why are vietnam vets dying so fast

I have had cancer in the crease of my neck were a knot on a kerchief rubbed, and sores in my scalp were the canvas of the helmet sat on my head. Many soldiers and Marines with support MOSs have received the CIB and CAR. He wishes the VA would do more to raise awareness about liver flukes and to encourage Vietnam veterans to get an ultrasound that can detect inflammation. The following are some If true, 390 VN vets die a day. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? C.I.B. Still listen to 1960s rocknroll and those songs take me back to the Mekong Delta looking around. What was the average age of a US combat soldier in Vietnam? Endemic in the rivers of Vietnam, the worms can easily be wiped out with a handful of pills early on, but left untreated they can live for decades without making their hosts sick. At your next response, should you be so kind, I will tell you of a career U.S. Navy hero who died alone, broke, unsung in a Trailer park in Oregon. Lincoln, Nebraska is where I call home. Semper Fi. According to the DVA 490,135 in country Vietnam Veterans died during the years 2000-2007 and that translates to approximately192 per day. I just got my crystal ball back from the shop. i have been 100% dav. 1 Somethings Ill never do: We saved a lot of people and seen some bad stuff. Answer (1 of 7): You're in luck. Just a note of trivia. Thanks for your attention to this subject. Then ask, Do you think I might have been affected by this ambiguity between grounded reality in the tri canopy jungle and political reality at home which was counter to the troops welcome return (sarcasm). Scientific Wild Ass Guess. 65-66 and Fed-67. Millions served in Vietnam. In my 60s now, retired disabled veteran live on my little firebase with my wife we both married for the first time she was 41 I was 43 share our life with our 11 dogs and 2 cats. Less than half of them submitted claims for service-related benefits, mostly because they were not aware of a possible connection to Vietnam. 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Using that same time frame the number of Blue Water Navy . As a cohort, Vietnam veterans were met with none of the fanfare and received none of the benefits bestowed upon World War IIs greatest generation.. Fact: Assuming KIAs accurately represented age groups serving in Vietnam, the average age of an infantryman (MOS 11B) serving in Vietnam to be 19 years old is a myth, it is actually 22. As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. to That is a very large amount, equating to around 23.6 million. I too have found the Veterans War Museum to be a bit odd at times. Hundreds of veterans have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in Southeast Asia. ive always just repied yes, and left it at that. In response to several comments, Ive never heard of anyone other than a grunt in Vietnam being eligible for the CIB. Glamunyon@aol.com. Born: 09/15/1946. I have been reading the Veteran for 20 years and it has always scared the crap out of me. and welcome home to all my brothers. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? I am an in country vet and 59 years old, your article wasvery informative. Even though thousands served with the Infantry units as FOs, Dog Handlers, EOD etc. Mike. You can reach me at JasonGunn20@yahoo.com. Alcohol induced psychosis and death from toxicity is not suicide, or is it? The ages of those who served in Vietnam varied anywhere from 55 to 97 years old. This isnt good news for us in country vets. Yes indeed the TAPS Section of the Veteran, published by VVA, is a bit sobering. I was wondering about these statistics. Thanks Jim, that was very thorough. Good luck and take care -Jim. Mike. )to be with the forward observers that were attached to e-troop. Ischemic heart problems. But what are you doing in addition to saying thank you?. See also: How Many Veterans Are Under The Age Of 35? Veterans Fight PTSD and Injuries With Sailing, More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak. "We've been fighting this for 55 years," said Wright, who also served in the Connecticut National Guard from 1982-1999 and retired as a first sergeant. Very good but alarming article. Lost contact with him years ago, wish him the best. Thanks for your added comment I was in Artillery had my hands on a lot of weapons from the 105, 155, 175mm guns up to the 8inch Howitzer, and all the other weapons in between. "None of them have even heard of it before. The figures reported here (and the same text is widely seen) are all correct with one major exception. Any numbers on this would be greatly appreciated. age approximated to be 54 years old., If youre alive and reading this, how does it feel to be among the last I know a man who is 86 years old,from Nogales, and was at ground zero at Hiroshima in a grave identification unit, who just filed a claim last year. didn't know who they were fighting and dying for. By June, Wowwk had been wounded twicethe second time seriouslyand was sent back to the United States for treatment at Bostons Chelsea Naval Hospital. statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a HUGE SENSE OF PRIDE. of Deborah Grassman, who has cared for 10,000 dying vets as a hospice nurse practitioner at the V.A. Two things I have to add, one is that many Viet Nam Veterans died in the line of duty as Law Enforcement Officers (odmp.org) and that as a police officer I was not prone to PTSD , I hope more were like me. Mike: Thanks for the unexpected note. Ive been filing for years without luck despite having cardiac bypass surgery in my 40s and repeated stent implants, etc., etc., since then. information Im used to reading about WWII and Korean War vets. Especially if you are happily married. One last ramble. I am 62, and rated 100% with Agent Orange medical issues. but sofar nothing how many are reallyleft? what does that tell u? or the Central Highlands and operations in between. What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? Have you tried to apply? At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. wouldnt it be wild if we could have a gathering of ALL Vietnam Veterans in DC? Abit more images would be nice. I received a memo from the Virginia VA dated March 9, 2010 stating that although VA was required to publish the new regulation by March 12, 2010 (in accordance with the Agent Orange Act of 1991 stipulating timeframes for action), VA would be unable to meet that date. This is around 9.7 percent of the generation at the time. Hometown: Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. To me, It means today is a fresh start and we have one more chance at having a normal life. Before I married my loving wife, I told her of some of my experiences, but not all of them showed her all themedicine i think anyone that went to vietnam should go to a va hospital & get checked out. im a vietnam vet.i was in the army from 1964 1967.i went to vietnam in october 1965-1966.i was in charlie , company.2-16,infantry, rangers.we fought in many battles.the biggest was operation abilene,april 11th,1966.we had 80% csaulties.i was awarded the silver star,and purple heart for that battle.i became a detroit poilce officer after i left the army.i retired,and moved to san diego ca,after retirment.i then worked as a court secutity officer for the united states marshal,in san diego.i had a very seroius heart attack,and several strokes.im retired now.im a life member of the vietnam veterans of america,life member of the D.A.V. I never went to the VA, but Im gonna try, and they will probably fight me, but they want to give illegals health insurance. Northport VA Medical Center spokesman Christopher Goodman confirmed the New York facility collected the samples and sent them to the lab. Thank You. All Rights Reserved. while i was with e-troop, i noticed after any contacts or firefights these e-troop guys were receiving cibs. He said the approval came right after his doctor wrote a letter saying his bile duct cancer was "more likely than not" caused by liver flukes from the uncooked fish he and his unit in Vietnam ate when they ran out of rations in the jungle. Jun. As for suicides, this is mostly a myth seconday to a VA study in the 1970s that included all Vietnam eta veterans. If you have a CIB, you do not need to verify stressors, so call the 1-800-827-1000 and tolerate the voice promptings/menu. The excess mortality, especially through motor vehicle accidents, suicide, homicide, and accidental poisonings, occurred mainly in the first 5 years after discharge from active duty and involved. civilian world and create a new life for ourselves. After all these past years, Ive never left country,took me years to live again. What are Vietnam veterans dying from? Age: 77. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Ive been trying for 17 years now. Mike I was on the USS America CVA 66 in 1970 and as such am part of the Blue Water Navy that is being shunned by the VA and congress. Unlike conflicts with massive demobilizations, men came back from Vietnam by themselves rather than with their units or companies. Yer pal, Ferraeri Bubba. 7512 american legion of purple hearts. It was Bob Kerrey. Meanwhile, all my friends were crying that they didnt even have money for transportation.cool news However the main reason for me using an AION kinah guide was to get the millions I needed to buy the best PvP gear at the brokers. Related: More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak, "In the best of all worlds, if you came down with cholangiocarcinoma, just like Agent Orange, you automatically were in," he said, referring to benefits granted to veterans exposed to the toxic defoliant sprayed in Vietnam. This was partly due to the logistics of the never-ending conflict. Hello John: my email is, micpatrickbrewer@gmail.com., mike: fact is, my factory closed last summer, so i went and applied for some va disabilty, to help until i get fully retired. We read this article at our last meeting thanks again. Lets all prove the stats wrong. So, lets say there were not more, just, alot. It is still tragic. Well, one thing to remember is that not all Vietnam veterans were born in 1945 or later. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that there are roughly 7.2 million living veterans in the world today. Now I find the same scenario occurring with this AO fiasco. There are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S.personnel, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office at the Pentagon reports that this number includes 73,547 service members from World War II, 7,883 service members from the Korean War, 126 service members from the Cold War, 1,642 service members from the Vietnam War, and six service members from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense Department personnel. What seeds should I start indoors in February. All my Vet friends died from suicide, cancer, heart attack (drinking themselves to death). EM Club after that, I never saw Walker again. There is always the notable distinction between Era Vets and Combat Veterans. The latter group does in fact have an uncommonly high mortality rate, that includes approximately 115, ooo suicides between 1969 and 1989. . i mention the verified stressers, as i wonder if that could help in the decision on a cib. About 30 percent of Vietnam vets have had PTSD in their lifetime, the highest rate among veteran groups from all eras, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center for PTSD. so in 2190 days.from today, lucky to be a Vietnam veteran alive. he was back home in Texas he made it. Vietnam veterans are reaching a point in their lives where they may be retired, losing the past support systems of family and friends, susceptible to depression and prime candidates for. jeff clutter. Statistics show that at least five men killed in Vietnam were sixteen years old, and at least 12 were seventeen years old. Nice Web. Anyone can use no. So my main man at the DAV said were not going to appeal. 1 killed in the Nam, 2 dead by their own hand. Btln. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Can you provide more information on this? American soldiers returning home from Vietnam often faced scorn as the war they had fought in became increasingly unpopular. Crazy shit. Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. Do you have any statistics on how many of the so called BWN vets are coming down with AO related presumptive diseases. when i arrived at my unit, 2/11th acr, how battery, a scruffy looking latino guy who happened to be back in the rear, convinced me, i needed to volunteer to go out to e-troop, in his stead, (hed already been out there 6 mo. Base, then to NY. Can I cut apples the night before for apple pie? December 21, 1953 Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S. of Veterans Affairs that was the only fullfilling job I ever had. Not everyone boosts about how there home comming was and there are those who would like to leave that chapter behind them. "It was surprising," he said, stressing the preliminary results could include false positives and that the research is ongoing. Give me a week. In 2018, the median income of Vietnam veterans and that of non-veterans was almost equivalent: It was significantly lower for veterans, who had served their country between the ages of 63 and 78 at the time, coming in at $63,300 as opposed to the average of $65,000 for nonveterans. The men who were drafted served and did their jobs well they were all soldiers. Im going to put that review officer in my shoes as a 20 y/o medic. I am unable to find the museums referred to, though I find a National Vietnam War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. Quick Answer: What Can I Learn From A Veteran? Poison, who cares? Look upon myself as a well Says here, 2047. I do not concur with this figure. God bless you guys for your sacrifice. What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. The disability compensation that some veterans get from the VA is factored into the average for veterans. See for yourself in 2000 there were 2.7 million Vietnam Veterans alive: http://www.census.gov/prod/2003pubs/c2kbr-22.pdf How to find out who sent anonymous flowers? V.F.W. Bill. James Ward was one of at least 18 juvenile soldiers killed at Vietnamfive were 16, like him, 11 others were 17, and one was 15 and had forged his birth certificate to join. I was nearly arrested for trying to defend my honor and service against that idiot. (Reuters Health) According to a new study, mortality rates among Vietnam Conflict veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that were higher than usual imply that battle trauma may continue be damaging veterans health even decades after the war. Nam, 2 dead by their own hand career men and members of elite units may have been reading Veteran! 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