira qudam in cognoscendo suavitas et delectatio -- There is a certain wonderful sweetness and delight in gaining knowledge. To laugh inwardly, i.e., in one's sleeve. Flebile ludibrium -- A "tragic farce;" a farce to weep at. En vrit l'amour ne saurait tre profond, s'il n'est pas pur. Mors janua vit -- Death is the gate of life. Deo dante nil nocet invidia, et non dante, nil proficit labor. Juncta juvant -- Trivial things when united aid each other. Claude os, aperi oculos -- Keep thy mouth shut, but thy eyes open. Inest et formic sua bilis -- Even the ant has its bile. Ubicunque ars ostentatur, veritas abesse videtur -- Wherever there is a display of art, truth seems to us to be wanting. Kalend Grc -- Never (literally the Greek Kalends). Une grande me est au-dessus de l'injustice, de la douleur, de la moquerie; et elle seroit invulnrable si elle ne souffroit par la compassion -- A great soul is proof against injustice, pain, and mockery; and it would be invulnerable if it were not open to compassion. A third something, produced by the union or interaction of two opposites. Ad captandum vulgus -- To catch the rabble. ponderat; As. Ultimatum -- A final proposition or condition. Crux medicorum -- The puzzle of physicians. The arbitrator of elegances; the master of the ceremonies. Ut possedis -- As you now are; as you possess. Exceptio probat regulam -- The exception proves the rule. Ex quo et bono -- In justice and equity. It is for the interest of the state that every one make a good use of his property. Alio sub sole -- Under another sky (literally sun). A mens et thoro -- From bed and board; divorced. The affair is at a crisis (literally on the hinge). Dulce sodalitium -- A pleasant association of friends. Let me skim the water with one oar, and with the other touch the sands, i.e., so as not to go out of my depth. A prose-poem ostensibly addressed to God, written c.398-400, soon after the author had become Bishop of Hippo and when some critics were anxious about his Manichaean past.The title means both 'confessing' in the biblical sense of praising God, and also avowal of faults; there is an undercurrent of self-vindication and pervasive anti-Manichaean polemic. Pacta conventa -- Conditions agreed upon. On termine de longs procs / Par un peu de guerre civile. Dat Galenus opes, dat Justinianus honores / Sed Moses sacco cogitar ire pedes. All bad precedents have had their rise in good beginnings. The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass. -- They (obliged by law) spare a mill, but steal a province! Verbatim et literatim -- Word for word and letter for letter. Usage Frequency: 1 Hortus siccus -- A dry garden; a collection of dried plants. Just caus facilis est defensio -- The defence of a just cause is easy. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. In clo quies -- There is rest in heaven. Armed prayers, i.e., with arms to back them up. Mus in pice -- A mouse in pitch; "a fly wading through tar.". Emere malo quam rogare -- I had rather buy than beg. [Greek: Katopin heors] -- After the feast; too late. diss., abbrev. Implacabiles plerumque ls mulieres -- Women, when offended, are generally implacable. Insipientis est dicere, Non putarem -- It is the part of a fool to say, "I should not have thought so.". Verbi causa, or gratia -- For example; for instance. A calumniating disposition (literally tooth). i.e., leave off touching up. As is the bird, so is its song; as is the man, so is his manner of speech. [Greek: Glauk' Athnaze] -- Owls to Athens. Mare clausum -- A sea closed to commerce. cogita brevitatem huius spatii per quod citatissimi currimus, hae partes obstupescunt et sensum doloris amittunt, hae virtutes generi hominum fructuosae putantur, Commii auctoritas in his regionibus magni habebatur, hae sunt amicitiae quas temporarias populus appellat, haec tigna cum machinationibus immissa in flumen defixerat, hae casae celeriter ignem comprehenderunt, vobis animam hanc soceroque Latino devovi, haec oratio vel maxime vi amaritudine instantia placet, compello pater me voce videtur his verbis, ubi his ordinibus exercitus instructus esset, animo haec tenemus comprehensa non sensibus, Aristoteles translationi haec ipsa subiungit, ab his, non multo secus quam a poetis, haec eloquentia sevocanda est, this eloquence must be kept distinct from the style of these no lesser than that of poets, cave siris (= siveris) cum filia mea copulari hanc, it's over, at least of those things he says are true, alium portum propiorem huic aetati videbamus, animadvertere rectene hanc sententiam interpreter, accessit huic patellae dignum operculum, a deserving cover suits this pot (= all peoples have the leaders they deserve), the Greeks consider her of the breed of the sparrows. A friend to the very altar, i.e., to the death. Seriatim -- In order; according to rank; in due course. Astra regunt homines, sed regit astra Deus -- The stars govern men, but God governs the stars. What cannot be surpassed; perfection (literally no more beyond). Respondetur affermative; quandoquidem cibi potusque subministratio, artificiali etiam methodo peracta, in linea principii, servandae vitae medium ordinarium et proportionatum evadit. Preces armat -- Armed prayers, i.e., with arms to back them up. It speaks volumes for man that, when placed in quite different situations, he displays in each the same spirit of moderation. To be despised is more galling to a foolish man than to be whipped. Salva conscientia -- Without compromise of conscience. Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare. Momento mare vertitur; / Eodem die ubi luserunt, navigia sorbentur -- In a moment the sea is agitated, and on the same day ships are swallowed up where they lately sported gaily along. Nihil aliud necessarium ut sis miser, quam ut te miserum credas. Falsum in uno, falsum in omni -- False in one thing, false in everything. Warrants of imprisonment under royal seal, liberally issued in France before the Revolution. Il ne sait sur quel pied danser -- He knows not on which foot to dance (he is at his wit's end). Wrterbucheintrag Latein-Deutsch zu mendacium. Et delectatio -- There is a poem servandae vitae mendacium words the custom of our....: 1 Hortus siccus -- a thing desired, but regretfully wanting which contains not a mixture of.... Of time ( literally no more beyond ) ruler can sin so Long he... Literally touched it with a conjugator and a Latin declension tool available Online for!. Situations, he displays in each the same servandae vitae mendacium of moderation, more... What he thinks is a risky venture, false in one 's order should weep for life ) of... Form deorum -- voices of Fauns are often heard, and more than is necessary et bellum, sunt... 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