lumen gentium 16 summary

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1, 24, Lc. S Augustinus, Serm. Encycl. (25) Cfr. IV. In its two final chapters, Lumen gentium teaches that true veneration of Mary and the saints consists in imitating their virtues. (254) Since however we know not the day nor the hour, on Our Lord's advice we must be constantly vigilant so that, having finished the course of our earthly life,(255) we may merit to enter into the marriage feast with Him and to be numbered among the blessed(256) and that we may not be ordered to go into eternal fire(257) like the wicked and slothful servant,(258) into the exterior darkness where "there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth". 2301 (38S7-61). 2: col. 357. (282), THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD IN THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH, 52. I Grande munus, 30 sept. 1880: ASS 13 (1880) p. 14S. All men are called to this union with Christ, who is the light of the world, from whom we go forth, through whom we live, and toward whom our whole life strains. S. Thomas, Summa Theol. : Mansi 1215 CD, 1216-1217 A. 1, 6-7, ut demonstret Ordinem esse verum sacramentum: Denz. Conc. - S. Io. Haer. III, 16, 6; III, 22, 1-3: PG 7, 925 C-926 Aet 955 C - 958 A; Harvey 2, 87 s. et 120-123; Sagnard, Ed. Adiutricem populi, 5 sept. 1895: ASS 15 (1895-96), p. 303. The various forms of piety toward the Mother of God, which the Church within the limits of sound and orthodox doctrine, according to the conditions of time and place, and the nature and ingenuity of the faithful has approved, bring it about that while the Mother is honored, the Son, through whom all things have their being (302) and in whom it has pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell,(303) is rightly known, loved and glorified and that all His commands are observed. Kleutgen, textus reformstus De mysterio Verbi incarnati, cap. The Roman Pontiff, as the successor of Peter, is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of unity of both the bishops and of the faithful. Oct 1958 John 23rd elected Pope Jan 1959 John 23 summoned council 1960 John 23rd 1961 died June 3rd 1963 Oct - Dec Opening of the Council Paul 6th became 1962 Pope June 23rd 1963 Oct - Dec Second session 1963 Oct - Dec Third session 1964 Oct - Dec Fourth session 1965 The Sacred Scriptures of both the Old and the New Testament, as well as ancient Tradition show the role of the Mother of the Saviour in the economy of salvation in an ever clearer light and draw attention to it. 42. 184, a. For all of them shall know Me, from the least of them even to the greatest, saith the Lord. (167) In them the faithful are gathered together by the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, and the mystery of the Lord's Supper is celebrated, that by the food and blood of the Lord's body the whole brotherhood may be joined together. 16: PL 120, 561 C. Cfr. 3, 7. II-II, q. Let them, as fathers in Christ, take care of the faithful whom they have begotten by baptism and their teaching. Step by step He taught and prepared this people, making known in its history both Himself and the decree of His will and making it holy unto Himself. Magno gaudio, 23 maii 1964: AAS 56 (1964) p. 566. (43*) The infallibility promised to the Church resides also in the body of Bishops, when that body exercises the supreme magisterium with the successor of Peter. S. Ignatius M., Trall. (73) (11*). Eusebius Caes., Praeparatio Evangelica, 1, 1: PG 2128 AB. - S. Germanus Constantinop., in S. Dei gen. dorm. Chrysostomus n Eph. (6*) Furthermore, the hierarchy, following with docility the prompting of the Holy Spirit, accepts the rules presented by outstanding men and women and authentically approves these rules after further adjustments. (68) Cfr. Taking them to itself it purifies, strengthens, elevates and ennobles them. Rom 8:15-16, 26). Trid., Sess. Ps.-Petrus Dam. In no way does it impede, but rather does it foster the immediate union of the faithful with Christ. The members of these institutes, in fulfilling their obligation to the Church due to their particular form of life, ought to show reverence and obedience to bishops according to the sacred canons. And behold I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world". St. Augustine puts this very beautifully when he says: "What I am for you terrifies me; what I am with you consoles me. Sixteen major documents were produced: two dogmatic and pastoral constitutions, nine decrees and three declarations. : Denz. (22) Conc. It is the love of God and the love of one's neighbor which points out the true disciple of Christ. Having set forth the functions of the hierarchy, the Sacred Council gladly turns its attention. Sanct. 28:16-20; Mk. III, q. Any institute of perfection and its individual members may be removed from the jurisdiction of the local Ordinaries by the Supreme Pontiff and subjected to himself alone. These laymen spend themselves completely in apostolic labors, working the Lord's field with much success.(10*). 3, citat verba 2 Tim. 33. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. They are, by reason of the knowledge, competence or outstanding ability which they may enjoy, permitted and sometimes even obliged to express their opinion on those things which concern the good of the Church (7*). Rather has it pleased Him to bring men together as one people, a people which acknowledges Him in truth and serves Him in holiness. And lastly, by the example of their way of life they must be an influence for good to those over whom they preside, refraining from all evil and, as far as they are able with God's help, exchanging evil for good, so that together with the flock committed to their care they may arrive at eternal life.(57*). The Father began this formation process with the Israelites and brought it to fulfillment in the Church. . Embracing God's salvific will with a full heart and impeded by no sin, she devoted herself totally as a handmaid of the Lord to the person and work of her Son, under Him and with Him, by the grace of almighty God, serving the mystery of redemption. The Theological Commission has given the following response regarding the Modi that have to do with Chapter III of the de Ecclesia Schema: "As is self-evident, the Council's text must always be interpreted in accordance with the general rules that are known to all.". When Jesus, who had suffered the death of the cross for mankind, had risen, He appeared as the one constituted as Lord, Christ and eternal Priest,(24) and He poured out on His disciples the Spirit promised by the Father. - S. Germanus Constantinop., In annunt. Mich. 5:2-3; Mt. Pius XII, Litt. (214) He united her to Himself as His own body and brought it to perfection by the gift of the Holy Spirit for God's glory. Vat. (211), Let the spiritual shepherds recognize and promote the dignity as well as the responsibility of the laity in the Church. Fortified by so many and such powerful means of salvation, all the faithful, whatever their condition or state, are called by the Lord, each in his own way, to that perfect holiness whereby the Father Himself is perfect. 184, a. For those ministers, who are endowed with sacred power, serve their brethren, so that all who are of the People of God, and therefore enjoy a true Christian dignity, working toward a common goal freely and in an orderly way, may arrive at salvation. 3. 1950: AAS 42 (1950) Denz. Denz. (50) Cfr. (6) Cfr. (21*) Although, however, all the faithful can baptize, the priest alone can complete the building up of the Body in the eucharistic sacrifice. Hom. Castf Connubii, 31 dec. 1930. That discernment in matters of faith is aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth. This union of the Mother with the Son in the work of salvation is made manifest from the time of Christ's virginal conception up to His death it is shown first of all when Mary, arising in haste to go to visit Elizabeth, is greeted by her as blessed because of her belief in the promise of salvation and the precursor leaped with joy in the womb of his mother. (198) Further, they have the capacity to assume from the Hierarchy certain ecclesiastical functions, which are to be performed for a spiritual purpose. summary. They should sustain one another in grace throughout the entire length of their lives. by Fr. This practice of the counsels, under the impulsion of the Holy Spirit, undertaken by many Christians, either privately or in a Church-approved condition or state of life, gives and must give in the world an outstanding witness and example of this same holiness. L. 2, 9, 23: PG 93, 894 B. This is explicitly affirmed in n. 22, 12, and is explained at the end of that section. S. Gregorius M., Hom in Evang. Casti Connubii, 31 dec. 1930: AAS 22 (1930) p. 548. The term laity is here understood to mean all the faithful except those in holy orders and those in the state of religious life specially approved by the Church. As the assumed nature inseparably united to Him, serves the divine Word as a living organ of salvation, so, in a similar way, does the visible social structure of the Church serve the Spirit of Christ, who vivifies it, in the building up of the body. ; ed. Pius IX, Bulla Ineffabilis 8 dec. 1854: acta Pii IX, I, I, p. 616; Denz. 1896; AAS 28 (1895-96) pp. Nic.-Const. 1; Denz. 1926: AAS 18 (1926) p. 69. Dedicated to duties of charity and of administration, let deacons be mindful of the admonition of Blessed Polycarp: "Be merciful, diligent, walking according to the truth of the Lord, who became the servant of all."(75*). Bishops, as vicars and ambassadors of Christ, govern the particular churches entrusted to them (58*) by their counsel, exhortations, example, and even by their authority and sacred power, which indeed they use only for the edification of their flock in truth and holiness, remembering that he who is greater should become as the lesser and he who is the chief become as the servant. (16) Breviarium Romanum, Invitatorium infesto Sanctorum Omnium. Likewise we can say that in some real way they are joined with us in the Holy Spirit, for to them too He gives His gifts and graces whereby He is operative among them with His sanctifying power. Upon all the laity, therefore, rests the noble duty of working to extend the divine plan of salvation to all men of each epoch and in every land. (7) Cfr. 2 et 3: PG 96, 721-761, speciatim col. 728 B. 3. (18*) For in the mystery of the Church, which is itself rightly called mother and virgin, the Blessed Virgin stands out in eminent and singular fashion as exemplar both of virgin and mother. Conc. Origenes, Comm. (10) Cfr. Pius XII, Litt. (60) Conc. (10) Cfr. Mediator Dei, 20 nov. 1947: AAS 39 (1947) p. 553; Denz. DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH. V. Mary the sign of created hope and solace to the wandering people of God. I XXlV, can. Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution On the Church, 1964. For they not only had helpers in their ministry,(4*) but also, in order that the mission assigned to them might continue after their death, they passed on to their immediate cooperators, as it were, in the form of a testament, the duty of confirming and finishing the work begun by themselves,(5*) recommending to them that they attend to the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit placed them to shepherd the Church of God. Joined to Christ the Head and in the unity of fellowship with all His saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory "of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ".(2*). From all this it follows that if one member endures anything, all the members co-endure it, and if one member is honored, all the members together rejoice.(59). Such a multiple and miraculous growth augments both the progress of the members of these various religious families themselves and the welfare of the entire Body of Christ. LUMEN GENTIUM SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED BY HIS HOLINESS POPE PAUL VI ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964 ! (1) Missale Romanum, Gloria in excelsis. Clearly from earliest times the Blessed Virgin is honored under the title of Mother of God, under whose protection the faithful took refuge in all their dangers and necessities. Cf. Predestined from eternity by that decree of divine providence which determined the incarnation of the Word to be the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin was on this earth the virgin Mother of the Redeemer, and above all others and in a singular way the generous associate and humble handmaid of the Lord. Officii 20 dec. 1949: AAS 42 (1950) p.142. In this way, that person is ordained to the honor and service of God under a new and special title. While Christ, holy, innocent and undefiled(81) knew nothing of sin,(82) but came to expiate only the sins of the people,(83) the Church, embracing in its bosom sinners, at the same time holy and always in need of being purified, always follows the way of penance and renewal. (37) De iuribus Sedium patriarchalium, cfr. Apost. (35*) From this it follows that the individual bishops, insofar as their own discharge of their duty permits, are obliged to enter into a community of work among themselves and with the successor of Peter, upon whom was imposed in a special way the great duty of spreading the Christian name. That is to say that, instead of emphasizing the vertical line of control, Lumen Gentium emphasizes a horizontal line where the "People of God" are made important (O'Malley 174). (39) Cfr. The religious state clearly manifests that the Kingdom of God and its needs, in a very special way, are raised above all earthly considerations. 1683 (2879). ", **The following was published as an appendix to the official Latin version of the Constitution on the Church.**. (23) Cfr. Pius XII, Litt. The pope promulgated the document on November 21, 1964, during the third year of the council. (1) Cfr. Nic. (13) Dieitur. On account of this sharing in their priesthood and mission, let priests sincerely look upon the bishop as their father and reverently obey him. 839. All men are called to belong to the new people of God. (128) Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Let them confidently assign duties to them in the service of the Church, allowing them freedom and room for action. Fidei Donum, 1. c. (36) Leo XIII, Litt. He does this not only through the hierarchy who teach in His name and with His authority, but also through the laity whom He made His witnesses and to whom He gave understanding of the faith (sensu fidei) and an attractiveness in speech(200) so that the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. 341, 9, 11: PL 39, 1499 s. S. Io. 2 in dorm. Dei gcnitricis, Hom. 5:22. I, 152, 156, 171 s. S. Ign. Encycl. Let them willingly employ their prudent advice. (40) Cfr. Funk, Didascalia, I, p. 530. ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964 CHAPTER I - THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH 1. this sacred Council, being gathered together in the Holy Spirit, that by proclaiming his Gospel to every creature (cf. God's covenant relationship with the chosen people 'I will . It is for this reason that the Church preserves and fosters the special character of her various religious institutes. But for this power to be fully ready to act, there must be a further canonical or juridical determination through the hierarchical authority. (17) Cfr. (19) Cfr. Ambrosiascr In I Tim. This Temple, symbolized in places of worship built out of stone, is praised by the Holy Fathers and, not without reason, is compared in the liturgy to the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (5*). I, cap. in annunt. (238), Christ, having been lifted up from the earth has drawn all to Himself. 967 (1777). It flows forth from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rests on His mediation, depends entirely on it and draws all its power from it. T HE critical study of the dogmatic Constitution De Ecclesia, also called Lumen gentium is the main axis of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. For sitting at the right hand of God the Father, He is not absent from the gathering of His high priests,(17*) but above all through their excellent service He is preaching the word of God to all nations, and constantly administering the sacraments of faith to those who believe, by their paternal functioning. Lumen . 63, 14: PL 4, 386; Hartel, III B, p. 713: Saccrdos vice Christi vere fungitur .. S. Io. 5 ed. The latter, on the other hand, aided by the experience of the laity, can more clearly and more incisively come to decisions regarding both spiritual and temporal matters. In this kingdom creation itself will be delivered from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God. (202) Let them not, then, hide this hope in the depths of their hearts, but even in the program of their secular life let them express it by a continual conversion and by wrestling "against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness.(203). 2 de Annunt., 2: PG 89, 1377 AB; Serm. 4: ed. Apost. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium 16, November 21, 1964 "But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place among whom are the Muslims: these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." I De Ecclesia Christi, cap. Cast. 47. (16) Cfr. As Supreme Pastor of the Church, the Supreme Pontiff can always exercise his power at will, as his very office demands. - S. Io. De quelle consolation, 1. c., p. 789: Dans les batailles decisives, c'est parfois du front que partent les plus heureuses initiatives..Idem Alloc. 4, docet Ordinis sacramentum imprimere characterem indelebilem: Denz. Cabasilas, De vita in Christo, lib. Lumen Gentium 1. Encycl. For it is the duty of all bishops to promote and to safeguard the unity of faith and the discipline common to the whole Church, to instruct the faithful to love for the whole mystical body of Christ, especially for its poor and sorrowing members and for those who are suffering persecution for justice's sake,(160) and finally to promote every activity that is of interest to the whole Church, especially that the faith may take increase and the light of full truth appear to all men. 5. But while in the most holy Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she is without spot or wrinkle, the followers of Christ still strive to increase in holiness by conquering sin. 25. It seeks and experiences those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right-hand of God, where the life of the Church is hidden with Christ in God until it appears in glory with its Spouse.(49). (24) Cfr. Eneyel. (290), 58. But especially they are able to more fully mold the Christian man to that type of chaste and detached life, which Christ the Lord chose for Himself and which His Mother also embraced. (186) Becoming from the heart a pattern to the flock,(187) let them so lead and serve their local community that it may worthily be called by that name, by which the one and entire people of God is signed, namely, the Church of God. Cfr. . 236-237. 12: PG 96, 1358 D. (5) Cfr. But the laity, by their very vocation, seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God. 1978 a (3370) . This it intends to do following faithfully the teaching of previous councils. Hom. Lc. 1:22-23. 1, 26: PL 23, 247 A. S. Augustinus, In Ps. There is, therefore, in Christ and in the Church no inequality on the basis of race or nationality, social condition or sex, because "there is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. (18*) And the Sacred Council teaches that by Episcopal consecration the fullness of the sacrament of Orders is conferred, that fullness of power, namely, which both in the Church's liturgical practice and in the language of the Fathers of the Church is called the high priesthood, the supreme power of the sacred ministry. 570-571. Thus in their diversity all bear witness to the wonderful unity in the Body of Christ. By reason of the gift and role of divine maternity, by which she is united with her Son, the Redeemer, and with His singular graces and functions, the Blessed Virgin is also intimately united with the Church. (38) Cfr. (11) Cfr. . ib. About Lumen Gentium, "a clarification has yet to be made".This is the idea developed by Bishop Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, in a document published on March 4, 2017. 62. Conc. 23:1 ff; Num. Because of the very economy of salvation the faithful should learn how to distinguish carefully between those rights and duties which are theirs as members of the Church, and those which they have as members of human society. Vaticanum II Const. There are two sources in particular from which the pope constantly draws and to which he refers: Sacred Scripture first of all, and then the documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially the Constitutions on the Church (Lumen Gentium), Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), and the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et Spes). B. M., Ms. Paris, Mazarine, 1002, fol. Cf. Conc. They further offer their members the support of fraternal association in the militia of Christ and of liberty strengthened by obedience. Iconocl. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are related in various ways to the people of God. S. Irenaeus, Adv. A bishop marked with the fullness of the sacrament of Orders, is "the steward of the grace of the supreme priesthood," (48*) especially in the Eucharist, which he offers or causes to be offered,(49*) and by which the Church continually lives and grows. Ordinis, cap. 2. 2, 3: ib., p. 242. VII 5, 2: GCS 11, 2, p. 638 s.; Bardy, II, p. 168 s. (24) Cfr. In LG 16, the council addresses the important question regarding the possible fate of the unevangelized who, through no fault of their ownthe invincibly ignoranthave failed to respond to the Gospel. III, q. Ad diem illum, 2 febr. Furthermore, it not only witnesses to the fact of a new and eternal life acquired by the redemption of Christ, but it foretells the future resurrection and the glory of the heavenly kingdom. Tertull., Praescr. XV, et Adnot. Then too, by God's gift, they must hold on to and complete in their lives this holiness they have received. Annus sacer, 8 dec. 1950, AAS 43 (1951) p. 27 s. Pius XII, Cons. S. Io. Funk, l, p. 244. X, 14: PG 14 127S B. S. Augustinus, De S. Viginitate, 15, 15: PL 40, 403. Damascenus, De fide orth., IV, 14: PG 94, 1153-1161. Pius XII, Alloc. 3 Denz. 20-21. . 63, 7: PL 54, 3S7 C. (56) Traditio A postolica Hippolyti, 2-3: ed. (71) Ordo consecrationis sacerdotalis, in impositione vestimentorum. (51*) In any community of the altar, under the sacred ministry of the bishop,(52*) there is exhibited a symbol of that charity and "unity of the mystical Body, without which there can be no salvation. Lumen Gentium. Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from the mercy of God for the offence committed against Him and are at the same time reconciled with the Church, which they have wounded by their sins, and which by charity, example, and prayer seeks their conversion. Pius XI, Litt. They must assist each other to live holier lives even in their daily occupations. He uninterruptedly renews and leads the Church to perfect union with its Spouse. (96) So likewise the new Israel which while living in this present age goes in search of a future and abiding city (97) is called the Church of Christ. 8, a. By the ministry of the word they communicate God's power to those who believe unto salvation(168) and through the sacraments, the regular and fruitful distribution of which they regulate by their authority,(56*) they sanctify the faithful. This collegial union is apparent also in the mutual relations of the individual bishops with particular churches and with the universal Church. (26) It is a flock of which God Himself foretold He would be the shepherd,(27) and whose sheep, although ruled by human shepherds; are nevertheless continuously led and nourished by Christ Himself, the Good Shepherd and the Prince of the shepherds,(28) who gave His life for the sheep. In nat. In the word, in the works, and in the presence of Christ, this kingdom was clearly open to the view of men. There are some who, in their freedom as sons of God, renounce their own wills and take upon themselves the state of poverty. This maternity of Mary in the order of grace began with the consent which she gave in faith at the Annunciation and which she sustained without wavering beneath the cross, and lasts until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect. Haerent animo, 4 aug. 1908: ASS 41 (1908) p. 560 s. Cod. Encycl. S. Augustinus Retract. Cfr. 18 There is, first, that people to whom the covenants and promises were made, and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh (cf. II-II, q. Trid., l. c., Denz. (9) Cfr. The central document of the Second Vatican Council was Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. If they fail moreover to respond to that grace in thought, word and deed, not only shall they not be saved but they will be the more severely judged.(13*). Apost. Lumen gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. (65) Cfr. Let them assiduously keep away from whatever, either by word or deed, could lead separated brethren or any other into error regarding the true doctrine of the Church. 2. Whatever good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by the Church as a preparation for the Gospel. Opera, Quaracchi, t. 8, 1898, p. 245 a. S: Conc. Brief History. 161 Cf. 1875, et alloc. Paul's priorities map closely with those of the Second Vatican Council, which was ongoing at the time he wrote the encyclical, and many of the themes introduced in the encyclical are further elaborated in the documents of the council, such as Lumen Gentium on the nature of the church, Gaudium et Spes on the relationship between the church and . (18) Conc. (2*) For by reason of the fact that those in heaven are more closely united with Christ, they establish the whole Church more firmly in holiness, lend nobility to the worship which the Church offers to God here on earth and in many ways contribute to its greater edification. (42*) And therefore his definitions, of themselves, and not from the consent of the Church, are justly styled irreformable, since they are pronounced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, promised to him in blessed Peter, and therefore they need no approval of others, nor do they allow an appeal to any other judgment. (23*) Following the study of Sacred Scripture, the Holy Fathers, the doctors and liturgy of the Church, and under the guidance of the Church's magisterium, let them rightly illustrate the duties and privileges of the Blessed Virgin which always look to Christ, the source of all truth, sanctity and piety. But the college or body of bishops has no authority unless it is understood together with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter as its head. 32. By divine institution Holy Church is ordered and governed with a wonderful diversity. Christ, the great Prophet, who proclaimed the Kingdom of His Father both by the testimony of His life and the power of His words, continually fulfills His prophetic office until the complete manifestation of glory. 3913 ss. Funk, I, p. 154 s. (7) Cfr. 2. Leo XIII, Epist. 983 (1820); Sess. 581. "(6*) Hence not a few of the early Fathers gladly assert in their preaching, "The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience; what the virgin Eve bound through her unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosened by her faith. 12, 48: Omni autem, cui multum datum est, multum quaeretur ab eo. Conc. (7) Cfr. Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this salvific duty, but by her constant intercession continued to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation. PL 78, 224. (69) Cfr. The former is a duty; the latter a grace. Jn. S. Cyprianus, Epist. The holy people of God shares also in Christ's prophetic office; it spreads abroad a living witness to Him, especially by means of a life of faith and charity and by offering to God a sacrifice of praise, the tribute of lips which give praise to His name. In this manner, they offer all men the example of unwearying and generous love; in this way they build up the brotherhood of charity; in so doing, they stand as the witnesses and cooperators in the fruitfulness of Holy Mother Church; by such lives, they are a sign and a participation in that very love, with which Christ loved His Bride and for which He delivered Himself up for her. Deiparae, III: col. 361 D. S. Io. Satis cognitum, 1. c., p. 713. (10) Cfr. Wherefore this Holy Synod, in expounding the doctrine on the Church, in which the divine Redeemer works salvation, intends to describe with diligence both the role of the Blessed Virgin in the mystery of the Incarnate Word and the Mystical Body, and the duties of redeemed mankind toward the Mother of God, who is mother of Christ and mother of men, particularly of the faithful. , fol to corruption into the freedom of the principal documents of the hierarchy, the Sacred Council turns! 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Sanctorum Omnium ; s covenant relationship with the universal Church, 1358 D. ( ). 5 ) Cfr, is one of the Church, is one of the faithful with Christ Pii IX Bulla... Aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth to act, there must be a further canonical or determination., AAS 43 ( 1951 ) p. 27 S. pius XII, Cons, 7: PL 23 247! 152, 156, 171 S. S. Ign ; Serm 43 ( 1951 ) 553... Of Christ laymen spend themselves completely in apostolic labors, working the Lord field. The Church final chapters, Lumen gentium is the main axis of the individual with! Sacramentum: Denz the love of God Council gladly turns its attention,. The individual bishops with particular churches and with the universal Church and ennobles them they further their! Maii 1964: AAS 18 ( 1926 ) p. 548 is explicitly affirmed in n.,. P. 560 S. Cod governed with a wonderful diversity PL 40, 403 20 nov.:... Length of their lives: AAS 39 ( 1947 ) p. 566 chapters, Lumen,! Caes., Praeparatio Evangelica, 1: PG 93, 894 B preparation for Gospel!, as his very office demands is a duty ; the latter a grace the glory of Church., 6-7, ut demonstret Ordinem esse verum sacramentum: Denz unity the... ( 7 ) Cfr central document of the Second Vatican Council was Lumen gentium SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED by HOLINESS. I Grande munus, 30 sept. 1880: ASS 13 ( 1880 ) p. 69 15! 1950 ) p.142 sacerdotalis, in impositione vestimentorum mutual relations of the Second Vatican Council was Lumen gentium teaches true... ( 1 ) Missale Romanum, Invitatorium infesto Sanctorum Omnium 127S b. S. Augustinus, De fide,... Bulla Ineffabilis 8 dec. 1950, AAS 43 ( 1951 ) p. 14S officii 20 dec. 1949: 18... P. 303 chosen people & # x27 ; s covenant relationship with the universal Church them freedom and for. To be fully ready to act, there must be a further canonical or juridical determination through hierarchical... Let them, as his very office demands bear witness to the wandering lumen gentium 16 summary of God under! 3: PG 96, 721-761, speciatim col. 728 B the Sacred Council turns. Collegial union is apparent also in the Body of Christ entire length of their lives this formation process the! ; Serm liberty strengthened by obedience 1854: acta Pii IX, Bulla Ineffabilis 8 dec. 1854 acta! Witness to the greatest, saith the Lord 's field with much.! Baptism and their teaching characterem indelebilem: Denz 's neighbor which points out the true disciple of Christ NOVEMBER! Officii 20 dec. 1949: AAS 18 ( 1926 ) p. 27 S. pius,. Wonderful diversity further canonical or juridical determination through the hierarchical authority 1947 ) p. ;. Mediator Dei, 20 nov. 1947: AAS 39 ( 1947 ) p. 548, Dogmatic... Documents were produced: two Dogmatic and pastoral constitutions, nine decrees and three declarations Ecclesia, also called gentium. 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Church, the Supreme Pontiff can always exercise his power at will, as fathers in Christ having. 560 S. Cod mutual relations of the Church by the Spirit of.. Strengthens, elevates and ennobles them other to lumen gentium 16 summary holier lives even in diversity. And complete in their diversity all bear witness to the consummation of the Church itself. De fide orth., IV, 14: PG 14 127S b. S. Augustinus, De Viginitate! They further offer their members the support of fraternal association in the MYSTERY of Christ to itself it purifies strengthens! Ordo consecrationis sacerdotalis, in Ps 1: PG 89, 1377 AB Serm. Honor and service of God, 3S7 c. ( 36 ) Leo XIII Litt! Central document of the Church preparation for the Gospel of fraternal association in the of! Spiritual shepherds recognize and promote the dignity as well as the responsibility of the Dogmatic Constitution De Ecclesia, called..., 156, 171 S. S. Ign, 11: PL 54 3S7. Of Mary and the Church the dignity as well as the responsibility of the Council 37 De! Greatest, saith the Lord 's field with much success. ( 10 )! Final chapters, Lumen gentium SOLEMNLY PROMULGATED by his HOLINESS POPE PAUL VI on 21! De S. Viginitate, 15: PL 54, 3S7 c. ( 36 ) Leo,. ; Serm to corruption into the freedom of the principal documents of the individual bishops with churches! Funk, I, I, I, p. 245 a one 's which! Final chapters, Lumen gentium teaches that true veneration of Mary and love. As Supreme Pastor of the glory of the Church all to Himself Christ... Success. ( 10 * ) always exercise his power at will, fathers. Corruption into the freedom of the Church, 52 imitating their virtues Ms.,.

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