do you salute indoors for the national anthem

As a Marine I was taught civilians cover their heart in reverence respect and allegiance but Military stood at attention presenting there heart in pride as defenders of old glory. However, under previous directives or even generations-old, military traditions, this Marine should be saluting. Second are veterans not in uniform who choose to salute. Retreat is played to mark the end of the duty day and precedes the playing of the national anthem. Navy and Marines typically dont wear covers indoors, so Im sure thats why the Marine mentioned it to you. When the Air Force Song is played, it is customary to stand at attention without saluting from the first to the last note of the music. Last years provision also applied to members of the armed forces while not in uniform. individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; members of the Armed Forces and veterans . By standing at attention without saluting, you present yourself as one without allegiance to this flag. Courtesies to the national flag and the national anthem of the United States 2 - 2, page . The President of the United States is a civilian. What should you do if you are in uniform and the National Anthem or to the colors is played? 7 Who is responsible for saluting during the national anthem? Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". They are the General of the Army (in the Army, equivalent to the foreign rank of field marshal), Fleet Admiral (in the Navy), and General of the Air Force (in the Air Force). When indoors, military personnel should stand at attention. That was one of the reasons I wrote the initial articleso that more people would be aware of what the statutory guidance is. Marines do not salute uncovered active or veteran. Do military personnel salute indoors for the National Anthem? render the hand salute. Covered means you are wearing your uniform hat. June 6, 2019 @ We were told instructed to take off hats during the national anthem and put our right hand over our heart. Afterwards recently, I was approached by a young man who was connected to the Marines. 6 What position do you stand at attention during the national anthem? When you are outdoors in uniform and the National Anthem is being played, come to attention, face the music and salute. I've heard other cadets say salute and others hand over you're heart so I want to know a definitive answer. The U.S. flag code changed in 2008. 0000011173 00000 n If theres an American Flag being displayed and there usually is you should face it instead. Saluting during the national anthem is a daily ritual for men and women in the military. What do you do when you hear the National Anthem if you are in uniform or in the military? Do they salute in the Navy? When is the only time you do not remove your headgear when reporting to an officer indoors? The Flag Code states that if you render a hand salute during the Pledge you must do it as you were in full uniform. Taps is performed by a solo bugler without accompaniment or embellishment. Thats what he was apparently taught. Whether you are attending a sports game, concert, funeral, etc., you will probably find yourself in this position at some point or another. The track announced today that Rivera will lead NASCAR fans in a stirring rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner" prior to Sunday's Pala Casino 400. Retreat is played to mark the end of the duty day and precedes the playing of the national anthem. L. 105225, Aug. 12, 1998, 112 Stat. When are you considered under arms? How would you respect the flag if you are indoors and wearing your uniform? When indoors and in civilian clothes, face the flag (or the music if the flag is not visible), stand at attention when the national anthem (of any country) or To The Color is played and place the right hand over the heart. I am 73 and was privately educated in Philadelphia . L9@5. Subscribe to Military.comand receive customized updates delivered straight to your inbox. No action is necessary at D-M during regular . Sorry for the delay. Derek July 31, 2019 @ When the National Anthem is played at a public gathering, whether by a band or by singing or both, or reproduced by any means, the attending public shall sing the anthem. Should a woman remove her hat during the National Anthem? 5 What do you do when you hear the national anthem if you are a civilian? Its now 30 years later, Im retired, and I dont wear a uniform, let alone a cover. The 2008 and 2009 Defense Authorization Acts allowed Service members and veterans not in uniform to render a salute during the National Anthem, the hoisting, lowering or the passing of the U.S. flag. They may now render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the National Anthem or during raising, lowering or passing the American flag. (I.E. If it were the National Anthem, then the answer might be different. 2 How would you respect the flag if you are indoors and wearing your uniform? 0000059704 00000 n At protocol functions and social and sporting events that include civilian participants, military personnel should: The only differences are they should remove headgear and place their right hand over their heart. the steps you need to do to show respect when the national anthem is played. Can a veteran salute during the national anthem? While uncovered in uniform at an indoor event, the National Anthem begins playing and the American flag is not being displayed. The tip of the right forefinger should meet the rim of the headgear visor to the right of the right eye. Click here to know more about it. Although statute would allow a hand salute, my sense is custom governs here and the hand over the heart is appropriate. davidegrogan While civilians can salute soldiers, many veterans consider it inappropriate or awkward. Traditionally, members of the nation?s veterans service organizations have rendered the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag while wearing their organization?s official head-gear. 10:50 PM. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Why do military not remove hats during National Anthem? Wayne R Flag code. Q. Stephen Alexander Some exam. Is it disrespectful to sing along with the National Anthem? Danged if I do, danged if I dont. . h0_o:ND0TbDX 3| eOUs=#35-EdpdE3x.$@ l2-hfp|2yL?[}*-,~NM:7/6@4wY4]>s9<2,ye(2*DE}_ Sure, you can sing along with gusto (even if you cant carry a tune), but otherwise keep your lips zippedand that includes no talking on your cell phone. Times you should salute include: When the US National Anthem, "To the Color," "Hail to the Chief," or foreign national anthems are played When you see uncased National Colors outdoors On ceremonial occasions At reveille and retreat ceremonies during the raising or lowering of the US flag During the sounding of honors 2. 12:18 AM. Therefore, its important for men and women to know the rules established under US Code 301 for showing respect in conduct when it is performed. just a questionif a member of the Armed Forces of the US wins gold in the Olympics, do they salute or put their hand over heart for the national anthem? British Army. And if youre a lefty is it okay to use left hand? Do You salute when you are in uniform in the Navy? All others should remove headgear, face the flag, place the right hand over the heart and stand at attention. Salute the flag when it is six paces from the viewer and hold it until the flag has passed six paces beyond. November 4, 2018 @ 1. 0000048762 00000 n In layman's terms that means veterans like Tyler do not have to remove their hats. Above these four general-officer ranks are five-star ranks, but these are generally reserved for wartime use. On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foes haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, oer the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? October 4, 2019 @ I was taught to stand at attention and not put hand over heart, the hand over heart was for Pledge. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Flag holidays. So what is the appropriate courtesy? It is customary to return the salute whether you are in uniform or wearing civilian clothes. since it for the pledge of allegiance and not the national anthem: while indoors in uniform you will stand at attention and . 9:29 PM, Post Script to above:, (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and, (Pub. Do soldiers salute during the National Anthem? Are women required to remove their hats? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. At official functions, social events, and sporting events, soldiers should: When in uniform, outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute. Cookie Notice Old habits die hard I suppose. 1 Do military personnel salute indoors for the National Anthem? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. June 8, 2019 @ Do not render the hand salute. Salutes are not required to be rendered or returned when the senior or subordinate, or both are in civilian attire.. She did tell us not to practice that way any more and that was the last time I rendered a salute when I was not in uniform and properly covered. Theyre exchanged on- and off-duty and on- and off-base. Last year?s provision also applied to members of the armed forces while not in uniform. November 13, 2021 @ Salutes are not required When indoors, except when Army and Air Force members are reporting to an officer. Our training and etiquette was to salute when in uniform or under arms, but stand at attention when not in uniform. Do you salute an uncovered officer navy? Someone may question you if you salute while wearing a baseball cap, especially if the cap is not in the best condition. Non uniformed servicemembers, military retirees, and veterans may render salute to flag. He is not a member of the US Military and is therefore not entitled to salute. This isnt a normal day of oh your passing through a building or watching a game in the stands in uniform or out. Salutes are not rendered indoors, except in cases of formal reporting. Given how engrained my Navy training is, I will likely choose the attention option from here on out. what is appropriate (to salute or not). Many people assume that they should face the person who is singing the National Anthem, but this isnt necessarily true. I was raised in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and am 60. Salute or Stand at Attention During the National Anthem? All rights reserved. They can salute and they can place their hand over their heart, but they are not required to. 0000004460 00000 n L. 110417, [div. Best. In civilian dress or the 7:23 PM. The military salute is described in some texts as a "one-count movement". If you're not in uniform, don't salute. Actually sent me an email thanking me for buying this product. This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008. It states that when the national anthem is being played AND a flag is displayed: A. 0000004518 00000 n You only salute covered. davidegrogan People traveling in vehicles or who are indoors are no exception. When approaching a commissioned officer, you should render a hand salute at what specific number of paces? 0000009957 00000 n Do not salute unless under arms. . 1263; Pub. When in formation, members don't return a salute unless commanded to do so. 0000002062 00000 n 8:38 PM. What is the proper etiquette for the national anthem? I do. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. TLDR Civilians should face the flag and place their right hand over their heart during the National Anthem. Privacy Policy. Arrived before delivery due date., Premium Quality Flags 100% Made In The USA, Join the PATRIOTCLUB for new videos, discount codes, and more! salute VS dont salute. davidegrogan AR 600-25 States you will only salute indoors when reporting to a superior officer. Its also possible the military puts out specific guidance for this situation Im just not aware of it. 6. I want to salute but its just so awkward for me out of uniform. If you need a crash course on the O Say Can You See lyrics (the Star-Spangled Banner), here you go: O say can you see, by the dawns early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, Oer the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? 3:55 PM. davidegrogan 7. 0000022126 00000 n A. Derek thanks for your comment and Im with you 100%. June 8, 2019 @ (A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; (B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and, (C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and. Since 1998, federal law (viz., the United States Code 36 U.S.C. After I retired from the Navy, Id heard that veterans were being given the option to salute, so thats when I did the research for this article and found that the appropriate actions are actually spelled out in a statute. With the exception of certain ceremonies, you never salute indoors. The Flag Code is silent as to conduct after the National Anthem has been sung or played. Follow these rules, as stated by the U.S. Salute illustration. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Well, Ive finally taken the time to look up the answer. Civilian personnel, to include civilian guards, are not required to render the hand salute to military personnel or other civilian personnel. Author's Thoughts Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. When wearing such a unisex cap, a woman should follow the same guidelines as for men. Author of the Steve Stilwell thriller series and Voices To Veterans. If this article has been helpful, please consider sharing it with others. According to Air Force Instruction 34-1201, Protocol,, when reveille or retreat is played, following "To the Color," or the national anthem, military members are required to salute facing the flag or the direction of the music. 0000003243 00000 n And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battles confusion, A home and a country, should leave us no more? Do salute when: Our National Anthem, "To the Colors," or "Hail to the Chief" is played. O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the wars desolation. A current or former military member should also stand at the P.O.A. Remain at attention saluting the flag until the National Anthem has finished playing. %PDF-1.6 % with a uniform hat on.) Jon Floyd August 25, 2022. 9:10 PM. It is a sign of appreciation for our nation and its core values. State Flag FAQs. Not exactly sure what to do, I returned an equally crisp salute. September 20, 2020 @ It has 15 stanzas. If he is wearing his cover he should salute. We were taught to stand straight and face the flag for the anthem ; hand over heart for the pledge recitation . October 11, 2021 @ Use the following procedures when showing respect to the flag and the national anthem: 3.5.1. TLDR Civilians should face the flag and place their right hand over their heart during the National Anthem. . I don't want to, and I don't need to. 1) Marines don't salute indoors. For the latest news releases and other information, visit VA on the Internet at The provision does not address whether head cover should be removed prior to rendering a salute. 36 U.S. Code 301 - National anthem. Pledge of Allegiance Etiquette. No, it is not mandatory. When Mark got close, he stopped, came to attention, and rendered a particularly fine salute. Given that, you can presume that if Congress intended for you to take off your hat in the salute situation, they would have said so in the statute. 4 What does it mean when retreat is played? Traditionally, veterans' service organizations rendered the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag while wearing their organization's headgear . 2) We "generally" don't wear covers indoors, unless under arms (in possession of a weapon or on duty which is "figurative" armed). What should a military member wear during the national anthem? Salutes are required when youre in uniform. 0000009125 00000 n I just cant render a salute when Im uncovered and not in uniform. The answer is quite simple. Holidays 2 - 4, page . Without it, they would be seen as being "naked". . 2 Who can salute during the National Anthem? He stressed the importance of us saluting as a way for others present to have some idea just how many Veterans there are amongst the crowd, and that it is ok for them to also be recognized. Im a little bit older Marine. %PDF-1.4 % Do you know the proper etiquette to follow when the National Anthem is performed or played? When under arms. If no flag is displayed when the national anthem is being played, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.. Section 7 of the "Flag Code" mandates that, upon seeing the raising or lowering of the flag at 08:00 and 18:00, general civilians should stand at attention and face the flag. 2. Stand with your arms straight and flat at your side and fingers pointed at the ground. When in uniform outdoors, stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute. This provision makes no mention of taking off your hat if you are wearing one before you salute. June 8, 2021 @ Diana Fox Stephen "Wally" Seibel Others look strangely at me wondering about my fidelity. Do You salute when the national anthem is played indoors? Face the flag or person you are saluting. Indoors, when the national anthem or To the Colors is played, face the flag (if present) and assume the position of attention. Either way, we are paying respect to our country and flag, dont be afraid to let others know that you served by lifting your hand in salute, davidegrogan I asked the band leader a my local college about veterans saluting out of uniform and fumbling while trying to remove the hat and saluting. The statute does not require these persons to remove their hats, nor does it prohibit them from doing so. GmL]2ol|wB[/6.P-KTQBc(,5 ltx8QP/3N:aR PJ3)AP`M\\ +))e;0[pb=yP8@0L5@ Raise the right hand to your head by the longest route (to the right of your trunk). Sharon What a history of service your family has thank you for your service! 10:27 PM. Copyright 2023 davidegrogan Military prisoners are stripped of the privilege of saluting. . Civilians should stand to attention with . Diana, thats very interesting. June 8, 2019 @ August 4, 2019 @ If you are saluting a person, it is respectful to maintain eye contact. Why dont you clap after the National Anthem? What Do Veterans Do During The National Anthem? (Remove your hat.) Q. My take. They take a break and play the anthem w/ a huge wall flag. The 2008 and 2009 Defense Authorization Acts allowed Service members and veterans not in uniform to render a salute during the National Anthem, the hoisting, lowering or the passing of the U.S. flag. 6:10 AM. Those who happen to be in an area where . I believe that I read someplace that the changes were signed by Bush the younger during his presidency. The playing of To The Color, the national anthem or the raising or lowering of the flag is what requires proper honors to be displayed to the flag. Retreat signals the end of the official duty day. Bill Schulz So far, Ive not been able to salute out of uniform, Ive gone for my hand across my heart. His simply reply was:leave it on! Thank you, davidegrogan by custom and tradition, . Drop left hand only. In this post [ show] At all bases, military members (as pedestrians) are required to salute staff cars when theres an occupant inside the car. Thanks for your time. 4 Can you wear your military uniform after retirement? Thomas thanks for your comment. 0000009765 00000 n All personnel in uniform and outside must face the flag and salute during the raising and lowering of the flag. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 contained an amendment to allow un- uniformed service members, military retirees, and veterans to render a hand salute during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.S. flag. As the other poster mentioned, Marines (and Sailors) dont render a salute when uncovered. 0000047904 00000 n Does a sentry on guard duty . A definite A+ seller., Very pleased with this seller and their product. The military salute is considered a privilege earned by those who have served in the Armed Forces and is reserved for official protocols. Men are also expected to remove their hats during the playing of the National Anthem. This includes Sergeants, Staff Sergeants, and Sergeant Majors. Being with a hat (cowboy) I stand at attention and salute. Look at the flag as the Pledge is said, and don't forget to put your right hand over your heart. When in civilian clothing outdoors, take the same action as when in uniform, but use the following . GySgt John Olson - It was Col. R. Bruce Chrisholm telling me the flags were out of position. What is meant by the competitive environment? Is standing for the National Anthem a law? This seems to contradict with the right hand over your heart. 0000004714 00000 n 301) states that during a rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present including those in uniform should stand at attention; non-military service individuals should face the flag with the right hand over the heart; members of. If no flag is present, assume the position of attention facing the music. 7003. Who can salute during the National Anthem? If you are a woman, one of these intangibles is that you will be called sir. 0000036887 00000 n Proper conduct during the national anthem is actually controlled by a federal statute: Title 36 of the U.S. Code, 301. A salute is also rendered: (1) When the United States National Anthem, "To the Color," "Hail to the Chief," or foreign national anthems are played. When you are in civilian attire, stand at attention with the right hand over the heart, face the flag and recite the pledge . Andrew that is exactly what I was taught. Performance consists of 24 notes sounded on a bugle or trumpet. It's a bit more confusing when you're inside a building that "feels" like outside, such as a covered sports arena. Paul, nothing in the statute would prohibit women from removing their hats and holding them in the same manner as men are required to do, but the statute does not require them to remove their hats as it does men. Personnel in uniform and outside must face the ag (or the music if the ag is not visible) and salute during the raising and lowering of the ag. When you go indoors, you uncover. Taps: 9 P.M. Taps is a signal of the end of the day, and is played alone to honor service members who paid the ultimate price. Personnel will not salute indoors, except when re-porting to a superior officer. Ive heard other cadets say salute and others hand over you're heart so I want to know a definitive answer. The statute governing salutes addresses three situations. 10:08 AM. 43 0 obj <> endobj xref 43 31 0000000016 00000 n Answer (1 of 2): I absolutely, never, ever, salute anything, during the national anthem. I just need to complete my research before I put the information out as I want to be sure what I am saying is correct. And sure enough I stood at attention both hands to my sides. The Flag House is located on the northwestcorner of Albemarle and Pratt Streets in Baltimore, Maryland. 0000012347 00000 n Putting my hand over my heart is also super awkward. The craftsmanship is superb and the colors are vibrant, we couldn't be happier with it., Right down to the packaging and shipping box everything was 5 , Great company to deal with. I've known a few long-service Navy chiefs, and this must be a common characteristic. salute is held as long as you are giving your report or until the salute is returned. For a civilian at a sporting or other event where the anthem is sung or played pre-recorded, is it safe to say just always place hand over heart? June 8, 2021 @ If you are in uniform and recognize an officer in civilian clothes, you should initiate the proper greeting and salute. The tradition dates back to early European military customs and has been adopted by militaries throughout the world. A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel. Flag Day isn't simply about honoring a particular design on a cloth. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You dont have to salute indoors, except when you report to a superior officer. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Salute the flag at the first note of the National Anthem and hold the salute until the last note . But, as you note, the statute makes no distinction. 0000007938 00000 n We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When Retreat concludes, personnel in uniform come to attention and render a salute when the first note of the National Anthem sounds. Individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; B. 3. That said, because it wasnt an option in the statute, I changed to putting my hand over my heart. 8:22 AM. The adjutant returns all salutes with one salute. FREE Shipping Today on Orders to the mainland USA. That concludes the steps you need to do to show respect when the national anthem is played. and retired servicemembers to salute the national colors, whether covered or uncovered, indoors or out. Individuals in uniform should salute the flag during the duration of the song. 5 Can a veteran salute during the national anthem? It is also a privilege that can be taken away. The third section addresses veterans who desire to place their right hands over their hearts. Bring to a position where the index finger is an inch above the right eye with fingertips almost touching the beret or other head dress. They may now render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the National Anthem or during raising, lowering or passing the American flag. The 2008 and 2009 Defense Authorization Acts allowed Service members and veterans not in uniform to render a salute during the National Anthem, the hoisting, lowering or the passing of the U.S. flag. The national anthem of the United States. The same courtesy is rendered to sister service songs. Formal uniform hats, or "covers," must be worn outside and carried indoors. Prior to the law being changed, I paid my respects to those that went before me by removing head gear and placing my right hand over my heart. In my nearly 10 years I have never seen a salute rendered indoors except when reporting to an officer or board, receiving a promotion or award, or by an individual on guard duty. WASHINGTON Veterans and active-duty military not in uniform can now render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the national anthem, thanks to changes in federal law that took effect this month. 1:46 PM. However, brief kisses and hugs are acceptable during deployments and homecomings. NOTE FROM JACK PAXTON: This has been around for a little while (more than a year even if they are now immediately releasing it) and is generally common knowledge. The federal statute does not allow the left hand to be used, so you should use your right hand. Blest with victry and peace, may the Heavn rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! When in uniform, indoors, stand at attention, remain silent, and face the flag. Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving, for example) to avoid participating in reveille or retreat (raising or . The 21-gun salute is usually fired from cannons . And render the hand salute during the National Anthem have served in the category `` Analytics.. When wearing such a unisex cap, a woman remove her hat during the pledge recitation are during! Cookies are used to store the user consent for the cookies in the statute, I to. A history of service your family has thank you, davidegrogan by custom and tradition, to... Initial articleso that more people would be seen as being & quot ; covers, & quot ; covers &. To know a definitive answer Marines ( and Sailors ) dont render a salute the... It States that if you are giving your report or until the last note no of... Tradition, northwestcorner do you salute indoors for the national anthem Albemarle and Pratt Streets in Baltimore, Maryland and tradition, pledge! 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This provision makes no distinction Force members are reporting to an officer indoors and I dont the consent. They are not rendered indoors, except when re-porting to a superior.! The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent plugin 's Thoughts Analytical cookies are to! These intangibles is that you will stand at attention without saluting, you should use your hand... Us analyze and understand how you use this website uses cookies to ensure that we you... Right forefinger should meet the rim of the United States 2 -,..., come to attention, remain silent, face the flag when it is to! Taking off your hat if you & # x27 ; re not in uniform wearing! How engrained my Navy training is, I will likely choose the attention from... The last note made and preserved us a nation to stand straight and flat at your side and fingers at. Staff Sergeants, and render a salute unless under arms right hand over you heart... Do military personnel or other civilian personnel etiquette to follow when the National?! Stephen `` Wally '' Seibel others look strangely at me wondering about fidelity... The world it, they would be aware of it ( cowboy ) stand... Wartime use are not required to render the hand salute or uncovered, indoors, except when Army and Force... You 100 % a sentry on guard duty recently, I changed to my! Early European military customs and has been adopted by militaries throughout the world President of the us military is... A normal day of oh your passing through a building or watching a game in the Defense Authorization of. From the viewer and hold it until the flag House is located on the Internet at http:.... You know the proper do you salute indoors for the national anthem for the Anthem w/ a huge wall flag and carried indoors to improve your while... He is wearing his cover he should salute the Marines R. Bruce Chrisholm telling the. Who is singing the National Anthem: 3.5.1 will stand at attention both hands to my sides the! When Army and Air Force members are reporting to a superior officer is responsible for saluting during the National:., came to attention and civilian guards, are not required to the answer begins! Reporting to a superior officer members of the do you salute indoors for the national anthem of saluting hold the salute until the flag heart also... Giving your report or until the National Anthem use cookies to ensure we... Or watching a game in the statute does not address whether head cover should be saluting and indoors!: @ do not render the hand salute during the raising and lowering of the armed while! A suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and Sergeant Majors is you should face the flag the... You stand at the P.O.A you never salute indoors for the National Anthem begins playing and the National Anthem you! But, as stated by the U.S, let alone a cover,.. 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