the tenth secret of medjugorje

Nine, the Great Sign of Garabandal and the Great Sign of Medjugorje are not the same thing. And finally, Our Blessed Mother declared a future Great Chastisement if the whole of mankind did not return to following Gods Will and obeying Gods Law (Ten Commandments). The sun will be dimming until its light is fully extinguished. Have you fallen? And, thirdly, all of mankind will be engaged in last touches of spiritually preparing for the First Resurrection. Moreover, all of mankind living on earth has to be spiritually prepared for entering the Sixth Chamber of holiness / Highest Heaven at the First Resurrection. God bless! It is only in this way can the conditional Great Chastisement, which is due to all of us for the collective sin of abortion, can be avoided by mankind. Creation was altered, as the element of time in the universe became connected to the eternal state of evil. The Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana speaks on the 10 Secrets of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.The Blessed Mother has told the six visionaries in Medjugorje that She . Three out of four will deny Me The punishment is inevitable because we cannot . NOTE (By a soul): As the Churchs roots are placed once more into its original Jewish soil, the other divisions of the churches will be healed because they happened due to this first division of the Church from the Synagogue. The visionary, Conchita, will be informed of the NEW DATE directly by Papa God, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother, during The Warning encounter, so there will be no doubt in Conchitas mind that the NEW DATE has been chosen by God and is to be announced earlier in time. Having purified themselves of sin and selfishness through prayer, sacrifice and tears, they have been found worthy and deserving of full union with His Most Sacred Heart. Peace will then spread from Jerusalem (known as the City of Peace) outward to the rest of the nations, as Jerusalem will become reestablished as the Eternal Seat of Gods Kingdom on earth (it will no longer be Rome, the Vatican). Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Beloved Daughter of the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father. However, I do know from a recent message given at. The leadership of the Church was called to faith and trust in God to avoid a greater and larger world war that would potentially break out. Prayer is the only way this collective effort can be achieved. He will sound a new call. You must remain in union with My Son, Jesus Christ, at all times and pray that the Sacraments will be made available to you by loyal priests and clergy during the times of trials which lie before you. Marija, Vicka, and Ivan have received nine secrets . MEDJUGORJE: IS GOD TOO BIG FOR US? Marija: YES, HE IS TOO BIG, BUT DO THIS AND YOU WILL GO TO HEAVEN, Ave Maria Save this video in a place that you can find easy when you are in a blue placeThen watch in a quiet place Our Lady will be there for you. I invite you to prayer. It is also known that the Ten Secrets given to each of the visionaries may be different from each other. And I know that several chosen messengers were told by Heaven that the Warning would take place this Fall 2020 (I am even aware of an anonymous priest who was told this by the Lord). In the Secret of La Salette, Our Lady uses the phrase it will rain with a fearful hail of animals, and how when the three shepherd children at Fatima were shown a vision of hell, they described the demons as looking like frightful animals. Then, I tied these descriptions together with a ten-year olds near death experience where Jesus revealed what the Battle of Armageddon is in realitya war of demonic aliens, along with my personal experience of being eaten alive one night by satan for my work on this blog. And I feel it is prudent if I share my reply with you all (which has been somewhat modified with additional information), because I know that a lot of people may be relying on this new timeline on the new website as a source of reliability concerning future events. Thank you for your sincere prayers for me and the success of this blog. Why is this? And so, in this short special commentary, I want to highlight key points of the Divine Plan of Heaven and Our Lady, so people can understand what God desires and Our Lady is trying to accomplish in the world. The call will manifest as either a locution (a strong inner voice) or as a dream if you are asleep. If we say that the Virgin did not mention this war right in the secrets, then, what are we waiting for? Meanwhile, I have been laboring to do certain behind-the-scene projects for Jesus and the Blessed Mother with the genuine hope in my heart that the Great Apostasy that is taking form within the Catholic Church could be ultimately avoided. Instead, it is something that exists at the very Throne of God in Heaven and is a great mystery involving the Divine Plan. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (7 pages) of this special commentary: Special Commentary Important News about the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and Need for Prayers for Donald Trump By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls (PDF), Special Commentary Important News about the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and Need for Prayers for Donald Trump By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls (ODT), Special Commentary Important News about the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and Need for Prayers for Donald Trump By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls (WordDoc), Special Commentary Important News As To Why The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) Has Been Postponed By Heaven And Continuing Need For Prayers For Donald Trump By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. There is much more ahead but you have what is needed for today., My Children will face Me for the first time during The Warning Do not leave it until the last minute. Reading the links and references for my commentaries are (I think) helpful for people so they can get information that they might have missed from the past. Oh, my beloved blog followers, the Book of Truth is making a difference and is making an impact in Gods overall Plan for Salvation. The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana some aspects . Afterwards, you will rebuild and renew the human race. Let us pray, let us pray; let us never cease praying and doing penance. She claims the tenth secret was given to her by Gospa. However, Papa God has been promoting that people obtain through the Shrine, His prayer card that has the Triple Blessings attached to the relic cloth, which Papa God hopes will sweep around the world to all His beloved children. So, that is a major reason why the Warning date has been in flux. Not all of us are called to sacrifice like Isaiah did, but we are all called to become great saints before God and the only way to become a great saint is to forget about worldly esteem and reputation before man. The Blessed Mother desires me to place every donors name in the final pages of the third book as Her Special Blessings (Benefactors) for making publication of the third book possible. Amen.. Also, I want to say, with respects to the timeline that I have given, I am not interpreting the Book of RevelationI am just giving my understanding of how prophesied events will flow based on the heavenly messages that I promote on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (5 pages) of this special commentary: Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (PDF), Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (ODT), Understanding the Hidden Plan of God For Avoiding the Great Chastisement By a soul (WordDoc), SPECIAL COMMENTARY: It is only by way of the consecration of Russia can the worldwide nuclear war be averted and other chains of events that give rise to the reign of the antichrist and collapse of the visible Catholic Church. UPDATE (4/22/20): After the 40 days of peace has passed, all hell will break loose on Earth. An event that also meant the end of his daily appearances. I am the living Bread that descends from Heaven., Wayne Weible (RIP) Joy in Waynes Heart: At Last, At Last, At Last!!! As both he and his wife, St Anne, had gone on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to pray for the blessing of a child, whom they promised to dedicate to the holy service of God. The Warning will take place after 7 days and 7 nights of increasing darkness over the entire earth. Instead of becoming bitter and resentful, you continue to follow your Jesus and see the best in everyone. Their messages may seem authentic and full of flowery language, featuring extracts from the Holy Bible, where it suits, but there will be two key aspects to their messages that will expose them for the untruths they impart. It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. Well, the night of December 1st, Heaven revealed the need for me to pray as the holy angels were having major battles in the heavens with the devils, because they were trying to interfere with the positioning of the Cross in the sky that would be used for the 7 days/7 nights before The Warning happened on the 8th. I truly pray for mankind in those days. Monday, September 12th, 2011 @ 12:00. I know that this is hard to accept, but Papa God really does need everyone to sacrifice like they have been doing these past few months since the Warning was announced to be happening this Fall Season 2020. Is there someone rising up from your midst who will restore sanity and order? And according to the vision, it would only take about a year for Biden to fully dismantle our country (U.S.A.) and for war and utter chaos to finally result in February 2022. It was both interior and audible. So, I am hoping to do a little fundraiser so: One, I can pay adequately the Spanish translators. Until then, I am asking that you do so.. Please see this writing if you are interested in what Saint Gabriel shared with me in January 2017: Special Commentary The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal) By a soul Defenders of the Eucharist. The parable of the ten virgins is based on ancient Jewish bridal tradition. Whereas, the Divine Fire of Heaven and in purgatory, is Gods Eternal Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice. Now, it begs the question, how can the conditional Great Chastisement be avoided by mankind? They will lead many away from Me and for that they will be judged harshly. The Earth, the sun and the moon will react to produce very unusual spectacles and many will know that they could only have been made possible by the Hand of God. And after listening for over an hour, the encounter was over, then I heard some people say things like, Im back with much relief and astonishment in their voices. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign. "While She was entrusting me with the tenth secret, She was very sad." . Also, during the 3 Days of Darkness, the entire earth and the universe will be totally renewed, so that all resembles the Garden of Eden and the Heavens as God created all perfectly at its dawn of Creation. Because seven visionaries (Conchita of Garabandal and the six visionaries of Medjugorje) were seen as the ideal number of people to announce Gods Great Chastisement to the world. The fact is, Our Heavenly Father has the best Divine Plan for all of us, but in order to fully realize that Plan, we need to have simple faith and trust. So, I am taking an educated guess by saying that the Abomination of Desolation does not happen until after the Great Warning. Sometimes in my commentaries, I repeat things often, because I do not know if readers have read my previous writings or not and I want to be as thorough as possible, so people do not get confused. And so, let us hope and pray in earnest, these desires of Our Lord! It is about a Protestant woman who experienced the state of hell temporarily for the big sin of unforgiveness and it took her over 18 months to finally get over the experience. Papa desires to help each one of us who are seeking for Him. And for Mirjana who received her 10th secret on Christmas 1982 . Knowing this is a true blessing. The world has been renewed by God twice so far since the Creation of mankind. And so, I share these aspects of the Divine Plan in this commentary, because it helps explain the Blessed Mothers words that it will be too late for many people once the Sign of Medjugorje (Third Secret) is revealed on earth. However, in light of modern-day prophecies and modern events (21st century), the Secret of La Salette is easier to understand. So many people do not understand the unfolding Divine Plan of Heaven and Our Blessed Mother for avoiding the Great Chastisement of God. I plead with You heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and Great Chastisement are the exact same event from God. Be happy that you are not among them!, I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not, but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. Because even if Pope Francis can be saved from eternal damnationas I have praying and striving for in my personal effortssatan has merely changed his plans and I know that the Great Apostasy of the Catholic Church will still happenalthough it has been greatly mitigated by prayer efforts by so many people. Through the witnessing of the Great Miracle, these four key individuals will know what God expects of them and what they need to do to further the Divine Plan. There will be harmony such as never before has been experienced by an entire people. Jesus is very sad. That is why, simple trust in Our Heavenly Father is so important, because He desires to give us the best of every outcome, but we need to let go of our selfish desire to always want to control the future for our own selfish gain. Thank you for your question and for following the prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Today, at Holy Love Ministries (, God the Father said the following words: I invite all mankind to repose in My Heart where true peace abides. But it will present a fork in the road. The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. Be thankful for His Mercy; for there is no task too great that He will not take on to ensure that the human race can be awakened so as to accept Him. And so, about a month ago, I was using Google search to find a particular message within the Holy Family Refuge messages on an unrelated topic, when I came across an August 2015 message of Children of the Renewal, which was very intriguing for me to read. No one has perfect discernment and much of given prophecy (private revelation) has been mitigated by prayer. Truly, Heaven and hell were engaged in a full spiritual battle to impart each of these insights to me over the course of several nights. And, in particular, Christians will be shown clearly that the Tradition of Faith (Catholic Church) is the True Faith of God and mankind will know the steps that need to be taken to avoid the Great Chastisement and to prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Then the Miracle/Sign of Garabandal will happen in the Springtime. God can do anything given our free-will permission, but we meaning the entire world has got to pray for a MIRACLE that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide in favor of President Donald Trump for re-election. There will be wildlife for food; seeds for planting, fresh water to drink, and mankind will be in nature more than what can be recalled from those who survive.. And when reading these various messages together, it seemed that they were presenting what would happen in the world if the conditional Great Chastisement is prevented by mankinds conversion back to God. Shocking atmospheric phenomena will come from on high in connection with the approach of a celestial body that will unexpectedly draw near to earth With Commentary By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY EXPLAINING THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS, THE END TIMES, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, AND THE WEDDING FEAST OF THE LAMB, DOWNLOAD THIS COMMENTARY (PDF, 37 pages, revised-typo): You need to have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II. Others can be reduced, through prayer and fasting first of all. The world will now seem to become quieter and somewhat strange in the coming months leading up to The Warning. Recently, God the Father gave a very telling message at Holy Love Ministries (, in how Russia has been involved in many collusions to disrupt world peace from selling nuclear secrets to terrorist parties to aligning itself with communist China. It is not the 3 Days of Darkness, which comes at the very end of the 3 and a half years of the Great Tribulation. The mother has rejected her child and the soil has rejected the roots that should have stayed within it. However, being unsuccessful, satan finally decided to launch his major attack earlier against mankind in January 2020. In the Book of Truth, Heaven prophesies the coming of the false prophet and antichrist of the Book of Revelation, along with other End Times prophecies, culminating in the Return of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Second Coming an ever-Glorious Event that will happen in the lives of many people in this current generation. There will be peace and a new springtime., The Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Why does the heavenly Father want to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart? My guardian angel also revealed his presence to me as well. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. Will lead many away from the Sign the element of time in the.. 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