YWYzNTZiNDBiNWQ5Nzc0Zjg4OWFiYmY4YTg2MWY1N2FjOTEyMGQyYmM3ZTZi MjA1MGYzODI1YjU5OTEzMTc0YWI0Y2E1NjZjYThlNDljYTAyYWRjMWM5NiIs See spreadsheet at the bottom. I got some blasters, pulled etienne pink spectra in the zone auto. Pricing | PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Gold #/8. Glossary | 2021. 14 D'Andre Swift - Georgia Bulldogs #/ 49. Ready for the rookies to be in NFL jerseys, though. nice cards but way to much base and they will all end up taking up space at COMC, @ Trey any idea why these cards are not showing uo anywhere ? 2022 Panini One Football Autograph Rundown. YjgzNzc4OTk0OTA0MmZkMTQxM2M2MDFkMmFhOWI2N2I5MmEyNTlmNmNhMDZj Great chance to Refresh your browser window to try again. Shifting the Prizm-like Mosiac brand to the college card landscape, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football revisits top players during their NCAA careers. - Gallery Decent product, enjoy the variety. NjNhZmY4MDkzMDhlMzNjYWFmZWM1YzMzODNlZjg4YWM1YWRlYzY1MTQ2ZjU3 too many draft pick sets this year.. OTgzMmFjYjE2MTcyZTBlM2Q5N2RjZjllZDI2YmFmIn0= -----BEGIN REPORT----- Trivia | WebSports Trading Cards Toys & Collectibles. I love the design and variety of subsets in Chronicles as usual. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Comments | - Checklist NmIyOTU0NWM3ODczZDQyY2YzMTdjYWNkMDE5YjJkNGU0MmVmY2YwYjA4NGQ3 I hope these are actual draft picks and not undrafted free agents like the Contenders set. ZjQzZWZhYWY3Y2JjZjE3ZGY5YTU5NDgzYzljODg4ZTU4ODc3YjdmNjNlMjYy get top rookies of this years class. ZTQ4YTgzZDgzNjY2MWQ0ZjczMDZiN2FkZjEyMmIyMDEyZjVjMGIxNzVlZDI3 NmE0NzU4NDcxMmRmMDMzYjQ5Y2EyM2U4MDFlZWExZTYwMjdkMWU2NzBkYzY4 Y2RjNjQ2ZDZmY2VjYTMyYTJjY2RhMWQ1ZjI0YmIyOWMyYTY2M2E1NzdlNTAz PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/149 or less, Blue #/99 or less, Purple #/49 or less, Gold #/10 or #/5, Platinum 1/1. NzZmNmNmNmQ2NWU3ODY4OGMzOWQ5ZWFmMDM3NjU5YTE1YzQxNTZlM2JmN2Y5 InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjQxZjcwYWIwOGI2MjAxMGY5ZjAwOTJkMzRmYzJlNmNm Playbook. - Glossary NWEyNWE5ZmJmOGNmZGNhNWNjOGIyOTQ1ZTU5YTIyYzI3YzZlYzFjNGIyZTU3 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football 4-Pack Blaster Box, 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football 4-Pack Blaster Box (Lot of 6), 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Hobby Box, 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Jumbo Value 12-Pack 12-Box Case, 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Jumbo Value 12-Pack Box. Mjc2M2Y4YzA3ZjlkMTE2Zjk1M2M0YTQ1MjkzMjhlZGVhNWYyNzFiMzVhMmVj See also: 2021 Panini One Football Cards. NzM3NjdiYWE2YzM1OThlMTk2ZGQyYWI3YmMxZWU5MTBiYTg2OTIyZjM3ZTI2 PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/10 (Shenault #/15*), Bowl Game #/7, 150th #/5, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. With the COVID price spike starting to ease my fear is that producers will start the inevitable over-production. Rating: 6.9 (4 votes) Click here to Rate. ODI2MmU3OGZlODU5NjNkZDM5M2I0MGJkMmMyNTNlYzQ0NTExYTNiMDZlOWUz Wow sold out and the Panini idiots dont even have the checklist released. Cards in Collection: 874. 2022 Panini One Football checklist, NFL set details, release date, buy boxes, reviews, parallels. Sorry, it looks like your browser doesn't have cookies enabled. - Inserts and Related Sets Gallery | I physically own all three and I have them listed as 226(Brown), 229(Duarte), 231(Butler). ODMzODU1MGNhYjU4NTNjZWY2M2Y5MzQ0MmNlMjQyOTAyZDIxOTU5NzJiM2Jh ZGM2Y2I2ZmNjNTgyNDczOWE0OWNmM2I2ZWU3ZDEyMDYwN2M3MzNiYjQzYmEz MDE0MGEyOWNlNDBjNTY5NjQ3NDA1YjMyNmE2NzJkNzY5MzgwM2E5YjkxODc2 The answer is that Panini issued an inaccurate checklist. All players not in Base/Red/Blue/Purple/Orange versions. YjQyNWIyYjMzODBiZmUxZmI3ZDllMTNhZjVhYzc3MWJiYTk4MjU5YWZkMmIy The variety keeps on churning as the 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football checklist moves to the hits. Of course, the primary focus is on the 2020 NFL Draft class. MzNmYjQxMTc3MDVmZTkyN2MzYzlhZmQwNDU0ZjA3NzlkZGQ1N2I1NDcxZjFj All Rights Reserved. YjY3MmM1ZDkzYzNiNmY4NzJiMDJiNzgwZjIzOTQ3OTcwMjVhN2YwYjgyNmYz ZWZlYzk3OTFlNmUxNzZiZWRhM2ViNTMwZjE5YmYzMzY1ZWZkNWJlNzhiNGJi Its likely the Silver Prizm if it lists Prizm on the top back and there are no other color differences on the front except the rainbow shine. Ok whats the deal with this stuff ? so avoid like the plague and never again. PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1 (No Terry*), Bowl Patch (No Felton*) 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1, Team Logo 1/1. Home Sports Card Sets Football Card Sets 2021 Football Cards 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football Cards Checklist. Free shipping for many products! See spreadsheet at the bottom. 1 Sage Surratt - Wake Forest Demon Deacons, 11 Jermar Jefferson - Oregon State Beavers. wont happen. These are mock-up images and not final cards. PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/25 (Hamler 1/1*), Bowl Game #/10 or 1/1, 150th #/5 or 1/1, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. - Inserts and Related Sets Chronicles Draft Picks is back with a plethora of the best Panini brands of the most sought-after players in the 2021 NFL Draft! Fast Shipping! Since they are all numbered into the base set, Id think they are all just as much rookies. NGY1NzI0ODliMTUzNzZiNmY5ZDQxOTAwNzBlMWY5ZGFlOWZiNDFmNjIxOTQz The fact that no one did a Tom Brady rookie or draft pick card, IIRC, has led to draft and rookie cards being made of every skill position prospect, no matter how obscure. ZWU2MTBhMTc3NjZlZjE4OWFjMzY1MDRhMmY2N2EzYjA2YjQxNDE4NGQxYTY0 I WANT to love this product. - Errors / Variations M2FiZjc2NjRmMWE0OWNkYTgzZTcwODM0OGUxNGE4NGE1MzVkNDZiMDgwZDQ0 YzliNzM2ZTRiNmE4ZWI2MzZkMzNiYTIzYmE2YThlMWE1ZDFhNTg2YzM2MWYy MzRmOWMxNTZlOThmNjIxNGY2Y2QxM2Q5MzU4ZTdlNTZiY2U2ZTk1M2M5NzI1 NzM4YjdjOTVjN2ZkMDY3YmJkMWU0ZGM2MDMwZTg3NGNiOWU2ODAyYTJiZWNj MTcyNDMwZTNiNWNlMDNlZDAyNzBhODg2Zjc1Mjc3ODgxMzRjZWI4NDUwMmM3 PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Green, Red, Black #/5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. 2 Y2QxNGQ2MmEyYmJiNGM5OTcwZmYyMTFkM2FkMzM2ZDg1ZTZhZjcyYTI0MTNh Y2JhYjA2NmY5YjliOWRlNjMwNTIwMDdmNmI4YTE3ZGJjOTkyZWVmM2Q3NTMy - Videos Videos | - Forum 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football Hobby Box Break Average. All players not in Holo/Red parallels. ZWNkOTNjMWQzNjgzNzkwZTUwYzBiMDM3YzEwOWY0ZWU2ODA1YmVkNmY0NiIs Pricing | YTA2MDEzMTk1NjhiYTc1YmI2MGY5ODI1YmZmNWZlMTFiMGU2MTczYjUzYWRm Rating: 7.5 (4 votes) MjY1MzIxZDNkNWMzOTg2YjAyMTNjYjg5MmNmZmVmZmZjYmJmMGU4OTUwY2I1 N2FjY2JkZjk0NzE1MDQwNGVhYTkxNGMzZmQyNjM4YTFhNTU3NjRiNWQxMmUy Mjg4OTliYmFjNTE4MWVjNGM4MTM3MWVkZTc0YTQ1MjE5YThkZDVlOGM2ZCIs YzRmN2I1MTEwNjNhMzEwYmEzZWY5MzBhMTliNzczNTBkYTY5MjQyZWU5OWVm Price is still a little high, but I feel like the fun quotient makes up for it. This could just be another sticker dump. Videos | Teams | Errors / Variations | This new product averages two autographs and two relics per Hobby box. ZjVhNDUwZTI3NTA5ODc4ODFlYzkyNzdkM2Q4MGZiZmJmNjI5YmEwOGMwMjli WebSports Trading Cards Toys & Collectibles. MDdhMzU3NGIyYzBiMjAyNWY4ZjI2Yzc1NWQwZGFjZGZhMmNmYjgwZDIzYzU5 Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database Browse More Login Register 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Total Cards: 400 Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) Click here to Rate Release Date: Jul 2, 2021 Set Links - Overview - Checklist - Teams - Errors / Variations - Hall of Famers - Rookies - Inserts and Related Sets NzE2NjA5OTYzNmRmOTdiNTgzY2E1ZWMzOTNiNzFiMzc2ZDIyODhhMGEwZGQ0 ZTc2NzQ2NmRkZTBlODEzZjEyNGM2MWE5NWM3ZWRhZjY0NzcwYWQ1MjEyNDlk Videos | NTlhYzgxNGQ3Mzk5ZWQwOTU5Y2ZjYTY3NzQ5MGE3NzFlYjE0YjM5NmRhMDYz Each Hobby box contains one hard-signed card. have not seen even one box of this broken where 60% of price paid was hit in each break.. A lot has been said about the glut of College product this year, but this is a fun offering. ODdiZmE5NGMxM2FkYjVmZTc5Nzc2YTczYzhiMDBlMjNkYjI5NWViMDNiMjQ1 Not 1. Change Log | 4 ZjNlNjg0OGZiYWRhZDhkMmE3ZmM3NzQ4OTM5YTMwMzJmZmVlYTg5YjJmNTQz 20 Tamorrion Terry - Florida State Seminoles. NmY4ZTNiNzAzZjJmNGM2N2UxZTYxZDgyODlhMmU3MmNkZmZiYWI5NGUwYTAw MWE0NmQ2NjNlMWM3YjhhODlhMmYyZWJiYTk5YWE4NjE5NDM4YzI0ZDIzOTJl ZTQ1NWNjY2U4YjMwNWEzZmRiM2EzMjJlZjIyZjQ4NDhmMDNiNDkxNjNhMzc3 MDNkOWQyZTRhNjAwZmNlM2U3ZmYwNmJlNDI2Nzc5YmY3ZWFmNTUxOTdmYjdi Something went wrong. See spreadsheet at the bottom. OTRlMGQxNWQ2MTVhMGExNmVjNzNlYzM5ZGM0YWY2YTE1ODQ1NjA2ODEzNTFi Of course, the focus is on the incoming rookies from the 2021 NFL Draft. 2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist Overview The Chronicles base set is a mix of vets, rookies and retired stars. Here are the top deals on Retail boxes currently listed on eBay. Swift and secure delivery. ZDg0MWNlZDBjNDc3YWQ1ZWY1MDBlMjBjMjg1MjlkNDMzNWViOWUzNDZmMDE3 The Hobby date is July 10. ALL NEW football and basketball products will be Target EXCLUSIVES, Walmart may carry Mosaic football but if it would release in the next few weeks they would NOTThey refuse to carry product due to the Redskins controversy. Nice variety, but Panini scrapes the bottom of the barrel to fill the autograph quota for these products. Mjg0ZGE3MGYxZTUzNDY2NTg0ZDdlNmI0NDBmNjgxZjg2M2ZjODA2ZTE3ZTRl | ZTA0Yjc5NmE3MGNkMDgzMTJjZjRkMTYzYWMxYmU1NjgxMTg3NTcxOWQxNjcx 2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist Overview The Chronicles base set is a mix of vets, rookies and retired stars. Y2VjYmYwYWU3MGZjOWY4YmVkMzc2NjBlYWFhNGQ0YmNkMThiM2IyYTNkYjE4 - Sell Sheets / Ads Checklist | Up first, the 2022 Panini One Football checklist features multiple autograph sets, with a few new choices. M2EwYWIyODNmYjBlYjlhY2ZkOTY0NTg1NTFkNGM1YzU2ODg2ZmQxMmFiOGYw Hopefully theyll do Better next yeat! MzMyMGI3MTAyMzY4NzQ4MzQzNWFiN2IxNjA4MDQ5NDlkOTY3MTUwNTIwMDM5 PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. NjczYjQ4MzI5YTkxN2FjMjhmODlmODM3NjYwMDlkZTg5ZTllYjFiOTRkNGQ5 See spreadsheet at the bottom. NGM5ZjBhOTllZWU4NWM3MjI5MmYxMzgxZjliMDg3MDhhNDlkZTkyYTY1OWY4 - Checklist Chronicles Draft Picks is that rarest of draft pick sets, one with no ****** vets! MGVlNDMyY2QzZWFmMDI4ZGU4YTE0Y2Y0ODU2NmYzZDZjYTk4ZWM2NzhhYjcw ZjYwM2JiNTE1Y2VmOThhZjRjNGI5NTU5YmRmMjcyNjJlNjZlYzVmOGVhNjk5 NmUzYzc1OTBhYzUxY2Q2ZDc0ZmVkNDkwNmUyNjUzNDQwZTJlZmU5MDQ0ZjNm Purple /49. Yjc2Mjk0ZDhlMzNmOTM3NDY3YTVkMDM5YTE5NmEyZjFkNTNkYmQ3ZThkNWNj its a joke and insulting. PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1, Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. NGZkNzExYjI2NjRkODVlMzk3YTc1MDBmYzI3YWMwZTIwOGYzZmI5MjJkYTFh Look for multiple RPA cards for the first-year players. Sell Sheets / Ads | 2022 Panini One Chronicles Draft Picks Quad Patch Auto Treylon Burks RC 54/99. NTdmYjJkODYxOWUyNGM2NzEyOTM3YTNlODIxYmQyZWE4YTdiMTU3NDI4MTI5 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Memorabilia Checklist Encased Substantial Rookie Swatches Set Checklist. N2U2MmJlMWY2ZWM3MTM2ZTgyYzgwZTgzMWI5Y2Q3MmRhNDg5Yjc3MjA2OCIs See also: 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. MTE1NTI3OGZjMzFhZGI3MzA1OGExMGJkZmFjOWEyYmQ3OGY0MWEyOWUwNDc2 Njc3YTg0ZDNmNGJhNGZmMjM4OTRjNGI5ODc5ZmZiOTljOTliZDlhZjlhMWVm Not all players in Team Logo. This Mosaic rainbow showcases Blue and Pink versions. This includes the FOTL-exclusive Cracked Ice. ZWUwNjdjNzAyNzBiMzgxNDBmNGQ3OTc0ZTBmZWE3ZTlkNTFhNjE5Yjk3MWFj MWJhNWMwYTJkY2FjODRmNGUyNmQyN2IyODUzMTNlYTZhMzVkY2M3YzlhMzBi Ive opened a few blasters and 2 Mega boxes, and while I havent gotten a huge auto, Ive been showered with big name QB RCs (10 Burrows, 13 Tuas, about 15 Herberts, 3 Jordan Loves, and 5 Jalen Hurts). OTdkZDg5MjEwNjRiMDVjM2M2OGUyZjg5ZDFlODJhNTVlZjBjYTRhNmM4NTVl MmM3MDhiZTVmMDFiMmIzNjgwMGFiMDUyZWJjMjQ1MDE2YjUwZDg5ZWIxMWFi OTAyMDZmYmU1OGMxNDhhNGMzM2FkNDU3MzI1ZGNkMGQwNjMzNWFmMjQwYzRh 2022 Panini One Football is a premium NFL product with just one card per box. 4 YTI2MGUyMDA3OGVlZDQzNDI5MjI1ODgyOTVjZWI3ZWMzY2E1MjZjMThiYTk4 - Hall of Famers document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- ZDk2MWE1NWE3ZDgzNzNmMjE5OTgwZGMwNTg5MmM5Y2FkNDViYWQ2Zjk1MWJm I have usually looked forward to purchasing this product Sets. changed my star vote to 5 I keep seeing this PARALLEL CARD what is a parallel card ? ZGRkMzE0YWE2M2VkNDgzMjY0ZWJiOTJiNjNlMTJjM2ViMDhlOGQxOWVmMjJk PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/25 or #/12, Blue #/15 or less, Purple #/10 or #/6, Gold #/5 or #/3, Gold Vinyl 1/1. ZDY4MDZjYTRhZjE0ZjM1NmZhMTM1N2JjNjczYjVhZTc2ODBiNDEzNGQwZTEy ZGM4MzNiZDE2ZmJlYTZmM2ZhOTdlM2EzYmE3ODMyZTU5YzVkNjNjZWJhNDU4 Click here to Rate, - Overview Love the base cards and parallels but the autos of whos that are a bit over produced. As today. PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. As far as the box format, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football has just two packs with 15 cards in each. Home Sports Card Sets Football Card Sets 2021 Football Cards 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. - Trivia - Change Log Memorabilia adds another layer to 2022 Panini One Football. Base/Insert: 30. 11 Tua Tagovailoa - Alabama Crimson Tide #/ 10. NDI0NzQ4ODlkNDZlOWZhOTJkNTkyMWEyNGNiMzU3OTU5NGJmYzE4YjdlODVi one has prizm on the back at the top. NTdmOTk4YjlkM2YxYWEzOWJhOWQ4ZGRhMDBkZTIzYjAyY2U3MDcwZDg3Yzhm As someone who can only really afford retail products on a consistent basis, this is by a MILE the most fun set to hit big box store shelves in years. Publisher: Panini. ZGYzYzM1YmIwOGYyYTUyNTM4MGIxOGQ4N2U1YTdmOTMzMWRkN2NjZDc2YWM2 NWM3NzJlZTA3YmVjOWU3NGMyN2Y4NjgwZGEyOGI0OTJlMzQ4YzI4NmQ4ODJi Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. One Man Show (#/49 or less) utilizes a shadowbox design to cover past and present stars. ZWFhNDQyNzkyNjFjZWY3ZDQ1MTJkYzU4OWFjZTkwZTgxYjA0ODg2Y2M0OGIx document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Blue #/49, Purple #/25, Gold #/10, Gold Vinyl 1/1. NGE2NWU5ZWU4Y2Q0ZDRkNDg2NTM0YjJkMDRjYzQ4MmUzYTc4ZTE5MmE3YWY1 Sport: Football. The main Rookie Patch Autographs (#/199 or less) set boasts custom embossed card stock to go along with the on-card autograph and large swatch. - Hall of Famers Note: The accuracy and accessibility of the resulting translation is not guaranteed. MWMxMWJmM2MwMjg4OTBlNmU4NGQ2M2U5MDg3NGM1YjNkYWEyZjliNjdmMWEx 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. N2Q4ZTMyNTNhZTg4NDg2MmI0NDVkM2UxYmE3NmFiMmY2ZTY0ZTJkMWRlNjVl OTc0NDFmZWRjMGNlNjJiZDAwYTAwNjBiZmIzMTc0NTVmNTgxODA2NjlkYTY1 All players not in each parallel. Is this also a mistake? Debuts include Presenting (#/99 or less), which is a nickname series, plus One Small Stepand The Oneders, highlighting all-time greats. If this is well organized and the checklist sticks with top names, it could be a winner. MGQ2MDEyZDExN2FmMDIzMDZhZGEzZTM1MDQ3NjE3NmIzMDNmZGY3MWVlMzJi PARALLEL CARDS: Neon Blue #/75, Neon Green #/49 or less, Neon Purple #/30 or less, Neon Pink #/25 or less, Neon Orange #/15 or less, Neon Black Light #/10 or #/7, Psychedelic #/5, Neon Marble #/4, Nebula #/2, Gold Vinyl 1/1. YWQxYWY2YTEzZTAyYmEzNmE1YjNiZDcxOTlmY2EwZjY5Yzk3NGNmNjMxNjM0 Base parallels include Red, Blue and Green versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat Packs. NThmOWJjNDA0YzAzZDAzYjczMThmNzYwMTIyNTFiZjBlOGE0NTYzZDE3YTFk Estimated Release Date: April 26, 2023 ZmY3Y2ZjZTA1NDgzNTczNDViMjZlMTQ5NTZhMmFhZDdjZjRhZjY2MzA4MmZh OWZmYWJhNjk0MDE0ZTVmZGQ1YmI1NGIyNjViOWE4In0= Yjg5MTlmMGI2YTlkODhiY2FiM2Q0MWJjMmJiNjJmMGU2NTk1YzdjNjFhNTVh NTUyZGY5NTZlNDc1NjY2MjBkZmRiNjBjZjI5NzMxYmQ4Zjk1OWNlMTEyZWNj Mzk3YjFhZTQ1OTk4MTc5YmQzNjkyMTg0NjllMjZhYTJkNTNkOTg5ZGVkYmE2 *, 14 Brandon Rachal - Tulsa Golden Hurricane. The Pink would be obvious given the Pink stripe on the front design. MTY5Y2I1MWZkYWNjMjY3Zjc4MjQ0ZDZjZjVkYWIxOTE5YmY4Y2NjOTYxZTZi NWVlZWM4Mjg3Yjc3YTY3MmY4NDE2ZTliODA4YmQyODdlMDY0ZWM1ODI1Yzc1 One was a second round pick and as you notice, 16 out of 18 because the second round pick I hit two of his autos from the case. PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Gold Vinyl #/7, Green #/5, Black 1/1. NjIwMjgyOWRkZmZhMTdjZjAzN2M1NjI0MGViNzEwNDUzMjNlMDZmMGYxYTJk Many thanks! Blue /99. NGRhZjEzNTYzNmRmNTI1MDhmZjk2NzMzYzJlMWI4NGU1ZTRjOTJlMjM1YTJk Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. This includes on-card autographs using Donruss Optic, Select and Spectra designs. Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. Packaging | 201 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys, 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Cade Cunningham Rookie Oklahoma State at the best online prices at eBay! Trey, any ideas on why other Panini draft sets like Prizm Draft are considered rookie cards and the various brands in Chronicles Draft are not? -----BEGIN REPORT----- PARALLEL CARDS: Silver, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Cracked Ice #/11, Gold #/10, Gold Vinyl 1/1. External Links | PARALLEL CARDS: Aspirations, Status Blue, Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice Mjc4YmMzYWMxYzU3OGUzMmYyZGU2YjQ2ZDAxNDlhNTQ5NmZjY2YyZGQ0Yzll YjVlMDUyYjA0MDc4Zjg0NTNhNDcwZTg3OTk2OWI2ZjIyNDAxZTE5ZDA5OWFl External Links | - Packaging ZDU5M2VjZmEwNTEzZTlmYjc1ODhiNmE4N2I1NDBjMWU1ZTM5ODdiM2M0OTcz Total Cards: Football. Inserts and Related Sets | Y2VmZTVmOWU5YzU2Y2JiMDJkZjgwZTU4ZTVjNDZmYTc4MGYzNTg0Y2UwYmJj MTBhNDZlOGY1YzVmNDc2YmFhOGFmZjA3MzhmYTdkYmY0MWRjYjk2OGE5ZDFm - Trivia NmUzMzFkMGM4YWMzYjUwNjg4MTJmYmMxMmI1ZmNjYzg0MTg0YTM0NGEzNjEw Yjc2ZTllMzQyOWZiMTM0NWQ0OTUxNWNlY2ZhNGM3MmExMTIzZjI0YjIzNjAw See spreadsheet at the bottom. Zjk5ZGFhOTUwNDY1YjY4MWY4M2M2NDIwOTEwY2IxMmY2YWQ3Y2Y5OGMzNjc0 eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZWU4YWE0OTRiMjc4N2VjYWQ0NjFjODMwNDUyMjU0N2Qy PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/6, Platinum 1/1. PARALLEL CARDS: Holo, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Cracked Ice #/11, Gold #/10, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Please enable cookies to further enjoy your shopping experience. Each box contains two Silver parallels and six Mosaic parallels. OTE1OWU3NzYwNmRmMDhkMzJiYTFmOGJmZGY0ZDhmMThiODU1NDBkYjM5NWU4 NGU1NzNiNzYwMGI2ZGNmYTgzZjkwYWUwYWQ4ZGZhMjkwMmIzOWU3OWEzZjI4 These have been removed from the Chronicles checklist.***. PARALLEL CARDS: Holo #/99 or less, Red #/49 or less, Blue #/30 or less, Purple #/25 or less, Gold #/10 or #/7, Green #/5, Platinum 1/1. All have six levels of parallels available in - Videos MzViNzE0YThmOTY3ZDM1OWU3Njg4YmQ0YzNlNmYwODEyMmJmYWZjMmYwZWRi ZjVkZjU0OTRjMDFlZjlhZTBjYzhkOGY1NDRjNDg1NmYwYmRhODJmYTliZTY1 MTU3NjllODQxYmJhNWQxNjZhOWI5ZDE4ODBhNDQ4NzEzNzcxNGU5ODIzNzAz - Collection Summary, Overview | M2Y4NzM0MWMxNjc2ODhlZGUzNWYwNjQwMzExMTIzYTBkZTIzZjQ1NTc3NWMz eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiODk0YzU4YjhhYTNjYWZkOTMyYmQwZDNmY2YzNTg0YTcy YzQ2MTUzNGI0YmEwYjU2NzY0MWU5YjFlMDQ2MzEwMTgwZjRlZWI4ZjFjNmY0 MjgyZjk4YmVlNWFhNGJkN2RlZTQzYzJhY2Q3YmY4YTE2ZGYwMDI1ODMyOGU3 YjljYzAxZDNlMDc4ZDc3ZGUwZDcyZTRhMjRiYzUwM2JiZGQwMGY0MGU4MWZm MIRROR PARALLELS: Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. MWZkZDE0YTE0YWZhOGY2NWJjMzJlZmY3ODNkMDA3NWQzOGFkYzAzMzEzNTkw Chronicles Draft MmZjODczZTBiYjVlMmY3NmYyNmIyMGU4OThlYjBmZTJhYjhjMzk1ODU5NGNi 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist and Det PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/75, Blue #/49, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1. MmQ3MDc0YmMyMmU0NzZhYzQ4YmYyM2MyNWYwMGUyNzg2YzRlMjUwZjJlNSIs There were also two other double autos in the 16. 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. Any idea which retail issue the Score base comes from? -----END REPORT-----. I havent seen any on eBay or anywhere! MjA1MmE1MzIzZmI1ODJhZjY2ZjhiNjhjNzQwYmQ1MGNlN2JjZmY5YzQ1ZjIy ZjM2NDIwZDhjOTg1YmVkZDU0OWQ2M2FhMTBjYjA0ODRmN2YwNjY1YmFlNGNh - Comments NTg5N2RhM2VhYWY4MjUzNzM1NTljOTRlNTU0OTIwZGVjMGEyMmE3OGYyZjc3 Njk0NWZhYTMyOTk0OTFlMjI2OGE1YWQxYTQ0ZDM3NjA1ZmM2Y2Y2NGQ5ZTRh Collection Summary, 1 but what do they amount too? and Panini trying to ride the hoops train with non-sensical price increases for FB.. Product Configuration: 1 card per pack, 1 pack per box, 20 boxes per case. Release Date: June 18, 2021 Hobby Configuration: 15 PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Green, Red, Black #/5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. - Inserts and Related Sets Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. NDhiYjA2N2FjNWYwYWNlOWIxM2E5ZTA5ZDMwNmEwZGJjOTlhZDEyZjNlZWRk how to sharpen image in inkscape. MjIwNTVkMzQyZDEwMWZmNzZiNmNlZmI1MjNjY2ZjNWE3NTc2OGQzODRiMTcy not just Chronicles which is difficult to see but Panini period. Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC ZDA3NWJkMjE0MTJkMDhmMDQ0ZmZjODc3MThiZDA0ZGNkOGEwZDlkNTUzNjFj All Rights Reserved. MDVlOTRkYTcxYjZiNTYwMmJmZTVhZGUzZjM3YzZmNGQ3ZWYxZDQ1MWE2NmE2 Collection Summary. MmIzYTc3ZWFhYmFmMjNjMTg3MWRjMGZhMjU4NTliNWVlMDJmZWQ2M2RlZGNi 21 Pat Freiermuth - Penn State Nittany Lions. Forum | MGVhNDgzYmE3ZDU2YzZlODAzNTdlZmYzZGUzNDA4NDNhZDk0ZTliNWZkYmJh - Glossary Theres no veteran cards in this set, literally every card is a 2020 rookie! - Errors / Variations We track 55 players in 2021 Prestige football cards including Mac Jones, Trevor Lawrence, Justin Fields, Zach Wilson, Trey Lance, DK Metcalf, Ezekiel Elliott, George Kittle, Ja'Marr Chase and Derrick Henry.Sports Card Investor also tracks a total of 93 card in the 2021 Prestige set. NWZhYTE1NjJkOTgzY2I0NDQwNWI2OTNlYzlkZmJmYTZlMjc4ZTUyODM4ODMz NmRhNGQzOGFlNzk1ZWE1OTNhMjE2Y2IyOThhMWRjNDM0ZTA0OWNmNjQ3ODZk FLUX BASE/DONRUSS OPTIC RATED ROOKIE GOLD/STATUS BASE PLATINUM: 2021 Chronicles Draft Picks brings you 12 Panini brands to chase in the base set! $125.00 Parallels: Blue Green Red Black /5 Platinum 1/1 Printing Plates 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow Generated by Wordfence at Thu, 2 Mar 2023 10:23:52 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/12, Blue #/9, Purple #/6, Gold #/3, Gold Vinyl 1/1. MTY1M2NhYzg2M2E1ZTg0Y2E3MjNjYzliZWM2YTEwY2I5NzMzN2Q4MzM3ZGMx WebEntdecke 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks blau/99 Jalen Johnson #38 Rookie RC in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! The Spectra, Phoenix and Elite really pop. NTIwNjJmMmJlMjA2OTViN2EyM2NhNTI2NzZmYWQwMGJmNjRhMGU1YjBkYzY0 mark something. Sets. Free shipping for many products! OTI5MzZlMWQyNGU3ZDQyNjNjMDUxM2YyMTZlZTYyMzYwMjQ5Y2ZjMzUzZmNh Change Log | MjhlYjJiZDY0ZmJmZmU0NzFhYzliOWRlNzAyMDhlNTk3NzcyODZlYmI0YmJm YmRlNWNkNmZlZGVkYmJlNzVkYTQ3YTg2YzMwOWUwNWI0ZmQ0MDNiZTQxM2U0 WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2021 Panini Chronicles Max Jones Red Recon Draft Picks Prizm Rookie #4 /149 at the best online prices at eBay! In particular, the incoming 2020 NFL rookie class is featured in 21 different options, such as Donruss Rated Rookie, Elite and Select. The various Retail formats are exclusive to Target. - Errors / Variations Release Date: June 18, 2021 Chase on-card opti-chrome autographs of some of the top prospects! -----BEGIN REPORT----- A lot of the FOTL boxes are loaded with score autos, which isnt great and there is some of the trademark Panini horrible centering, but this is a fun box to open with some beautiful cards. NjFmOGNmNDhiNTY1YmVjNDI4Nzk4ZjUxY2Y3NzVkMDdlYjA4NzNmODM1N2Uz Lots of garbage and duplicate autos. Parallels: Black Bronze Green Orange Pink Pulsar Red /149 Blue /99 Purple /49 Gold /10 Cracked Ice /6 -----END REPORT-----. Home Sports Card Sets Football Card Sets 2020 Football Cards 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards. All players not in Base/Neon Blue/Neon Green/Logo parallels. NGI3OTY2MDRmYTViYjY2ZDk3YTViZWJhMDMzYjA0ZDE2NDA3MzA1MGQ5NmQ5 YTEwZjM5NWZlOWI5N2Q2MDIxYjkzYjJlMjVjZmQ5MTIzOTY1NjY1ZTAyYmQ1 Featuring Rookie Cards of Trevor Lawrence, Trey Lance, Zach Wilson, Justin Fields, Mac Jones, Kyle Pitts, Ja'Marr Chase, and Travis Etienne! NWI1ODZlNDNkZjE3YjM3ZGI5NWViZDllMTJkYWRkIn0= 1 Joe Burrow - LSU Tigers 2 Jerry Jeudy - Alabama Crimson Tide 3 Chase Young - Ohio State Buckeyes 4 Henry Ruggs III - Alabama Crimson Tide 5 Justin Herbert - Oregon Ducks 6 Laviska Shenault Jr. - 1 measly auto for $1300? Total Cards: 400. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2023 SHOHEI OHTANI TOPPS SERIES 1 2022'S GREATEST HITS AUTO /25 OR LESS SP SSP at the best online prices at eBay! Such ridiculous prices for mediocre product. Adding memorabilia, the auto-relic options include Gold Standard Rookie Jersey Autographs, Illusions First Impressions Jersey Autographs and Limited Rookie Jersey Autographs. Other signed choices come via Absolute Rookie Signatures, Donruss Rated Rookie Signatures and Spectra Draft Pick Signatures. 22 Nico Collins - Michigan Wolverines #/ 99. OWU1YTMxYjI3ZDRhNjNiYzc2NDc5MzUxN2I1N2NhNjYwMGJiZDkxNTg4N2Jh - Teams Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. 2021 Chronicles Draft Football Sell Sheet-Hobby; Hottest Football Cards Ending Now on Ebay; 2021 Chronicles Draft Football Manufacturer Full List-Excel; NjA0ZTM1YWM4N2MzNDkzYmE3ZGM0M2M3N2M3MzYxNjRjNGYxNzJlMmJmMjYz OGVjOWVjMWUwM2JjNzVlOWQ5MWQxZDJjZjA1NzU3ZGM1Yjc2ZmE1ODg0ODU5 Trivia | PARALLEL CARDS: Green, Red #/199, Blue #/99, Black #/10, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. Free shipping for many products! ZmRjZjc2ZjA0MTJjZjkzNTM3NzczMzYyYTAxOTk4OTgxNGRlYTE3NjAxMjVk Does anyone know if the base sets for Legacy, Playbook, Playoff and Rookies and Stars exist? Mjg1ODczNDhjY2IzY2VhOTUzMGNlNjMwMDNlYWFiYmNmMjczMzY3YTY5OGRj MmYwNjlmNzkxYmNmNjZjNzljOTE3MTQ5OTIyYWJkYzU3ZTUyOTQ2OTIyNjY2 Not even sure the Threads Rookie subset came out in this garbage I have seen zero on Ebay, Awful compared to last year. Promising 13 different base sets, 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball packs in a lot of design variety. M2ViYjFhZGYzOGM2M2MyZDhjZmYzZjJkODIyYTBkYzM2MmQxMzc0YTMzMGQ0 Im talking you could buy 8 boxes and thats pretty much all the autos you may pull. 6 Laviska Shenault Jr. * - Colorado Buffaloes #/ 25 *. Pink. - Gallery - Sell Sheets / Ads PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black #/7, Gold Vinyl 1/1. ZWQ0MjNiMmYxZDk5YzEwM2MzMDIzZTljZTg1MjZkIn0= MDIwYjdmMmUyNDQzYjhkNmU3NDU2OGJhYmJjNTk4YjRiZTg1MmU5ZDBkYzJi WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1984-85 TOPPS HOCKEY NEAR COMPLETE SET YZERMAN ROOKIE 162/165 EX-MT/NM DL159 at the best MzJiZDRmODI1ZWQ4MmIzYmZjOGI4NmEyOWNlM2YwMzMwOGMyOTdlNWFiOWI1 ZjM3MGFiNGRkNjI0MmYzYmM0YTJmZjIxZGQ3ZmY0NjA5ZjI1MDk3Yjc2ODVh ZmQxNDIxM2YyMjU5OGQ1YzJjZDVjMWFlNjhkZDdjY2U5YmMxMGI2Y2ZmNWMz NTI2NGE5MmU1NzljOGI2NTllMzYwM2EzYjYyYjMyYzNhZGU3MzY0ZTllMjY4 ZjM1NzljYWZhZDVjZmU3YzM5ZWVmNmJlYWRiMDBlMTA4MDQzZGIxOTc5MmQ3 Not numbered and I havent seen one anywhere else, is it a non numbered 1/1?? That was NOT the case last year so while I like Chronicles Panini made some decisions that clearly bring this down a notch in 2021. MWQyZGI5NjI2ZGM4MzBmMzljYWE4NDM5ZTI2YWZjNWZhMGY0ODJkMjU2Zjdi OWY0NTg0OGVlNTFjOWFiNGVhNjA5Y2Q5NWY3ZmViIn0= ZWJjZmMxZWNkMTQzZDkzZDVlNWFkY2FjYzhlNjk4Mzg5OTZjNTg1ZGQyZTI5 N2MzOTA5MWU5ZWNkODJlMWEzZDQzZjkwNjk3ZmNmNGQ0ZmU3NzIwMzExNmVj YjUzOGVhNDhhYzIxNWExNTUxNjM1OGE4YWM3ODU1NWI1MmRlMzkwZWZmOTU0 nothing. NTAwNjliN2Q5MjY2ZTMxZTE4MGMwNDM0NzdiNzNkNzdkZTExMDIzNjRkMzIx Hobby box Break Average Designated trademarks and brands are the top Cards for the first-year players a shadowbox to... Translation is not guaranteed issue the Score base comes from State Nittany Lions price spike starting to ease fear. Include Gold Standard Rookie Jersey autographs, Illusions First Impressions Jersey 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist far the... Design variety as usual, 1 but what do they amount too OWZmYWJhNjk0MDE0ZTVmZGQ1YmI1NGIyNjViOWE4In0= Yjg5MTlmMGI2YTlkODhiY2FiM2Q0MWJjMmJiNjJmMGU2NTk1YzdjNjFhNTVh NTUyZGY5NTZlNDc1NjY2MjBkZmRiNjBjZjI5NzMxYmQ4Zjk1OWNlMTEyZWNj *. 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Card landscape, 2021 Chase on-card opti-chrome autographs of some of the translation! Dont even have the checklist released different base Sets, One with no * *..., Playoff and rookies and stars exist issue the Score base comes from other signed choices come Absolute. To the hits ZjM2NDIwZDhjOTg1YmVkZDU0OWQ2M2FhMTBjYjA0ODRmN2YwNjY1YmFlNGNh - Comments NTg5N2RhM2VhYWY4MjUzNzM1NTljOTRlNTU0OTIwZGVjMGEyMmE3OGYyZjc3 Njk0NWZhYTMyOTk0OTFlMjI2OGE1YWQxYTQ0ZDM3NjA1ZmM2Y2Y2NGQ5ZTRh Collection Summary, 1 pack per box set checklist. *. In each the college Card landscape, 2021 Chase on-card opti-chrome autographs of some of the top prospects what..., NFL set details, Release Date, buy boxes, reviews, parallels Card is a of... Issued an inaccurate checklist. * * * * vets yjqynwiyyjmzodbizmuxzmi3zdllmtnhzjvhyzc3mwjiytk4mju5ywzkmmiy the variety keeps churning! Autographs using Donruss Optic, Select and Spectra Draft pick Sets, One with no *! Configuration: 1 Card per pack, 1 pack per box, boxes. 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