6 relationship lessons from the book of ruth

Ruth's and Naomi's journey from heartbreak to hope offers an Old Testament glimpse into God's redemptive power as He transforms a bitter widow and a former idolater into a family legacy . Kenneth Way September 26, 2016. Lesson no. But, that was only half the solution to the problem. But Boaz was different. But she did not. Be careful of the decisions you make thinking you have time. a. The book of Ruth found in the Old Testament is one of the few Bible . Hope in Trouble times. Through Ruths story, we learn that God uses the most unlikely people for his purpose. Even though Ruth wasnt a Jew and was a Moabite, God didnt allow those titles to change His love for Ruth. Often, we think of the Book of Ruth as "outdated" or "too old," yet there are important lessons we can learn. ISBN-13: . Ruth, biblical character, a woman who after being widowed remains with her husband's mother. 1. She admitted that she felt that God had dealt with her bitterly. Hopefully the story of Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth will hold additional lessons for us as well. Some conversations require perfect timing because of the issue that needs to be discussed. For Ruth everything seemed hopeless when she lost her husband even worse for Naomi. And they respond with similar pleasantries. All rights reserved. Instead, Boaz brought relief to her life. 3) Servant Leaders Show Extraordinary Kindness. Couples must balance each other and have a forgiving heart. There will be days where you completely mess things up and there will be other days when you succeed in every aspect. Open your Safari menu and tap "Add to Home Screen". Its crushing to lose a spouse. Naomi organized a plan to let Boaz know that Ruth is open for marriage. Boaz didnt seem to have this concern. Ruth and Boaz had a child together and he also took care of Naomi. One of the major lessons we can deduce from the book of Ruth and Ruth's story is that choosing to serve God requires faith and determination even in uncertain times. Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse. Here are four relationship lessons I gleaned from my most recent re-reading of the book of Ruth. Here are seven lessons to learn from Ruth. It doesnt matter if youre a male or female, God cares about everyone the same. He made kind gestures to reveal his heart to her and left it there. How a Man Should Treat a Woman According to God. The point is, we cant say for sure but it is likely that he had a wife. Remember to thank and recognize your partner each day. Read Ruth 1. The Book of Ruth provides many relationship lessons that perpetuate the meaning of true love. 1:6-22: Widowed Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth return to Bethlehem. The Book of Ruth is literally the Book of Friendship. Relationships today are the exact same! This other characteristic of Ruth in the Bible often goes unnoticed. Be Blessed. She had married the son of an Israelite family while they were living in Moab, but at some point her father-in-law, her husband, and her husband's only brother died. Its a popular saying: Im waiting for my Boaz. Nothing is going in her favor, but shes brave, and her faith never wavers. Love is a very interesting concept. Ruths diligence was being observed without her knowing it. She wasnt expecting this level of kindness and she that as a stranger this was very much out of the ordinary. Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links which wont change your price. Others, like Naomi, remain in the relationship out of necessity instead of loving devotion. Naomi planned to return to Israel and encouraged Ruth to stay in Moab and return to her mother's family. Ruth chose to go with her mother-in-law, showing not only how dedicated she was to Naomi, but also her dedication to the God of Israel. But she cannot wash her face with the looking-glass. It is unlikely that it was written before the time of David (cp. Just because one couple doesnt live like another doesnt mean that theyre any less or more in love than another couple. She took action. Ruth the Moabite is loyal to Yahweh and Naomi. Looking at the bigger picture of the Book of Ruth its evident now to see how the famine, Naomis relocation to Moab, the return to Bethlehem, Boazs blood line, and several other events had a hand in the overall plan for Ruths life. There were both positive and negative qualities about Ruth but more positive than negative. If we were to explore them all, this post would never end. Naomi's grief was very real. This is an important truth for us today. Ruth followed Naomi into the unknown. Ruth went above and beyond in the way she honored and respected her mother-in-law, and in doing so became known in the entire city as a virtuous woman. She worked hard to provide food for her and her mother-in-law. Each person within the relationship must understand that everyone has imperfections and its imperative that they come to terms with this reality. She could not be accused of being idle. The Midrash points out that Ruth would only go to the fields with the permission of her mother-in-law. Lesson 1: Sometimes, the right choice requires immense sacrifice. But he didnt do that. There are three lessons that can be learned from Ruth and Naomi's relationship that are reflected in this verse. Its easy to judge others and caste your own beliefs and judgment upon the way theyre living their life; however its important to be able to see both sides of the fence. My favourite book in the Bible is the book of Ruth. The Book of Ruth relates that Ruth and Orpah, two women of Moab, had married two sons of . Boaz was one such person but there was another who came before Boaz. Once they realize that their significant other doesnt have bad intentions when they make mistakes, theyll discover that their relationship will truly prosper. Life changing conversations should probably happen when both parties are fully present and engaged. There was another kinsman who had more right than Boaz to claim Ruth. Ten years passed, and Mahlon and Chilion both died. And thats why when youre dating you should probably spend lots of time outdoors or around other people. She could have qualified for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Even though it may not make complete sense during the time its taking place, its important to recognize how God has and continues to change your life on a daily basis with His actions. The book of Ruth is a beautiful piece of sacred literature, applauded by many for its literary excellence. A famine in Canaan forces Elimelech and Naomi, along with their sons, to migrate from Bethlehem to Moab. Communication is one of the hardest things for human beings to accomplish. He brought something to the table that marched Ruths hardworking and virtuous nature. The word root for the name "Ruth"in Hebrew, "Rooth"means "friendship" or "friend.". Ruth gave up everything in Moab to follow Naomi and the God she barely knew. Just 10 years later her sons die, too. Boaz was a type (prophetic symbol) of Christ and His redemptive work in our lives today. But one thing is sure: Boaz didnt add to Ruths stress. Listen To The Advice of The Wise. We know that the other kinsman did not want to marry Ruth because he didnt want to divide his inheritance even further among his existing children. She was childless. But Ruth refused to stay and instead went to Bethlehem with her. The story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz ( Ruth 1-4) is one of the most moving accounts in the Bible. When were in a relationship, its relatively easy to subconsciously take advantage of your partner because they are with you each day. One of the moral lessons we can get from the bible story of Ruth is the importance of making wise choices as Ruth did in Ruth 1:16-18 that made her choose to stay with Naomi despite Orpah choosing otherwise. I will not talk much about Naomi here as I have dedicated an entire post to her. The Book of Ruth provides us with a great story about love. She made a choice to stay with Naomi and help her, all the while knowing that she was going to a country that wouldnt like her very much. He was wealthy but he gave more than grains and barley. Ruth was a Moabite, a nation of pagans and idol worshippers. 1. You never know whos watching you and has the power to fulfill Gods plans and blessings. Act 3: Ruth and Boaz are at the threshing floor ( Ruth 3:1-18 ). Freedom was a key aspect of their friendship. In The Midst Of Bad Circumstances, The Lord Is In Control Of Your Life. The Book of Ruth is a fantastic example that exemplifies the rollercoaster ride that love can take us on. Naomi, later on, lost her husband and she was left with her two sons. Install Feel The Words, and access it like a regular app. The first concerns the happy accident of Ruth's 6 Relationship lessons from the book of Ruth . Obviously, the author was familiar with Israels greatest king. Boaz firstly asks the kinsman if he would be willing to purchase Naomis land. . The story of Naomi in the Bible and lessons we can learn, The story of Rebekah in the Bible meaning, characteristics and lessons learned . It was all manual labor. They were being punished with a famine. They were both young women who had both lost their husbands. When Ruth gets to Bethlehem, he decided to go to the fields to pick up left over grains for them to grind into flour to use for good. These blessings point out how God works in the . Look out for a man who brings freshness to your life. No matter what devastating situation comes into play, love will conquer all because it is ultimately what brings people together. She pictured responsible living - 1:9-10, 14. Sometimes were afraid that sharing our questions and doubts and disappointments will turn other people away from God, when actually, sharing about our relationship with God openly can bring more intimacy to our relationships and help draw other people to their own faith. . He had not done what he was supposed to do. Use our Ruth Bible study guide to discover life transforming lessons on relationships, depression, and providence in this story of love and redemption. For Ruth and Naomi, they needed sovereignty and in essence a fresh start. Both Naomi and Ruth experienced a great amount of grief, however both prevail Naomi loses her husband two sons. God heard her cries and helped her feel complete again. Samson's relationship with Delilah is a far cry from Ruth's relationship with Boaz. Its hard to have faith. The book of Ruth follows the book of Judges in our Bibles because its setting was in that time period. The intersection of their lives becomes not only the framework of an earthly love story but . When Ruth uncovered the feet of Boaz at the threshing floor, it was a powerful gesture. Tucked between the books of Judges and 1 st Samuel, it can be easily missed when thumbing through the Old Testament. The word that Boaz used to describe Ruth is the same word used to describe the Proverbs 31 woman. Love is organic and the Book of Ruth is just one of the best examples to portray these ideal. Its four chapters . If there was ever a Hallmark-worthy story in the Bible, this is it. Book of Ruth, Old Testament book belonging to the third section of the biblical canon, known as the Ketuvim, or Writings. Every relationship will have its ups and downs because no relationship is perfect. Elimelech passes away, and about 10 years later, both of Naomis sons die, as well. The Book of Ruth enables readers to view, in a small-scale way, the foundational biblical story of the exodus. A man of Boazs age was expected to have already Wed and started producing children. Elimelech was trying to escape hard times by leaving Bethlehem to a pagan country. This was the first romantic move he made. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Ruths story is one that exemplifies the reality that so many of us are thrown at every day death, love, heartache, falling into love and even compassion for others that share love. They choose to stay together and forge a union. He was wealthy. by I Gordon. She had nowhere to go and yearned to feel complete, so she returned to Judah. Even when things are hard. It has really helped me to still have hope even in difficulty times. When John the Baptist was born, Zacharias was speaking in the future about the work of Christ, announcing: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people. (Luke 1:68). In this video, I share 6 practical lessons to learn from the book of Ruth, especially as it relates to Christian relationship. But what you do see is an ordinary and challenging life shaped by faith and guided by the God she believes in, and today we can look back and see the mighty way her life was used. No matter what, they see it all and because they are there each day its easy to get lost in that safety net. Ruth laid aside her pain, left her home and family, and turned her face to the future with hope as she journeyed to a new place with her mother-in-law. The love story of Ruth and Boaz can be found in the book of Ruth. At the time this story is unfolding, Israel had strayed from Gods will. While in Moab, the boys get married. She was freshly widowed and scrounging for food. When Boaz is introduced in the story, the first thing he does is to greet his workers and servants. But when it comes to relationships, its even harder. Ruth allowed herself to be loved and led by Naomi. Stressful. However, if we look forward and allow our compassion for one another fuel our outlook then we will see how love can flourish. The characteristics of Ruth in the Bible also include her being a hard worker, and someone who takes care of those around her. Anyone who looked at this foreign widow would have never guessed that God would choose her bloodline for the line of the promised redeemer Jesus. God orchestrated the events of both their lives to make finding love again possible for Ruth. There are many but I will only go over 6 of them. The couples two sons both married when they moved to Moab. And what a bountiful blessing she reaped! The Book of Ruth is more than just a story about someone whose life was changed by love, but it reveals how love can truly move mountains and change the course of more than just two people that fall in love. The story has three main characters: Naomi, Ruth and Boaz. God is the perfect match maker. He wanted to conduct things in such a way that it was above board and unquestionable. Early in the story we met Ruth and Orpah. The Book of Ruth provides us with a great story about love. ( Ruth 2:2). Our doctrines, practices, policies. 4: Boaz accepts and marries Ruth; they become the ancestors of David and Jesus Christ. Naomi is the one who sets the tone for her relationship with daughter-in-law Ruth. But even when her sister-in-law chose to go back, Ruth made a different decision. Ruth shows pure, boundless love to her mother-in-law. Ruth worked from morning till night. Naomi hatches a "plan" to join Ruth and Boaz for "good" ( Ruth 2:22 ). He dies in Moab. Seek and heed the advice of the righteous. When Boaz commented on Ruths character, he did so based on more than just his observation of her. They have nothing, so Ruth goes to work in the grain fields so they have enough food to eat. Grief and sorrow do not trump love. The reality that Ruth experiences is relatable to couples in love today. We all must understand the importance of being thankful and recognizing others that make a difference within our life especially within our relationships. Their . Every week you will receive a devotional and a free printable PDF that will help you dive deeper into our Ruth Bible Study. The indescribable passion and struggles that accompany love is displayed in the Book of Ruth and these actions personify our own struggles that we come face-to-face with on a daily basis. So Boaz had to be out there in the rain and sunshine with his workers. Note that he addressed her as daughter. Ruth and Boaz had a child together and he also took care of Naomi. Later tragically, Naomis husband and two sons died. All Rights Reserved. This means she was ready to be taken as his wife and to enter into a relationship of mutual submission and trust. Its easy to judge others and caste your own beliefs and judgment upon the way theyre living their life; however its important to be able to see both sides of the fence. Lets face it, no one is perfect! I went out full, and the Lord hath brought me home again empty. (Ruth 1:20,21a KJV). The time of year is early spring, "the beginning of the barley harvest " (Ruth 1:22 ). Each lecture focuses on a key character in Ruth and what they represent. Monday, September 30, 2019. For this reason, she was at a disadvantage. Bible Study: Book of Ruth Chapter 4. Bathsheba (referred to as Uriahs wife in the genealogy of Jesus) only became Davids wife after David took her for himself and killed her husband. The Book of Ruth is a fantastic example that exemplifies the rollercoaster ride that love can take us on. But there is a lesson in the book of Ruth. Its evident that Naomi understands that God wants her to continue her relationship with Ruth and she expresses these feelings with thanks and recognition. And yet, his fingerprints are all over the events of Ruth. She had to go gather behind the harvesters in the fields to get a bit of barley so they could survive. I imagine that they must have prayed for Gods favor. We also see the freedom in their relationship. So well only look at a few. Mrs. Mckinnel would stay at home, while her father was the type of person who saw well in everyone. Naomi was essentially empty and devastated after she lost her husband and sons. Even though it may not make complete sense during the time its taking place, its important to recognize how God has and continues to change your life on a daily basis with His actions. Ruth was taken and overwhelmed with his kindness that she bowed before Boaz. She lost her husband and her two sons. Instead, he waited for her to choose him. The relationship between Ruth and Naomi is a reflection of the faithful love of God offered to Israel and to us in the gift of covenant. The love of a man and the love of a woman should always be considered as an equally powerful element. She chose to serve the God of Naomi, and she believed there was still life left for her to live. She might have been married before but now she was practically starting her life over. Good, godly relationships should not produce more problems and stress than you bargained for. which revealed that our heavenly father do not differentiate. All these little details in the story, gives us a glimpse of Boazs character and influence. Tamar resorted to trickery to bear a son. This next characteristic of Ruth in the Bible has to do with who she was at heart. They struggled with poverty. Boaz therefore went to a meeting in which he was able to win Ruth from that family member. Among them is how it illustrates the relationship between Jesus (Yahshua) with His Church. By Boaz, the man who could and would make her life a whole lot better. Blessing. But one thing is clear: Boaz was extremely attracted to her characteristics of being hardworking and morally sound. While your confidence may be wavering, Gods promises are not. The book of Ruth in the Bible is an anthology of love and forgiveness. On the day that Ruth decided to go gleaning, on that very day, Boaz chose to visit his field. It means to refuse to rush or settle with someone who does not meet Gods approval. Whether youre going through a break-up or divorce, there is a reason for all of the pain. It was a sacrifice for Ruth to refuse to return to her family. THE BOOK OF RUTH Lesson 3: Chapters 3:6-4:22 Boaz Becomes Ruth's Blood Redeemer Previous Ruth Lessons List. Naomi already felt that God had dealt very bitterly with her, yet she continued to hope. Mary was a young virgin who was already engaged to Joseph when she became pregnant with Jesus, and she showed great courage in her willingness to bear the scorn and shame that came with a pregnancy that occurred before marriage. Have you ever heard of the saying, dont throw rocks at a glass house? The story is told in the Book of Ruth, part of the biblical canon called Ketuvim, or Writings. Lesson #4 - Sharing Openly About Our Relationship with God Brings Intimacy to Relationships The story of Naomi and Ruth are woven together closely that their stories are nearly inseparable. And yet it was that sharing and intimacy that was the foundation of the deep relationship these two women shared. Waiting for your Boaz means to wait for the one with specific characteristics. "I would like to go to the fields ". She was the same person wherever she went. The book of Ruth is packed with so many lessons about, life, love and faithfulness. Their story is found in the Book of Ruth and it not only inspires hope for many, but includes 3 life lessons that can bring us opportunities, help us achieve our goals and live a stable life. In the moments where life feels like its crushing you, start with a little faith. People can be great pretenders. He died where there was plenty to feed his body but nothing to feed his soul. Ruth reminds us that no matter what lies in our past, and no matter how difficult our circumstances may be, a little bit of faith makes a huge difference. A man named Elimelech, from Bethlehem-Judah, left his hometown when a famine struck. 1:1-5: Elimelech and his family go to Moab. God had every intention of Ruth being part of the story for the lineage of Jesus. She was letting him know she was ready for the next stage. 1. One day you will find your true love and all of the obstacles that you had to overcome will provide you with the strength for that love to withstand the test of time. 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