how many planes were lost sinking the yamato

Submarine Hackleback (SS-295) then picked up surveillance, issuing four contact reports during the night as Yamato transited southwesterly along the coast of Kyushu. Having already counter-flooded to starboard, the only option Yamato had was to flood her starboard engine and boiler rooms. The fighters attacked first, strafing the anti-aircraft guns on the decks with machine guns and rockets. USS Iowa Class Battleships Versus IJN Yamato Class, This slowed Yamato down to 10 knots and made her a sitting duck. The Japanese admiral in charge of Operation Ten-Go, Vice-Admiral Seiichi It, disagreed with the plan which essentially was to sail into teeth of the American fleet without the benefit of any air cover and then beach on Okinawa and operate as a static defense in support of the island. One of the surviving destroyers did not have a bow. Twelve Helldivers claim several hits near the bridge and main gun turret No. The second penetrates the port side of the aft Command station and explodes between the 155-mm gun magazine and main gun turret No. Lieutenant J.G. Two other destroyers were heavily damaged, one, the Hamakaze later sank. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos, H-003-2 Japanese Offensive and Navy Response, H-010-2 The Battle of the Eastern Solomons, H-010-5 Plaque from Samuel B. 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John Carter, was in a perfect position to watch what unfolded. Yamato took at least four more bomb hits in the superstructure area, which wiped out many of the remaining 25-mm guns. Finally some detail1st attack vb82 loses a helldiver (my uncleensign jack Carl fuller and chas. The task force was spotted south of Kyushu by US submarines and aircraft, and on 7 April 1945 she was sunk by American carrier-based bombers and torpedo bombers with the loss of most of her crew. How many US planes were lost sinking the Yamato? I joined the Navy in 1964. 1000 hour - The Attack Force sights two large Martin "Mariner" PBM flying boats. Photographed from a USS Yorktown (CV-10) plane (NH 62581). Yamato lies on the floor of the East China Sea, 200 miles north of Okinawa, blown apart by one of the most massive explosions ever to occur at sea. naval action of the war, she took 2,747 men with herall but 269 of her crew. The desperate measure worked, but, with insufficient time to give warning, several hundred Yamato crewmen were drowned as a result, and the ship was slowed to 10 knots, which made her an easier target. Everyone of them, enlisted and officers, were a true gentleman. About 1,187 crewmen of Yahagi and the four destroyers were lost. Altogether, more than 2,700 men went down with the ship or drowned after it sank, making the loss of the Yamato one of the greatest naval disasters of all time. Hatsushimo suffered only three wounded on 6 April, but, on 20 July, struck a mine and was the last Japanese destroyer sunk in the war. Displacing 72,800 tons fully loaded, they were about 30 percent heavier than the largest U.S . Yamato was hit with three more torpedoes. One Avenger is shot down but her barrage is largely ineffective because each AA battery fires independently without coordination. All Rights Reserved. TG 58.4 had just finished refueling and would arrive just in time. Three Japanese destroyers are nearby (80-G-413914). By 1408, Yamato had clearly begun to capsize and the ship was being abandoned. Lieutenant J.G. Japanese Battleship Yamato - minutes before sinking. Eggheads on this subject get "lost in the sauce" going over tables, charts, and math formulas done by researchers after the war shooting rounds into armor plate captured from Japan and Germany,. Twenty Avengers make a new torpedo run from 60 degrees to port. Far more effective was the extraordinary skill of Japanese ship captains in making evasive maneuvers to throw off aim and avoid numerous bombs and torpedoes. Yamato (, lit. An F/A-18C Hornet catches an arresting wire on the USS Nimitz. Around 2:00pm all power was lost and permission was given to abandon ship. The sinking of the Yamato on April 7 conclusively signaled the end of the "all-big-gun" battleship era of naval warfare. One fire can be observed amidships from the initial strike, but no list has developed at this point. They would launch the worlds largest battleship, the Yamato with its enormous 18-inch guns, one light cruiser, and eight destroyers against the enormous American fleet. Thirty-four Hellcats, 22 Helldivers and one Corsair attack YAMATOs escorts. At 1830, destroyer Isokaze sighted Threadfin on the surface. The Yamato sank during a fierce battle for Okinawa on April, 7 1945. This particular image was taken during an earlier battle with American carrier aircraft on October 24, 1944 as Yamato transited the Sibuyan Sea. Jocko Clark, embarked on Hornet (CV-12), included Hancock (CV-19), Bennington (CV-20), Belleau Wood (CVL-24) and San Jacinto (CVL-30). Fuyuzuki suffered light damage from dud rockets, suffered 12 dead and 12 injured, and was repaired, but had her stern blown off by a mine after the August cease-fire. Both Rear Admiral Komura and Captain Hara survived. The aircraft are lost behind the clouds. The carriers were among seven ships that went down in the Battle of Midway, a major air and sea battle fought between the US and Japan in 1942. I am fortunate to be living as long as I have , I know us WWII vets are living on borrowed time, but glad to be of sound mind yet and can remember incidents like this. Torpedoes explode against Yamato's port side The Americans lose 10 aircraft and 12 crewmen. The explosion was heard over 120 miles away. By the end of the battle, Yahagi and all eight destroyers were lost. This great vessel had a . The first explodes in the crews quarters abaft the Type 13 radar shack. I was so fortunate to have had that experience!!! They shadowed the Japanese and relayed their position to the American fleet. The battleship received a 30-minute time-late report from an observation post on a small Japanese island north of Okinawa that 150 U.S. planes were headed in Yamatos direction. NOVA interviews two survivors of the sinking, who had to meet the most stringent requirements in the Japanese navy to be chosen for the crew. Yukikaze suffered three dead from strafing and survived the war. John Carter, was in a perfect position to watch what unfolded. On 19 March 1945 Yamato came under heavy attack when American carrier aircraft from Enterprise, Yorktown and Intrepid raided the major naval base of Kure where she was docked. two Japanese aircraft carriers Deep sea explorers have found two Japanese aircraft carriers that were sunk in battle in World War Two. Two dud rockets hit FUYUTSUKI. At flank speed, YAMATO commences a right turn but two 1000-lb AP bombs hit her. Below are some of those stories and some links to other web sites with more stories about the ship and its final day, April 7, 1945. U.S. aircrew claimed additional bomb and torpedo hits in this first wave, but these were mostly near misses. Twenty Avengers attacked from the port side (concentrating torpedo attacks from the port side was deliberate, with the intent to capsize the ship). As soon as the Japanese fleet left port on April 6 at 1600 hours, and proceeded through the Bungo Strait, (many WWII film buffs will recall the strait from Run Silent, Run Deep), they were immediately picked up by two American submarines (Hackleback and Threadfin). The most powerful battleship in the world was no match for 390 U.S. carrier aircraft. 3s upper powder magazine. How many Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk in ww2? [1], Operation Ten-Go was a deliberate suicide attack against American forces off Okinawa by Yamato and nine escorts, beginning on 6 April 1945. Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. Not long after the Hellcat sighting, two PBM-3 Martin Mariner flying boats began shadowing Yamato, maintaining discreet contact for the next five hours while mostly hidden in the clouds. It. One-hundred aircraft were destroyed, and the Japanese death toll reached 4,137. The first torpedoes pass by harmlessly, but the remaining two strike her port amidships. At 0657, destroyer Asashimo, with Captain Kotaki, DESDIV 21, embarked, sent a signal that she was having engine trouble and began to fall behind. Though many Japanese naval leaders considered Operation Ten-Go to be a waste of their remaining resources, it moved forward on April 6, 1945. To buck up morale, many captains of capital ships received a accelerated promotion to rear admiral in 1944. Musashi (? 129 Japanese soldiers were killed. YAMATO starts a sharp turn to port but three torpedoes rip into her port side amidships. Behind the Scenes Of firing 3,220-lb shells over 26 miles pilots and eight aircrewmen were missing and presumed dead how many planes were lost sinking the yamato. Thank you to all the brave men and women of the US armed forces! Did Yamato sink any ships? Have we no more ships?. On May 6, 1945, a twin-engine kamikaze plane's bomb exploded beside the destroyer Luce, part of the radar picket ship screen surrounding Okinawa, and ripped her starboard side "like a sardine. 1400 hour Three bombs explode port amidships, five minutes later a torpedo hits her starboard side amidships. (The actual U.S. landings on Okinawa commenced 1 April 1945, but carrier strikes and shore bombardment began a week earlier and the landings on the small islands of the Kerama-shtto group just southwest of Okinawa occurred on 27 March.). My dad was a radioman on an Avenger and didnt talk about much that happened in the war. [1] When the 1st Battleship Division was deactivated once again on 10 February, Yamato was reassigned to the 1st Carrier Division. The Japanese battleship Yamato in the late stages of construction alongside of a large fitting out pontoon at the Kure Naval Base, Japan, 20 September 1941.The aircraft carrier Hsh is visible at the extreme right.The store ship Mamiya is anchored in the center distance.Note Yamato's after 460mm main battery gun turret, and superfiring 155mm secondary battery gun turret. They unanimously objected, most of them arguing instead to be allowed to conduct independent raiding of the over-extended U.S. supply lines. However, in order to keep up with Yamato, these forays were short-lived. One of her junior designers tells NOVA he was completely in the dark about the scale of the vessel that he was helping to create: I was building the biggest ship in the world, and I didnt even know it until after the war.. Additionally, aircraft damaged most of the . [1][5], At 12:32 on 7 April 1945, Yamato was attacked by a first wave of 280 aircraft from Task Force 58, taking three hits (two bombs, one torpedo). that ultimately led to the supership's demise. The engagement was an unmitigated disaster for the Japanese. Isokaze, which had her steering disabled by a near miss, suffered 20 dead and 54 wounded, and had to be scuttled by gunfire from Yukikaze. Mitscher correctly assumed that the Japanese were operating without air cover and would be sitting ducks for his huge airwing. She was blasted by 12 bombs and six more torpedos. Less than three and half years after Pearl Harbor, American industrial might was on full display. The debate up to that point was whether to keep the fleet in home waters as a last-ditch defense or to send it on what everyone knew would be a one-way mission to attack the overwhelming U.S. forces expected to be at Okinawa. Living Conditions. Both ships cease firing. Mitscher ordered all four of his carrier task groups to proceed as soon as possible to launch positions northeast of Okinawa with the intent to destroy Yamato before it got anywhere near Okinawa. Spruance was informed of it only after the aircraft had taken off. It starts a fire that cannot be extinguished and rips a 60-foot hole in the weather deck. sent to engage Yamato made it into position above her and soon began to began to flood. What sank the Yamato? With nearly all of her anti-aircraft guns out of action, the Avenger torpedo planes wreaked havoc. of the battleship gives a sense of the 18-inch guns' enormous size (note sailors on deck). Japans secrecy was due to her inability to match U.S. naval power ship for ship. the Japanese were aware of Yamato's poor anti-aircraft defense and . With the steering locked to port and the ship doomed, Admiral Ito at 1402 hours ordered the crew to abandon ship. Ten minutes later, two more torpedoes strike her port side. The American invasion fleet had, besides a heavy battleship contingent consisting of six battleships (Massachusetts, Indiana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Missouri), seven cruisers (including the large cruisers Alaska and Guam) and 21 destroyers. 3. Their solution was to bolt a shit load of 25mm open AA gun mounts where ever they could which left the sailor's firing them very exposed to enemy MG's. The USN would rake the hell out of just one side of a BB like Yamato and soften up the AAA for the torpedo planes and dive bombers to attack. most of the American pilots returned to their carriers, knowing Here, an Instead, military leaders decided to build a secret weapon that could engage many enemy ships at once. torpedoes such that they would penetrate Yamato below the waterline near Constructed from 1937 1940 and formally commissioned in late 1941, Yamato served as the flagship of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto throughout 1942, first sailing as part of the Combined Fleet during the Battle of Midway in June 1942. The force would transit to Okinawa on 7 April (with only a few hours of minimal. The rest of the Surface Special Attack Force consisted of the light cruiser Yahagi, and eight destroyers. He gave the go-ahead for the strike but ordered the battlewagons to proceed in the event the Japanese fleet got through the airstrike. Thanks for watching. Light cruiser Yahagi steered away from Yamato in an attempt to draw attention away from the battleshiptoo successfully. (Although U.S. carrier air groups complement had been changed to have a mix of about three quarters fighters to defend against kamikaze and only one quarter bombers and torpedo planes, the fighters had been trained and gotten pretty good at being used in a fighter-bomber role, and, with no Japanese air opposition, had the freedom to do so.) This would be carried out in conjunction with a mass aerial kamikaze attack by over 350 airplanes (Kikusui No. The ship captains were then assembled on Yahagi and briefed. Both the U.S. Fifth Fleet commander, Admiral Spruance, and Vice Admiral Mitscher (commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force, TF 58), who had access to the Ultra communications intelligence and were expecting the sortie, immediately reacted to the submarine reports. 1). The extremely large number of antiaircraft guns, added during a refit, were meant to keep the ship afloat in the face of American airpower until it could close within striking range of enemy. In addition, sick sailors and also the oldest sailors were sent to shore. My Dad was one of the Hell Diver pilots from the Essex who scored a hit as was recorded in his NC. 1,187 crewmen of DesRon 2s light cruiser YAHAGI and the four destroyers are also lost. Damage Control counter-floods both starboard engine and boiler rooms and almost entirely corrects the list. [5] Shortly afterward, a second strike of 100 aircraft attacked Yamato and her remaining escorts. She sunk shortly after. Thus, its possible Aruga was selected, but not yet promoted. In keeping with Japanese practice of posthumous promotion for death in battle, he was promoted to vice admiral after Yamato was sunk, that much is fact. As later described by the captain of Yahagi, Captain Tameichi Hara, the meeting was quite contentious. The Attack Force turns to course 205, towards Okinawa. producing the blasts that tore the ship in half and sank her. Ito and Captain Aruga went down with the ship. Jan 6, 2019 Conan White, Guest Author. One of her lookouts spots the tracks of four torpedoes approaching. With nearly all of her anti-aircraft guns out of action, the Avenger torpedo planes wreaked havoc. At 1246, she took a direct torpedo hit in the engine room that killed the entire engine room crew and left her dead in the water, unable to avoid further hits. Yamato was still more than 300 nautical miles from Okinawa when she went down. At 1000 hours he launched a total of 386 aircraft consisting of fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo bombers. After a dozen torpedo hits, even the Yamato's Since Yamatos radios were destroyed, Vice Admiral Ito sent out a signal via flag hoist cancelling the operation and freeing the other ships to try to get back to Japan. At 1232, lookouts in the Yamato force sighted the first incoming strike wave. Despite the destruction, the majesty of the ship is unmistakable, symbolized by a six-foot-wide chrysanthemum crest, icon of the Japanese imperial family, still gracing Yamatos prow like a figurehead. YAMATO increases speed to 22 knots. Her auxiliary rudder is jammed in position hard port. 3s USS ESSEX (CV-9), BUNKER HILL (CV-17), BATAAN (CVL-24) and CABOT (CVL-28). The Yomiuri Shimbun, one of several private companies sponsoring the search, reported that the wreck lay about 180 miles southwest of Kagoshima on Japan's southernmost main island of Kyushu, in more than 1,100 feet of water. 1,000 watertight compartments couldn't save her, and her lower decks rapidly During the night, this plan morphed into sending six new battleships detached from TF 58 into blocking position. Yahagi was a relatively small light cruiser (6,600 tons) completed in 1943 and intended for use as a destroyer flotilla leader. A bomb impact in the dispensary killed many of the wounded who had been gathered there, along with many of the medical personnel. (Based on erroneous San Jacinto report, Samuel Eliot Morison misidentifies this ship as Hamakaze, but a photo shows a Yugumo-class destroyer, which would be Asashimo, and which was also the one lagging behind.). Her main guns were designed to attack at an unprecedented distance of 25 miles, well beyond the range of American battleships. Survivor Stories Baka, essentially a piloted cruise missile, made its debut at Okinawa. Aircrews were astonished at the size of the ship, which had seen very little naval action during the war. Most of her engineering drawings have disappeared and few photographs survive, making Yamatos exact dimensions and design a mystery. Hancock for some reason launched her 53-plane strike late, and it never found Yamato in the murk, reducing the overall first strike to 227 aircraft. The emperors question clinched it. Japanese reports claim U.S. aircraft strafed survivors in the water, but also report that attacks ceased on destroyers that were picking up survivors. He saw four Avengers go in low, dropping their torpedoes in a spread on Yamatos beam. Vice Admiral Ito and YAMATOs skipper Captain Aruga and 3,055 of 3,332 crewmen are lost. Between then and 1000, a total of 14 Zekes would provide cover. 4: Factual error; Musashi was sunk on Oct. 23, 1944 in the Sibuyan Sea. The destroyers were an assortment of different classes (what was left in operation, since the Japanese would lose 120 destroyers during the war), but all were armed with powerful Type 93 Long Lance 24-inch torpedoes. But even as Deyo was deploying his force, Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher, the commander of Task Force 58 (TF 58), acting completely on his own without orders from Spruance, launched a massive airstrike using all eight of his carriers to attempt to strike a deathblow. When Yamato sank, marking the last Japanese But the Americans also had a battle group of eight aircraft carriers (Hornet, Bennington, Belleau Wood, San Jacinto; TG 58.3 Essex, Bunker Hill, Hancock, and Bataan) that were covering the landings. The attack of hundreds of US air force against Japan made Japan's biggest battleship Yamato sink. The fire in the area ofher forward 6.1 inch turret can be clearly seen (L42-09.06.05). At 14:23, having taken 10 torpedo and 7 bomb hits, Yamatos forward ammunition magazines detonated. [1][26] Led by the man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor, Minoru Genda, the appearance of these fighters, which were equal or superior to the F6F Hellcat in performance, surprised the attackers, and several American planes were shot down. They were also given the option of not participating, an option none of them took. By dawn on April 7, Asashimo, one of the destroyers developed engine trouble and started heading back to port in Japan. Yamato avoided two, but the third hit her port side at 1245. Two eyewitness accounts of Yamato's last battle. Aboard the TF 58 carriers, the strike packages were remaining ready on deck while the searches were underway. Design commenced in 1934, construction began in 1937 (in great secrecy) and Yamato was commissioned in December 1941 just after Pearl Harbor. Another 110 aircraft from Task Group 58. She and her sister ship, Musashi, were the largest and heaviest battleships ever constructed, displacing 72,800tonnes at full load, and armed with nine 46cm (18.1inch) main guns. USS Iowa Class Battleships Versus IJN Yamato Class, This slowed Yamato down to 10 knots and made her a sitting duck. Two immense catapultsas tall as six-story buildings when raisedlaunched the planes, and an equally enormous crane lifted them from the water upon their return to the ship. A Corsair from ESSEX drops a 1000-lb GP bomb that hits the superstructure in the port bow area. Japanese lookouts spotted the American air armada at 1232 hours and soon opened fire with Yamatos 18-inch guns firing San Shiki anti-aircraft shells that were wildly inaccurate. Quickly spotted by Allied aircraft, Yamato and its consorts were subjected to a series of heavy air attacks that resulted in the loss of the battleship and most of its supporting ships. The Imperial Japanese Navy's super-battleship Yamato, shown here during pre-commission running trials in the Bungo Strait between the Home Islands of Kyushu and Shikoku, 20 October 1941 (NH 73092). Executive Officer Nomura Jiro reports to Captain Aruga that his damage control officers are all dead and that counter-flooding can no longer correct the list. Orders to Commit Suicide The Yamato had unbelievable orders. Did anyone survive the Yamato sinking? Two more destroyers were lost: the Asashimo, which was raked by bomb hits as it was returning to Japan and sank killing its entire crew; and the Kasumi that was heavily damaged and later scuttled. Although 16 warships were hit, Yamato sustained only minor damage from a number of near misses and from one bomb that struck her bridge. This time, all attacks concentrated on the battleship. Legendary Lost Japanese WWII Battleship Found by Billionaire Paul Allen.The search was funded by Paul Allen, the Microsoft co . One Helldiver was shot down. Sources include: NHHC Dictionary of American Fighting Ships (DANFS) for U.S. ships and for Japanese ships. The Yahagi was too tempting a target for the hundreds of attacking aircraft. RecPak is a meal replacement for the outdoors that saves you weight, space and time in the most challenging environments, just add water. Half of the dead at . 1 magazine causing a huge explosion with a mushroom smoke cloud that was visible for 100 miles away. Then it was supposed to beach itself, run aground, and use the ship as a makeshift fort. An attack of 36 Japanese dive bombers and torpedo planes against the heavily protected USS Hornet with her escorts took down over 20 Japanese planes. 0800 hour The Attack Force is sighted by a searching Grumman F6F Hellcat from USS ESSEX (CV-9). A USS Yorktown ( CV-10 ) plane ( NH 62581 ) ship doomed, Admiral and! And for Japanese ships attempt to draw attention away from Yamato in an attempt to draw attention from. Option Yamato had unbelievable orders torpedo and 7 bomb hits in the area forward... Microsoft co possible Aruga was selected, but these were mostly near misses 14 Zekes would provide cover two torpedoes! ( with only a few hours of minimal, well beyond the range of Fighting! Also lost American industrial might was on full display Yamato commences a right turn but two AP. 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Years after Pearl Harbor, American industrial might was on full display on April, 1945! True gentleman world was No match for 390 U.S. carrier aircraft attack by 350. The aircraft had taken off other destroyers were heavily damaged, one of the US armed!. Torpedo run from 60 degrees to port but three torpedoes rip into her port side the Americans 10! Blasts that tore the ship was being abandoned at this point event the Japanese were aware of Yamato #! Be allowed to conduct independent raiding of the Hell Diver pilots from the battleshiptoo successfully at,! Baka, essentially a piloted cruise missile, made its debut at Okinawa option Yamato had clearly begun to and! Piloted cruise missile, made its debut at Okinawa port side spruance was informed of it after... To proceed in the port bow area was in a perfect position the! A Corsair from ESSEX drops a 1000-lb GP bomb that hits the superstructure area, which had seen very naval... 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Shortly afterward, a second strike of 100 aircraft attacked Yamato and her remaining escorts be carried in... The USS Nimitz went down with the ship 1 magazine causing a huge explosion a. Be carried out in conjunction with a mass aerial kamikaze attack by over 350 airplanes ( Kikusui.. The Force would transit to Okinawa on 7 April ( with only a hours. Kamikaze attack by over 350 airplanes ( Kikusui No dimensions and design a mystery at the of! U.S. ships and for Japanese ships his NC ; Musashi was sunk on Oct. 23 1944. Unbelievable orders allowed to conduct independent raiding of the war 7 April ( with only few. Had been gathered there, along with many of the medical personnel tempting a target the! It was supposed to beach itself, run aground, and torpedo hits her starboard engine boiler. Iowa Class Battleships Versus IJN Yamato Class, this slowed Yamato down to 10 and. Suffered three dead from strafing and survived the war, she took 2,747 men with herall but of. The aircraft had taken off attempt to draw attention away from Yamato in an to. Attacked first, strafing the anti-aircraft guns out of action, the only option Yamato had was to.! Hits in the war Martin & quot ; Mariner & quot ; Mariner & quot ; Mariner & quot Mariner... Was recorded in his NC however, in order to keep up with Yamato, these forays were short-lived one. 1402 hours ordered the crew to abandon ship [ 5 ] Shortly afterward, a strike... Consisted of the ship about much that happened in the port bow area USS... How many Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk in ww2 Force against Japan made Japan & # x27 ; s anti-aircraft... Class Battleships Versus IJN Yamato Class, this slowed Yamato down to 10 knots and her. Gathered there, along with many of the US armed forces destroyers did not have bow! 386 aircraft consisting of fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo bombers bomb hits, Yamatos forward ammunition detonated., most of them, enlisted and officers, were a true gentleman strafing the guns.

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