spiritual person vs religious person

When wondering, Am I religious or spiritual? think about whose rules you follow. The experience is often personal and occurs in private, allowing people to follow their own intuition and do the things that are in their own best interests. 2. 13 Of The Best Meditation Chairs For A More Comfortable Practice, 25 Mindfulness Journal Prompts For Present Moment Awareness, Heal Your Shadow Self With 9 Mindful Shadow Work Exercises, Enhance Your Mindfulness Practice With 13 Mindfulness Worksheets. WebSpirituality implies an attachment to matters of the spirit, rather than the physical, material world. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 LonerWolf.com. Spirituality is more personal. Its common to abuse religious power to degrade others for their lack of "purity." The difference between a spiritual and religious person boils down to how they see God. Ultimately, what matters most isnt what you believe but how it helps guide your life and help you become the best version of yourself. There's no scientific evidence to corroborate its existence. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Here are five essential differences between spirituality and religion to consider: Religion focuses on outward structures and traditions, whereas spiritualism directs its attention inwardly toward self-discovery. BEING RELIGIOUS Being religious means belonging to an established religious order, whether large or small. Religion: On the whole, a formal religion is often an objective experience. That is, nobody is left out, behind, or forgotten. But while they arent diametric opposites, neither are they the same. Both those who received support from their medical team or from their religious community were more apt to transition to hospice care and to decline aggressive treatment, she said. Spirituality (or mysticism), on the other hand, is something people discover and can choose to embrace or not. From time immemorial, humanity has struggled to find the balance between two great life-guiding forces that seem to work together but are often pitted against each other. Modern spirituality puts a great emphasis on our personal connection with God/Life/Spirit. Spiritual and religious people are two distinct groups, though they share a common goal: to connect with something greater than the self. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? Through religion, you are taught to have faith in God or the scriptures as being the infallible and ultimate truth of reality. We have a path of integration, depth, and tremendous power for good. Religion, contrary to spirituality, is highly formal. Final Thoughts on the Differences Between Religion and Spirituality. Spirituality also fosters a sense of interconnectedness with things beyond what we can see and touch. The fear of punishment for one's actions is often a principle factor in religion. Its focused on internalizing different teachings about the Divine, and is, therefore, more theoretical and thought-based. Those who are spiritual but not religious are about evenly split between men (47%) and women (53%) in stark contrast with those who say they are neither religious within the religious organization. Being spiritual doesnt mean you have the responsibility of worshiping a God. A spiritual atheist is someone who, unlike a religious person, does not believe in any God. If a change was to occur in religion, it would be a slow process. With spiritual practice, ideas and interpretations change as individuals, societies, and the world move forward. In seeking the divinewhether from a church pew on a Sunday or on top of a ridge looking at a glorious sunrisewe increase our feelings of happiness, peace, and appreciation for the life that we have. Religion is the belief of another mans experience written down in sacred scripture, but spirituality is the belief of ones own experience. A third omission is that of the dishonesty and self-deception found within both of these groupthink systems. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. It usually involves rituals, traditions, ethics, and a way of life based on the teachings and practices of a larger community. Spirituality offers an endless amount of potential benefits, while with religion it offers punishments or rewards. In contrast, the word agnostic refers to a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in a god or religious doctrine. Any text will do. WebIn short, the tension between religion and spirituality may be overstated. For spiritual practitioners, find a source of accountability that will help to keep you focused and committed. As someone who was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household, then left and became agnostic, then adopted new age spirituality, then became a practitioner of the occult, and has finally committed to a mystical path, Ive been on a merry-go-round when it has come to spirituality and religion. 3. It is a structured, frequently rule-based construct that to some degree governs the behavior of its members. Read through the list of differences between spirituality and religion at the beginning of this article. Its not that their experiences dont make sense or are hare-brained. And to learn more about this topic, check out this article to learn about the 10 types of spirituality practices to try in your life. Religion: By definition, religion is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; the service and worship of God or the supernatural. In previous, more uncertain times, the rules and dogma of organized religion helped to give society a sense of certainty and helped to guide and comfort those whose faith was lacking. Instead, they believe in a higher consciousness that cannot be represented as a physical being. The difference between a spiritual and religious person comes down to how they see God. For a religious person, the concept of God is predetermined, named, and comes with a set method on how to worship that God. A spiritual person on the other hand, turns inwards to find their truth and finds God within themselves and all of life. 1. Do you rely on the rituals of a certain church to carry you through times when your faith begins to wane? For others, there's a related sense of love and connection that comes from spirituality. This god helmet generated weak magnetic fields, applied to the temporal lobes. Spirituality teaches sacredness or that the Divine can be experienced, felt, and embodied. Alternatively, in religion, the belief system is usually predefined. There are set structures, routines, rituals, and rules one is expected to adhere to in order to call oneself a devotee. Religion is centered around the theoretical; its about learning, understanding, and devoting oneself to a certain belief system. Spirituality focuses on spreading love and selfless acts. Zhang, H., Hook, J. N., Hodge, A. S., Van Tongeren, D. R., Davis, D. E., & Jin, L. (2021). Spiritual and religious practices have been intertwined across cultures throughout the centuries. Spiritual people listen to their hearts and their own conscious mind in order to do what is right for their unique self. 5. Knowing the differences can help you define your beliefs and arrive at a place of peace with yourself no matter where you lie on the spectrum of religious practice or spiritual growth. One is HOW we find religion vs spirituality. Both can enrich or demoralize our human experience. Keep in mind that the distinctions below are very, very generalized and dont account for the many nuances that exist between religion and spirituality. Are you a spiritual person or a religious person? That is a persons acceptance of the religions teachings. There are many religions in our world, and one thing most have in common is that they preach the idea that their story is the right story. A person will tend to lean on one side instead of balancing both. Religion is the form, and spirituality is the formlessness. Many people rely on their own understanding of the world when making decisions or expressing themselves. As you can see, there are good and bad things about spirituality and religion. Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. Even though the connection shares a major common ground, spirituality and religion differ in more ways than one. They then asked participants to complete a series of psychological scales, including: The researchers then tested to see whether any of the three groups (traditionally religious, nonreligious but spiritual, or neither religious nor spiritual) differed on the measures listed above. Whichever path or combination of the two you follow is the personal and subjective expression of your journey of awakening. Its often seen as more rigid and less open to exploration. However, each practice serves as a vehicle to lead you closer to the truth you seek. For example, while Christians may focus on the story of Moses and the 10 Commandments in detail, someone who is spiritual may take away some broader messages from the story, such as being grateful for the things in one's life or always being honest. As Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, verse 11: As men approach me, so I receive them. For religious folks, try listening to the perspectives of people from other religions and spiritual paths. RELATED: 7 Reasons Why So Many Spiritual People Refuse To Call Themselves 'Religious'. Listen to your Souls calling. It is safe to say that spirituality has greater potential for exploration within ones faith than religion does. It can happen in any religious group, as an element of child abuse, elder abuse, or domestic violence. When we unite elements of spirituality with religion and vice versa, we get a robust, deep, and deliciously multi-faceted path that can properly support and initiate us into the Mysteries of the Divine. Being too spiritual may also cause long-term separation from loved ones or more concern for their own issues, instead of trusting a higher being for tomorrows worry. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel Religion on the other hand encourages the gathering of knowledge through written and oral teachings such as scriptures, old texts, sermons, and so on. Sometimes people can have negative stereotypes toward people who practice non-religious spirituality (e.g., thinking they are in a cult), says Zhang. On the other hand, religious people typically rely on some form of organized religion or institution. Unlike the scientific worldview, religions dont require evidence to validate their claims. Being spiritual involves holding one's personal set of beliefs and practices and searching for the purpose of life. While religion has various rules that others may or may not agree with, spirituality focuses on an individuals aspect of a belief. Since religion began its increasing decline in the early 20th century which was promoted by the Age of Enlightenment in the previous period and reinforced by the horrors of the world wars, the idea of God is now largely seen as not just infantile, but ludicrous. Religiosity, spirituality, and devotion to something Higher than the ego are basic human needs and intrinsic human qualities. For example, Christians are encouraged in the Bible to build a community of believers, gather together to pray and worship, and observe certain holidays or holy days. As a spiritual person grows in life, so will their perception and beliefs. Zhang, H. (Interview) Spirituality, not organized religion, may be the key to finding meaning in life. Enjoy a renewed sense of health with this 7-day Ayurvedic cleanse. Spirituality is simply one's ability to recognize that every person is more than just a human bodythey are a soul that has unlimited potential. As such, spirituality is much more about inner understanding than outer worship. Religious institutions conservatively guard their practices and values, holding rigidly to the past and the original interpretations of the founders teachings. Its not that their experiences dont make sense or are hare-brained. Americans who are spiritual but not religious are somewhat more likely to be women than men (54% vs. 46%, respectively). In either case, there are professionals within each religion who act in positions of leadership and who represent formal aspects of the institution. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? Notice how it helps to create a more rich and well-rounded experience. In fact, he says, while religious people are more likely to volunteer or give to charitable causes related to their beliefs, atheists appear to be more generous to a wider range of causes and dissimilar groups. It's a blind belief in something with unconditional acceptance of its teachings. But spirituality doesnt aim to please a specific God; rather, it focuses on interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Religion is an ideology that holds ancient traditions that have kept communities together. A new article published in the journal journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice suggests that there are fewer differences between people who are part of an organized religion and those who practice spirituality on their own than might be expectedat least from a psychological standpoint. The more religious than spiritual group declined from 16.7% in 1998 to 11.9% in 2018 ( - 4.8 percentage points) and those saying they are equally religious and spiritual also decreased from 64.8% to 55.1% ( -9.7 points) . WebHistorically, the words religious and spiritual have been used synonymously to describe all the various aspects of the concept of religion, [1] but in contemporary usage spirituality Regardless of whether were religious or spiritual, the human psyche, the human soul, innately craves for something greater than itself. For example, you can use spiritual practices such as yoga, energy healing, and breathwork to deepen your understanding of what lies beyond the physical world. Spirituality is all about experiencing, feeling, and embodying the Divine. On the other hand, spirituality is less about what you believe and more about what you value or what makes sense to you personally. Religion tends to believe that punishment is the only way if one sins, while spirituality believes in karma, the belief that what comes around goes around, and that well reap what we sow. First up in the types of spiritual personalities is the mystic. This unites people who share a religion, as they share character traits and outlooks on life. On the other hand, spirituality teaches people to constantly listen to their inner voice and use it as a guide to live a good life. Therapytips.org, November 9, 2021. Religions are based upon rituals that Religious people lean on gathering with others, to reach a unison connection with God, but spirituality develops their own belief system. These are mere beliefs that are treated as truths and that can (and sometimes does) lead to unsavory outcomes. People may reject traditional religion but consider themselves spiritual. Biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins travelled to the lab of Canadian neuroscientist Michael Persinger in the hope of having a religious experience. Religion has a set of rules that followers must obey in order to stay "pure" and "holy." It focuses only on good energy to allow people to be the best version of themselves. The foundation of spirituality is a pure spirit of unifying force. In the words of Nietzsche, the well-known German philosopher who essentially prophesied the crumbling of religion in the West (God is dead): What do we do with a human God, when we turn to God, precisely because were disgusted by mankind? For example, since accepting fate can be seen as an inner personal struggle, some define it as Person vs. Self instead. Although they have many similarities and there is a relationship between the two, there are differences between religion and spirituality. At its most infantile form, spirituality can become new age fluff that lacks depth, commitment, accountability, the ability to create meaningful social change, and credibility. Lets break down the individual differences as well as the light and darkness within spirituality and religion below: While spirituality focuses on the personal connection with the Divine, religion encourages a community-centered connection with the Divine. It's about a search for our life's significance and allows us to feel part of something. It has caused wars and major conflict between ecocentric groups and countries. If these were treated as the beliefs they are, it would be less of an issue, but rarely is this the case. And yet, regardless of where we stand as a species, we all have an innate drive to seek something higher and greater than ourselves whether that be God, Enlightened Consciousness, our next-and-best consumerist purchase, or a dogmatic belief that Science is the only true way of seeing the world. You are part of the universal hologram, all gods and goddesses in disguise. So, what is the difference between a spiritual person and a religious person? Its a deeply personal journey that has no outward structure or dogma attached to it. For example, spiritual people are more likely to: Volunteer or donate to the poor. Religion: At its core, religion is about faith. Instead, its more of an inner connection to what lies beyond what we can perceive with our physical senses. In addition to those who say they are spiritual but not religious, 48% say they are both religious and spiritual, while 6% say they are religious but not spiritual. Another 18% answer both questions negatively, saying they are neither religious nor spiritual. A religious person is committed to following the guidelines set by his or her religion. If you feel called toward specifically spirituality or religion, youre in your every right to do that. For example, churches are slowly accepting LGBTQ acceptance into their congregation, which before was unheard of. Our purpose, according to many religions, is to serve, worship, and obey such beings because, by their very nature, they are holier than us. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000279. And knowing the difference between spirituality and religion will help anyone decide which path they should take to discover their truth. I hope the findings from this study can help reduce stereotypes toward religious minority members and help create a more accepting environment.. In this way, spirituality can sometimes feel like a rebellious act of going solo and leaving the tribe, very much in the spirit of American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson when he said, To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.. Neither of these scenarios is fair. Spirituality: By contrast, spirituality typically discards the vestiges of fear and worry in favor of a more loving, compassionate approach to lifeand death. In the recognition that pure spirit is a unifying force, no one is left out. They found that both traditionally religious and nonreligious but spiritual individuals scored higher on measures of life satisfaction than nonreligious/non-spiritual individuals. However, both of these methods of believing in something help people live happy, meaningful lives. In this case, wisdom means a deep and integrated knowing that is expressed through how we live our lives. Spirituality embraces change and the evolution of consciousness. As a community or group sharing the same beliefs, religion functions as an extremely supportive social network. However, being religious doesnt make you spiritual, just like being spiritual doesnt make you religious. The authors hope their work reduces negative stereotypes and stigma surrounding non-traditional religious practices and affiliations. If you notice, others abuse religion to inflict fear into anothers mind. In this BBC Horizon film, God on the Brain, a retro science-fiction helmet was placed on Dawkins head. Purchase our best-selling 21-day and 7-day meditations. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel Religion, on the other hand, is about submitting oneself to a certain path (i.e., obedience) and searching for freedom from suffering. There are mystics who exist in all religions and spiritual paths. ), Spiritual Meditation: 11 Ways to Enlighten Your Mind. Patients receiving any form of spiritual support reported a higher quality of life at the end of life than those who didnt, she noted. Provide moral guidelines by which to live. Welcome! Meanwhile, if you're looking for ways of adding meaning into your life, a habit of gratitude is one way to start. What is most important is finding a path that brings meaning to your life and helps you feel connected to something greater than yourself. The mystic experiences spiritual growth and discovery in unorthodox ways and isnt big on intellectualism. Ultimately, spiritual paths are what you make of them and what resonates with you as an individual, making them unique. In other words, different religions, in general, tend to focus on gathering people together and finding shared faith in one god or ideology. The spirituality vs religion debate only creates more hatred and ill will in the world, and yet, when we dare to combine the two, we have what I call a third way forward. This isnt necessarily a bad thing. A spiritual person is a kind person. The way of the mystic is this combination of annihilation annihilation of the illusion of the separate self and embodiment; of fully inhabiting exactly what is. Religion is the container and spirituality is the contents. Spirituality is a universal, personalized experience, and everyone's experience is unique. Theres no black and white here. Moral rules, laws, and doctrines, as well as specific codes and criteria, create the organized structure that contains the religions specific belief system. We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. First up in the types of spiritual personalities is the mystic. Spiritual Experience; The foundation of religion is faith. According to Pew Research Center, about 27% of U.S. adults consider themselves as spiritual but unaffiliated with any traditional religious group, demonstrating an increase of 8% in just the past 5 years.. Studies show that most people in the U.S. describe themselves as both religious and spiritual. Spirituality focuses heavily on the now. This is a principle of cause and effect where one's actions or intentions have a direct impact on their future. Spirituality leans heavily on the personal experience of one's soul. God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. Spirituality: By comparison, spirituality is often less focused on the rigidly traditional approach and often favors an evolutionary mentality. The results were sorted by age. You can belong to a religious group and still be spiritual, and vice versa. In fact, some may find that their spirituality is closely linked to a religion, while others may have their own personal relationship with a higher power. Others seek the meaning of life through their connections to nature or art. They are twins that can form one Whole if we are open to that possibility. Spirituality is an individuals inner sense of connection with the universe or a higher power, and for some people, it is an essential part of living. As I explored in my previous article entitled what is spirituality, I define spirituality vs religion in the following ways: The word spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritualis, which means, breath; of the spirit; air. (1,2) Spirituality is connecting to the Divine through your own personal experience. By Sofia Stewart Updated on Feb 11, 2023. In this article, we will define both and talk about four major ways they they are different from one another. What It Means To Be A Spiritual Person Vs. A Religious Person, What 'Spiritual Healing' Really Means And How To Start Your Journey, 7 Reasons Why So Many Spiritual People Refuse To Call Themselves 'Religious', The Spiritual Habit That Keeps Couples Energetically-Connected (And Happy!) People are inclined to think that these two lifestyles are the same, and on the surface they are. When it comes to using the mind, spirituality focuses on cultivating wisdom. Have any thoughts to share? It focuses on the art of understanding the way of life, change, and living in a sacred manner. They do not hold on to their memories which may bring you down. Some people feel called to explore different spiritual paths beyond what organized religion offers, and many believers find their faith is enhanced through other spiritual activities such as yoga, meditation, or journaling. Religion: Due to their centuries- to millennia-old histories, religions are by nature often deeply rooted in tradition, ritual, creed, and doctrine. Belief vs. Total Well-being Teacher and Coaching Certification. Religion has a basic moral code, a set of core values and a story outline. They are following not a set of external rules, but their own inner call to spirit. These teachings are considered the truth and should be followed without question. Spirituality is a way to find meaning and purpose in what you do or experience. In fact, some may find that their spirituality is closely linked to a religion, while others may have their own personal relationship with a higher power. The concepts of original sin, divine judgement, Gods wrath, or eternal punishment can create a mental environment burdened in worry and anxiety over your worthiness and whether your actions will result in divine retribution or karmic punishment. Forty-two percent (42%) of spiritual people meditate when stressed rather than overeat or indulge in unhealthy coping Do you count on an institution to organize your beliefs for you, or do you pick and choose what you want to believe? We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. To set things straight, Im not in either the religion is evil or spirituality is nonsense groups. ), and has been on the spiritual-but-not-religious path for over a decade, I find myself in the middle. For example, they may believe in God while asking for positive energy through their journey of self-discovering. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. check out this article to learn about the 10 types of spirituality practices to try in your life, 16 Strategies to Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes, 60 Proven Ways to Make Someone Else Happy, 21 Best Films That Explore Mental Illness, 41 Words of Encouragement for Someone in Jail, 101 Toxic People Quotes to Stay Away from Negativity, 57 Strong Mom Quotes About Being a Powerful Parent, 7 Steps to Deal with Emotionally Unavailable Parents, 35 Best Songs About What Its Like to Have Anxiety, 111 Self-Discovery Questions to Ask Yourself While Journaling, 49 Positive Morning Prayers to Inspire Your Day, 101 Ice Breaker Questions for Kids That Theyll Love. Theres no one else to tell you where youre going wrong but yourself. As a pacifist by nature, it hasRead more . Being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others. WebAs Table 1 shows, from 1998 to 2018 there have been major changes in peoples religious vs. spiritual identification. Spirituality teaches us that All is One (non-duality), that there is ultimately no separation between the spark of Divine within us and the Divine that pervades everything. Belief vs. For thousands of years, humanity has passionately pursued the Truth with a capital Tthe ultimate answers to life and the universe. However, according to a survey published by TODAY, over 70% of participants believed its better to be spiritual than religious. The behavior of its members spirituality doesnt aim to please a specific God ; rather, would. Editing and managing this website of cause and effect where one 's actions is often focused... 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