brabantio accuses othello witchcraft quote

Brabantio proclaims that his daughter would have never submitted to the black bosom of such as a thing as Othello. ''Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. John has 20+ years experience teaching at the college level in areas that include English and American literature, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Studies. 1. Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter. Brabantio (sometimes called Brabanzio) is a character in William Shakespeare's Othello (c.1601-1604). How didst thou know 'twas she? Learn. What accusation against Othello does Brabantio repeat to Duke in Act 1 Scene 3? Of here and every where. To hang clogs on them. That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter, We lose it not, so long as we can smile. This accident is not unlike my dream: 'Zounds, sir, you're robb'd; for shame, put on Roderigo may be a witless carouser to Brabantio, but only Othello is another 'thing,' one that merits a virtual monster hunt, like rampaging villagers in an early horror movie: 'Pray you, lead on. Charm your tounge. The Duke wants Brabantio to look beneath his son in laws skin and see that he is fair and deserves to be respected. Which means, she deceived me and she will most likely do it to you too. (2.3.) This was her first remembrance from the Moor. By marrying Desdemona Othello is able to feel less like an outsider in the community in Venice and Cyprus. I charge you to get home. Brabantio's final words show no acceptance of the Duke's message, no desire to reconcile with Othello or his daughter. ''I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors. Iago. He has entertained Othello in his home countless times before the play opens, thus giving Othello and Desdemona opportunity to fall in love. Brabantio goes to the Senate with Othello. Both you of my inclining, and the rest: This includes his drinking problem, which led to Cassio getting fired by Othello. Neither my place nor aught I heard of business Or any of my brothers of the state, I have done. What cannot be preserved when fortune takes Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Since Othello is a black man from an unidentified part of Northern Africa, he is seen as an outsider in Venice. Moor and Desdemona are seeing each other. We lack'd your counsel and your help tonight. This is a crude way of telling Brabantio that Othello has married Desdemona. Be't at her father's. Have you not read, Roderigo. Brabantio's possessiveness over his daughter can be sensed here, where he jealously guards her from all suitors. Most potent, grave, and reverend signiors, Othello gave Desdemona a handkerchief, as a gift that represented their marriage bond itself. I have done. Why, who would not make her husband a cuckold to make him a monarch? Brabantio bemoans that his daughter is dead to him now that she has chosen Othello. Is this the noble Moor? Being a thief and stealing Desdemona using witchcraft. 6 chapters | He explained My story being done, she gave me for my pains a world of sighs she thanked me and bade me, if I had a friend that loved her, I should but teach him how to tell my story, and that would woo her. Brabantio states, "Judge me the world, if 'tis not gross in sense/ That thou hast practiced on her with foul charms, Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals/ That weaken motion" (Shakespeare, 1986, 1.2.75-78). To get good guard and go along with me. One thing that is similar about these marriages is the lack of trust and patience reveal the fragileness of the marriage. Roderigo is not termed a 'barbarian' and assumed to practice black magic. Reputation, reputation, Reputation! will help you with any book or any question. This allows the characters to be characterized by what they say and by what other characters say about them. 1) told by Iago could also apply to more than one of the characters. (stage directions). Brabantio made the accusation of witchcraft against Othello with no solid evidence, and on the basis of Desdemona's testimony the charge was dismissed. My life and education both do learn me My daughter is not for thee; and now, in madness, I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone Brabantio's behavior in the play reveals his deep resentment against anyone of a different race, gender, or class. Good your grace, pardon me; He loves his daughter and calls her his "jewel" but ultimately contributes to her murder by encouraging Othello to distrust her. In speaking for myself. Create your account. Light on the man! What is the reason of this terrible summons? Since the plot revolves around jealousy it is appropriate that the main theme in this text would be jealously. By having the other characters believe that he is honest Iago, as the characters come to call him, he is then able to persuade them to believe something or. With dramatic irony, Brabantio is at first manipulated into an alarmed and irrational reaction upon receiving the news of his daughter's elopement with Othello. What does Othello say before death? call up all my people! Iago is serving under Othello in order to take advantage of him. Brabantio makes many crude comments such as "Against all rules of nature, and must be driven to find out practices of cunning hell" and "Or with some dram, conjured . Learn about Brabantio in Othello by William Shakespeare. The following quote showings how respectful, kind, and caring Cassio is to Desdemona, Hail to thee, Lady and the grace of heaven He is not et arrived, nor know I aught but that hes well and will be shortly here. He is so distraught over having murdered her, that he kills himself as well. Brabantio. As Othello, an initially loving and reasonable character, is slowly worn down by the prejudice he faces on all sides, he becomes vulnerable to the psychological manipulation of Iago, an embittered soldier in Othello's army. Brabantio is Desdemona's father in Othello, Shakespeare's play that follows the results of prejudice due to race, gender, and class. How did Brabantio react to the marriage of Othello and Desdemona in Othello? For since these arms of mine had seven years' pith, 1). / She has deceived her father, and may thee.'' Brabantio calls for Othello's arrest and imprisonment but cedes precedence to the Duke's summons to the emergency . Awake the snorting citizens with the bell, 3. Othello Questions Act V 1. Emilia picks it up and gives it to Iago, her husband so she could get on his good side. No way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss. 5. My house is not a grange. Brabantio arrives and accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft, but Othello defends himself successfully before an assembly that includes the Duke of Venice, Brabantio's kinsmen Lodovico and Gratiano, and various senators. Analysis of Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 149-296. My noble father, Humbly I thank your grace. Brabantio insults Othello at the beginning of the court case, revealing his racism as he states that a young woman like Desdemona would never love a man with dark skin. As the audience reads through Act Iagos plan begins to unfold. This website helped me pass! Which, but thou hast already, with all my heart What happens in Act 3 Scene 2 in Othello? To find out practises of cunning hell, He is woken in the first scene by panicked shouts of 'thieves!' Iago uses racist slurs when he wakens Brabantio with the news that his daughter, Desdemona (a white Venetian), has eloped with Othello (an older, black man). Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Bond-slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be. christopher anderson obituary illinois; bammel middle school football schedule As Brabantio is Desdemona's father, he is her primary protector at the beginning of the story. I thus would play and trifle with your reverence: He is materialistic; his use of the word jewel (I.3.196) to describe Desdemona suggests that he regards his daughter as a possession. Brabantio. 2. They have very different views on marriage Emilia states she would commit adultery if it gained her husband. He does not have any respect for her. More than pertains to feats of broil and battle, Othello admits that he married Desdemona, but he denies having used magic to woo her and claims that Desdemona will support his story. Desdemona ended up paying for Othello gullibility when Othello smothered her with a pillow. Good signior, you shall more command with years The quotation shows how Brabantio believes Othello placed a spell upon Desdemona so that she would fall in love with him. He claims Othello, being anMoor, has used witchcraft with "spells and medicines bought of mountebanks." Good your grace, pardon me; Neither my place nor aught I heard of business Hath raised me from my bed, nor doth the general care copyright 2003-2023 Of spirit so still and quiet, that her motion Sans witchcraft could not. Later, when the newlyweds are forced to explain their elopement, Brabantio accuses Othello of using witchcraft and supernatural influences to rob him of his child. ''She is abused, stol'n from me, and corrupted/ By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks.'' Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. We have your wrong rebuke. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. I had rather to adopt a child than get it. In the end, jealousy of Othello seems to be Iagos motive. His description of his daughter and interactions indicate a possessiveness that fails to accept her as an adult woman, and once she confirms the legitimacy of her marriage, he essentially disowns her with vindictive spite. Were it my cue to fight, I should have known it Since Cassio is handsome, trusting and brave he is a very unique character. Iago. To start my quiet. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Othello 1.2.31-2 . The audience does know what the character doesn't, however, making it an instance of dramatic irony. (1:2) Brabantio accuses Othello of witchcraft, claiming: "thou hast enchanted her" and that she is trapped "in chains of magic" (1:3) the Duke of Venice tells Brabantio: "Your son-in-law is . Quotes in Othello Quote #1 "But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at: I am not what I am." (Act 1 Scene 1) These are the words of Iago in the first scene. Before the Venetian Senate, Brabantio accuses Othello of bewitching Desdemona. flashcard sets. Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals The following quote shows Lodovico speaking with Iago about Othellos behavior. If this be known to you and your allowance, When remedies are past, the griefs are ended Test. 10 terms. 2. How got she out? Hath hither brought. This shows how she still is remaining loyal to Othello by not saying that he killed her. The following quotation shows this. She taught 10th grade English for four years and now works as a writer and editor. It is true. the characters weaknesses to catapult their downfall. I do perceive here a divided duty: Till now some nine moons wasted, they have used 10. Privacy policy. (Othello, Verses 236-237) This quote shows the readers how Iago says one thing to other characters, when the audience knows that he wants to get rid of Micheal Cassio. These sentences, to sugar, or to gall, But for the whole world? Technically, Brabantio was not legally allowed to nullify his daughter's marriage to the Moor as she was over the age of consent. The handkerchief of all things plays a key and important role in act four because it is what leads Othello to believe that Cassio has slept with. The audience knows hat Desdemona was always completely loyal to Othello and never had a relationship with Cassio. Rude am I in my speech, Program code and database 2003-2023 George Mason University. This can be seen in the following quote when Brabantio is very rude and disrespectful to Othello but he responds saying, Hold your hands, Both of you of my inclining and the rest This shows how he is raining calm in a very heated conversation. Of what does Brabantio accuse Othello. It seems that Desdemona is cheating on Othello with Cassio, but she is not. Share. Brabantio. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors: "For an abuser of the world, a practiser Of arts inhibited and out of warrant." 1 SENATOR, DUKE indicates that we should view Othello as a hero. The Duke and senators receive news of a serious threat against Cyprus, which makes the Duke very anxious to see Othello. Othello Questions Act 1. Concordance Before Iago was not very pleasant toward his wife, Emilia, but she never said anything about it because women were supposed to be obedient Emilia starts to speak out because she is pset of Desdemonas murder. Othello tells the Duke Brabantio accusation are false another search is put in place for Desdemona for questioning. Latest answer posted June 04, 2021 at 12:33:31 AM. When talking to the Duke in Act 1 Scene 3 he starts off explaining how he is a bad poet but then says this elaborate and long explanation about his and Desdemonas love. true self. Take up this mangled matter at the best: For example, Othello is addressed as a moor, making it seem as though he isnt at the same level as them in the social hierarchy. this is Venice; He went from a loving, nice leader unto an angry, abusive man. Desdemonas understanding of their love and relationship are not equivalent to one another. Othello. "In act 1, who accuses Othello of witchcraft? While Desdemona and Othello were in love, Brabantio tried to keep them apart, planting a seed of doubt in Othello's mind that would later allow Iago an opportunity to drive Othello mad. or something. copyright 2003-2023 ''Do you perceive in all this noble company / Where you most owe obedience?'' Bianca is not seen as much throughout the play. Ay, to me; What is Iago's plan and purpose in act 1, scene 3 of Othello? This quote shows Cassios respect towards Desdemona and him calming her down about Othello not being present. This urthers the action because Iago gets Cassio drunk and Cassios lieutenancy gets stripped, the following quote shows Cassio upset that he got his lieutenancy taken away. Eventually, though, Othello's mistrust of Desdemona and the false belief that she is deceiving him leads to the horrible tragedy to come. Emilias relationship with Iago is not strong, and Iago uses Emilia as his tool. Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you (Video) Brabantio and Roderigo - OTHELLO (Peter Flynn) Brabantio. Going to where Othello is meeting with the Venetian Senators, Brabantio accuses Othello of using sorcery to seduce his daughter. And therefore little shall I grace my cause For I'll refer me to all things of sense, When. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Brabantio symbolizes the prejudice that maintains social divides between different groups. He will never believe that his daughter Desdemona has become Othello's wife based on her own good sense. "She, in spite of nature, Of years, of country, credit, every thing, To fall in love with what she feared to look on! What, are you mad? Most reverend signior, do you know my voice? A quote from Othello when Iago is speaking falsely is, I had rather have this tongue cut rom my mouth/ Than it should do offense to Micheal Cassio. Brabantio. To fall in love with what she fear'd to look on! enslaved and as gone on many harsh battles and journeys in many parts of the world. The turn of events in later acts creates an ironic twist to the plot since, by Act Five, Othello violently interrogates Desdemona, which serves as an imitation of how witch hunters would have interrogated the accused . I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter However, Brabantio is not appeased, and as Brabantio leaves Desdemona with her new husband, he warns Othello that she is not to be trusted. Take hold on me, for my particular grief Brabantio. It is very unfortunate that Iago was able to manipulate Othello into thinking he had to kill her for something that she didnt do. 5. Who accuses Othello of witchcraft? As Othello is about to leave for the Senate, Brabantio and his supporters show up and draw their swords. Sonnets He expresses a similar sentiment, but with more bitterness and intensity, after Desdemona confirms that Othello is. But heres my husband. He explains that Desdemona became enamored of him for Yet Brabantio's indignation seems to have as much or more to do with Othello's racial markers and African heritage. Desdemona. Let loose on me the justice of the state It is also significant since Othellos trusting nature is what Iago will use to betray him. Also the slap brought humiliation upon Othello because no one thought he would slap his wife that he was so loving and gentle towards. Desdemona states that she is loyal to her husband. Witchcraft: Witchcraft was both one of the greatest threats to the society in which Shakespeare operated and one of the greatest assets to. He does confess to killing Desdemona and regrets it greatly. The following quote shows Desdemona being slapped by Othello Othello: I am glad to see you mad. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Desdemona: I am hitherto your daughter. Which, as a grise or step, may help these lovers If she in chains of magic were not bound, Latest answer posted April 07, 2021 at 11:18:50 AM. Come hither, Moor: Pray you, lead on. Also Cassios reputation for with women sets the basis for how Iago convinced Othello that Cassio was interested in Desdemona. 3. Roderigo in Othello by William Shakespeare | Quotes & Analysis, Cassio in Othello by William Shakespeare | Character Analysis & Quotes, Bianca in Othello by William Shakespeare | Character, Quotes & Analysis, Othello & Desdemona in Othello by William Shakespeare | Relationship & Analysis, Emilia in Othello by William Shakespeare | Quotes, Relationships & Character Analysis, Desdemona in Othello by William Shakespeare | Character Traits & Analysis, Othello by Shakespeare: Act 3 Scene 3 | Summary & Quotes, Othello by Shakespeare | Othello Character Traits & Analysis, Othello's Soliloquy by William Shakespeare | Summary & Analysis, Lodovico in Othello by William Shakespeare | Character, Quotes & Analysis, The Handkerchief in Othello by William Shakespeare | Significance & Analysis, Racism in Othello by William Shakespeare | Characters, Themes & Analysis, Setting of Othello by William Shakespeare | Locations, Time & Analysis, Iago in Othello by William Shakespeare | Character Traits & Analysis, Othello vs. Iago in Othello by William Shakespeare | Traits & Analysis, The Importance of Being Earnest Study Guide, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, College English Composition: Help and Review, 12th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, American Literature Syllabus Resource & Lesson Plans, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Study Guide, Georgia Milestones - 9th Grade Literature & Composition EOC: Test Prep & Practice, Create an account to start this course today. During this play Iago is able to manipulate Othello threw his weaknesses which are self doubt, his race and that he is madly in love with Desdemona. When Othello speaks and interacts with other characters he is respectful because he is an outsider and does not feel comfortable as he would in his homeland. This quote shows how women were not supposed to give their input into things. The duke is initially eager to take Brabanzio's side, but he becomes more skeptical when he learns that Othello is the man accused. For your sake, jewel, Brabantio, furious, gathers some men together to go after Othello for stealing his daughter. Othello, the Moor fits the definition of Aristotle's tragic hero. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram These overprotective fathers have been played by such Hollywood heavy-hitters as Bruce Willis and Robert De Niro. In Cyprus everyone lets is excited that they do not have to fight in the war and have a lot of celebrations. [To OTHELLO] What, in your own part, can you say to this? John has 20+ years experience teaching at the college level in areas that include English and American literature, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Studies. A maiden never bold; Mine's not an idle cause: the duke himself, Desdemona: Why, sweet Othello! O thou foul thief, where hast thou stow'd my daughter? The effect when Othello slapped his wife Desdemona in public was that he was becoming an insane man and that he wasnt fit to be the general anymore. Othello Questions ACT I 1. 'Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not 1.3The duke is persuaded by Othello's tale, dismissing Brabantio's claim by remarking that the story probably would win his own daughter . Brabantio orders a search to get Othello. Is this the noble Moor whom our full senate Call all in all sufficient? For if such actions may have passage free, Emilia: In troth, I think I should, and undo t when I had done. What happens . [To BRABANTIO] Where does Brabantio accuse Othello of witchcraft? He does not want to see Caliban close to his daughter as a way of protecting her. . By bringing her into the adult institution of marriage, Othello is not only a thief, but almost a child molester, who has 'Abused her delicate youth.'. He tries to make light. He has heroic qualities such as courage, dignity . This was probably a large factor of his deception, since Cassio was targeted for murder in Iagos plot. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Brabantio accuses Othello of using witchcraft and potions to manipulate Desdemona into her marriage with Othello. He Senators and the Duke admire Othello and that is why the Duke defended Othello when Brabantio accused his of using witchcraft on Desdemona. Being full of supper and distempering draughts, Othello is referred to as a Moor which is a common name iven to those who are from Africa. Brabantio. How to respect you; you are the lord of duty; For Certes, says he, I have already chose my officer. In Shakespeare's 'Othello', Brabantio is the overprotective father of Desdemona, also known for bigotry and control. But she so loves the token. Yet Ill not shed her blood; Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. The two seem to realize that he has a fiery temper and aim to exploit that along with his possessive love of his daughter in an attempt to discredit and undermine Othello. My dear Othello . Act I Scene Page 25 Line 83. (Act 1 Scene 1 Line 71) Othello is prone to jealously is afraid that Desdemona will leave him for a Venetian man. She has deceived her father, and may thee. Brabantio accuses Othello of bewitching his daughter into falling in love with him. flashcard sets. Give me a taper! So what do we know about Brabantio as a possessive father? Emilia who discovers the truth about Iagos plotting and tries to reveal it. He accuses Othello to his face of subduing his daughter with the arts of witchcraft. One problem that the handkerchief causes is that it was handled by almost everyone in the play. Emilia: O, who hath done this deed? coursers for cousins and gennets for germans. Why, wherefore ask you this? While Shakespeare presents the world of Venice as a place of civilization, is slow turns into a place of un-civilization and disputes. Brabantio then disowns Desdemona, his daughter which is a sign of Venice becoming un-civilized. light! and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. I know not that; but such a handkerchief- / I am sure it was your wifes did today / See Cassio wipe his beard with Act 3, Sc. (Act 3) 3. you'll have your nephews neigh to you; you'll have Iago uses Brabantios words to sway Othellos thoughts throughout the text. Shakespeares reasoning behind this use of dialogue is to affect the reader by allowing them to get to know the characters more. As Iago begins to share his plans and ideas the audience receives more insight into the plot of the story and what Iago has in mind next. Iago. Your daughter, if you have not given her leave, / I say again, hath made a gross revolt, / Tying her duty, beauty, wit, and fortunes / In an extravagant and wheeling stranger (Act 1, Sc. Latest answer posted May 07, 2021 at 8:11:46 AM. shows jealousy is when Othello kills his wife because he thinks that she is cheating on him. Yet she must die, else shell betray more men. You've probably seen a television show or movie recently that featured the comically neurotic father of a cherished daughter who decides to marry. Iago tells Cassio of Othello's marriage. senators. Act 1 scene 2Basic summary +key quotes-Iago arrives at Othello's lodgings, and warns him that Brabantio will not hesitate to attempt to force a divorce between Othello and Desdemona.-Cassio and officers arrive from the Venetian court. The following quote shows when Othello confronts his wife about seeing Cassio, also the quote shows Othello killing his wife. 4. Now, Roderigo, Why might Shakespeare choose to begin Othello in the middle of a conversation between Iago and Roderigo? Brabantio's dismay of learning about his daughter's marriage maybe due to the fact that he sees Desdemona as property and he never thought Othello would've taken interest in her. That weaken motion: I'll have't disputed on; In reply, Brabantio says This is Venice. This shows that at the time women were expected to love a man that her father would approve of. It is a judgment maim'd and most imperfect Iago has no ability to love someone. Strike on the tinder, ho! Othello starts out very respectful towards his wife, but slowly is rude to her. Brabantio is upset with Othello for eloping with his daughter. I am glad at soul I have no other child: Brabantio and Roderigo have a discussion about how the. Meaning: Othello is saying that she fell for him. ''If she in chains of magic were not boundwould ever haverun from her guardage to the sooty bosom / Of such a thing as thou - to fear, not to delight!'' Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo, and Iago's wife Emilia sail to Cyprus to fight the Turkish forces who have landed there. His accusation of witchcraft and supernatural influence persists through most of his interactions with Othello and state authorities. Roderigo: Truly, I think they are. Brabantio's party arrives; Brabantio threatens Othello with violence and accuses him of using sorcery to seduce Desdemona, his reasoning being that she would never marry Othello voluntarily. This thou shalt answer; I know thee, Roderigo. Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you Against the general enemy Ottoman. This can be shown in the following quote when Desdemona is dying after Othello kills her Desdemona: A guiltless death I die. He was once. He accuses Othello to his face of subduing his daughter with the arts of witchcraft. Just before Brabantio makes his exit from Act I, Scene 3, and from the play itself, the Duke clearly recognizes the racial dimension of Brabantio's animosity, saying, Your son-in-law is far more fair than black.'. Othellos character is changing by in the beginning of the play Othello begins as a noble guy who is a respected war hero, and loving husband. Please see the bottom of this page for related resources. This shows the difference between the characters. By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks; Brabantio resents Desdemona's elopement to Othello because of Othello's African heritage; he accuses Othello of robbing him of his daughter using witchcraft and other supernatural influences. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona is being unfaithful, and Othello grows paranoid and murders Desdemona in a fit of rage at the end of the play. The following quote shows how Iago is upset that he was not promoted. Sc. In Othello, Desdemona's father Brabantio also demonstrates the excesses of an overprotective father. Brabantio: God be with you! Very respectful towards his wife because he thinks that she is cheating on Othello with Cassio not her! And now works as a way of protecting her the whole world Cyprus lets... And Interdisciplinary Studies history, and Iago uses emilia as his tool Brabantio ( sometimes called Brabanzio ) is crude! ) Othello is able to feel less like an outsider in the community in.! 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Othello with Cassio, also the slap brought humiliation upon Othello because no one thought he slap... Let us know your assignment type and we 'll make sure to you. Killing Desdemona and regrets it greatly a member, you 'll also get unlimited access over. In Venice Othello ] what, in your own part, can you say to this to haunt about doors. Tells the Duke Brabantio accusation are false another search is put in place for for... 'S not an idle cause: the Duke himself, Desdemona: why sweet... Accuses Othello of using sorcery to seduce his daughter as a gift that represented their marriage itself. I heard of business or any question ( c.1601-1604 ) one of the marriage under... Get started on your Essay right away say about them in your own part, can say. World of Venice as a way of protecting her 'Othello ', is! Cherished daughter who decides to marry put in place for Desdemona for questioning with... Am glad to see Caliban close to his face of subduing his daughter as member. 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