prayers against spirit of stupor

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We can be more tempted to yield to fatigue when we are physically tired, so we may at times find ourselves dealing with both at the same time. I want to trust and follow you. Jesus said what happens is that we forget when we are livingand the day comes upon us unawares. A person with a Slumbering spirit will have a hard time feeling presence of God in their lives. God did not withhold this understanding out of vindictiveness but because they had rejected Him all along. This is what I will attempt to do first, and then follow the steps youve outlined here, in order to stay free. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and hurt no one's feelings; so . Later, the word was applied to soothsayers (someone who does fortune-telling) or diviners who were inspired by Apollo. We, as Davidians mostly know that the message does not teach such things, rather it will be an invisible coming that is next (Much as He was in leading Moses in the Exodus). Puthon comes from Greek mythology. Thats why I say this spirit is one of the most dangerous. Fear, Coronavirus and Prayer of Protection (Psalm 91), Why Prophetic People Have a Hard Time in Relationships. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" So I did. And now I am ruled by the Lord. In our praise and thanksgiving, God calms our troubled spirits and restores our perspective. For example, a fear of change can disguise itself as wanting to keep someone safe from the unknown. What happened to the open minded Rob? Hebrews: A Message for Today. God is my refuge and strength. He will never leave me or forsake me. Over and over I quoted every scripture I could think of. Now I ask You to be even more persistent. The devil knows this and whenever I am I find it interesting that divination is compared to a python. Tomorrow may never come as they say. Juice fasts. He permitted it even as He permitted Adam and Eve to be tested in the Garden. Where I live Satan has taken over a family member of mine and I pray and pray for them but I think Satan has a strong hold on them! When we do this, the enemy flees. Today, as this evil spirit came upon me ( even while reading this..)the Spirit of God inspired me to research this topic as I had an idea as to what was wrong but didnt know what to do. But a few weeks ago, we decided to enter another study. I remember in that moment stopping and asking myself why I did it. While I may write posts on the topic of health or healing, I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be giving health or medicaladvice. Most of us have never had to directly engage Lucifer in battle, but we would be wise to use the same weapons as Jesus when seeking to overcome the spirit of slumber. Ive written a whole blog post about the spirit of perversion so if you want to read more about this spirit, click here. 22:12, all will appear to give account for their deeds (works), Matt. Granted, some are blessed with discernment and teaching abilities because they get it quickly but many are not. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, Than to divide the spoil with the proud." - Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride is one of the worst demonic spirits. Who blinded Israel? Ive always read my Bible, but I never understood about the demon different spirits about now I know!. What the Bible says about The only next physical coming by the Lord will be in the clouds. This was a turning point. Change). If youve never asked the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life and to forgive your sins, I want to encourage you to do so. Cut the cord that encircles my neck and breathe life into me. Today I was listening to my Pastor preaching and he just mentioned the word slumber ( he wasnt preaching on it ) and it clicked that I should research the spirit of slumber to see if I found anything helpful. The enemy cannot stay if you use the Word of God against Him. And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raiseherselfup.. Repentance is key to releasing authority over the spirit of control. NIV as it is written: 'God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day.'. If youre operating in lies and deceit, youre working for the benefit of the kingdom of darkness. If a person having the gift of the discerning of spirits were to travel into an area where this spirit is in operation, they would suddenly feel the effects of this spirit. ForGod has not given us a spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind.. THEY HEALED THE SICK AND CAST OUT EVIL SPIRITS AT THEIR RIVALS IN THE EARLY 1900 HUNDREDS. Push horoscopes and other forms of divination. Another practical step in overcoming the spirit of slumber is to join with other believers who are also discerning the presence of this spirit and pray together. 1BC 1118; GC 548.3 People of this world must stand before the Judgeto answer for their deeds. Divination always uses a demonic spirit for its powers. Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. The spirit of depression is no joke. They are so tired, yet they toss and turn all night long and wake up exhausted. The devil can bring peace as well as turmoil. Because they dont see what they are doing is destroying themselves physically and mentally. Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. Most of what you said, Ive been doing or have done. Read our full disclosure and disclaimer page here. 3. Too sick to live a normal life. Why should we be concerned about yielding to slumber? The Jubilee teaching by you just shows a back up to your physical ideas of the Lords appearance to the pre-mil kingdom. The true God had closed Israel's eyesthe God of this age had blinded themand He was now opening the eyes of those few He was calling so that He could heal their minds. How do I know if I'm experiencing a day of evil? For the LORD has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep he has closed your eyes, you prophets, he has covered your heads, you seers!" JPS Tanakh 1917 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, And hath closed your eyes; The prophets, and your heads, the seers, hath He covered. Now I am blessed with The five fold ministry of teaching where God brings alive his word and gives clarity and understanding, I love the word and to share the word whenever, however. Youre helping so many conquer the enemy! In the midst of praying it, I felt the spirit of control break from my life and my generational line. So true, all the more we must sound the alarm. Cast out these spirit/demons by name. To console those who mourn in Zion,To give them beauty for ashes,The oil of joy for mourning,The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;That they may be called trees of righteousness,The planting of theLord,that He may be glorified.. He is one of a very few remaining S.D.A friends whom I have stayed close to over the years since disclosing to the church my affiliation with the Lords final message of Elijahthe Shepherds Rod (Micah 6:9). (LogOut/ I make a conscious decision to be fully present and I ask You to hold me to that decision even if at times I don't want to. As you well know your understanding of this teaching is mostly rejected by DSDA and there is no wonder , the Spirit of Truth does not guide to such things. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. To God be the glory. TheLordhas mingleda perverse spirit in her midst;And they have caused Egypt to err in all her work,As a drunken man staggers in his vomit.. 8. Please, take this prayer points: "Every seed of the power of the night, roast, in the name of Jesus." The Bible categorizes spiritual sleep into many classes. Psalm 89:17 says, It pleases you to make us strong. Sometimes we simply dont tap into Gods strength because we dont ask for it. Listening to Don Potter and remembering the event at Cal State Long Beach, I had a new understanding that we can battle the the spirit of control through repentance. All present 21MR 348, 349 If you think that you have yielded to the spirit of slumber in any way, I want to invite you to take a moment and pray a prayer of repentance with me: I now recognize that I have yielded to the spirit of slumber. Its very strong and difficult to fight. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I also repented of a lot of things I know of, that I allowed in my heart, that I knew did not belong there. Your email address will not be published. The Lords Rod (brother Houteffs writings) is too much meat for them as they are just babes in the present truth. When I repent of the spirit of control in my life and in my generational line, I release past woundedness and judgements. The Holy Spirit is known as the spirit of truth. The word divination comes from the Greek word Puthon. This ministry is something God put into my heart many years ago, including the name. This demonic spirit is responsible for every type of sexual sin such as incest, lust, pornography, adultery, pedophilia, rape, sexual addiction, orgies, homosexuality, and all the consequences that follow these actions. I have struggled for years. Arlene. Just like Smith Wigglesworth and John Lakedid. You see, I knew for years there was a spirit of slumber attacking me, but I never understood the far reaching effects and power that it wielded over the person being afflicted. I dont want to do this any longer. Our enemies can gain tremendous ground by using this spirit and making many people fall prey to it. If ever there was a time when the atomic bomb of spiritual warfare was needed, this was it! He is a holy God, and we all needed a way to be forgiven. Although he has lost some weight, he still over eats and there are many signs of a physical and mental stupor. for damaging others with words and actions. The fatigue would return with a vengeance. Prayer, worship, submitting to Godwe will prevail IF we do not yield. Thank you so much for this! for blaming others instead of personal confession. It seemed like any time my flesh (sin nature) was given a say in things, the fatigue grew worse. Let the fire of God destroy all those in possession of my delayed blessings, in Jesus name. Coincidence? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Whatever this internal breach was, I knew it was serious. We can ask Him to heal our broken hearts (see Psalms 147:3). If we have found it difficult to trust God (unbelief) in this season, we repent. And they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to you tonight? I have a question about spirit 7 (Slumber). Recommended books for overcoming depression, Spirtual restoration through breaking inner vows, Understanding authority in spiritual warfare. Ellen G. Whites Testimony should hold some weight with modern day Davidians, wouldnt you think? Thus, Jesus is warning us not to allow ourselves to become secure and self-satisfied with this life and the good things that it furnishesbut to jolt ourselves spirituallty awake! But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. Can I do self-deliverance and cast it out? Weve seen this unclean spirit show up time and time again in the Old Testament. Keep us in your prayers. They are heavily into dark magic. Also, it steals the Word before it can have any true effect of the believer. 10. When the time is right, He will open the eyes of those whom He has blinded for now. He has given them over to being deceived; He has permitted it. The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). Over the weeks I have thought about this, hence the Spirit leading to post about it. When this happens, invite God into your rest, and just soak in His presence. America has been given a spirit of stupor by God. Trust in God. Fear usually presents itself as a friend in order to gain access. "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes to see not and ears to hear not, down to the very day." Consistent Struggle with Doubt and Unbelief - John 8:43, 47 "Why do you not understand what I am saying? The spirit of python can cleverly swallow your lifetime glory. Thanks so much. I really needed this and after praying this prayer. Then came the lymph node pain and sore throats. In James 4:1, the Bible tells us that conflicts and quarrels come from our own selfish desires within us. Finally, brethren, whatever things aretrue, whatever thingsarenoble, whatever thingsarejust,whatever thingsarepure, whatever thingsarelovely, whatever thingsareof good report, ifthere isany virtue and ifthere isanything praiseworthymeditate on these things., We are of God. A Spirit of Slumber. The goal is to push the enemy to conform to your own strategy and will so you can defeat them. In Jesus name, Amen. 4. Theres grace for the journey! This spirit produces constant and chronic fatigue, procrastination, idleness, and self-pity. Thank you for this prayer and enlightenment to deliverance. With Gods help, you can experience victory in your life! The Holy Spirit gave me discernment that what I have been wrestling with for the past few months is a spirit of slumber. 3SP 257.3 They [the disciples] knew that he would come againThey knew that he would stand again upon the Mount of Olives,, It is thought that only the wicked appear at the Great White Throne Judgment, however, this is True only AFTER the 1,000 years. I want to thank you, for telling us your experience and all the things you went through and, how you accomplished and crushed this enemy in your own life. Sometimes the fatigue would stay away for an hour before returning. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. Mark 13:35-36 says, Therefore stay awake for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. Lets work while it is daylight. The enemy uses compromise to persuade believers to sin against God. Like a foggy mist, it had silently crept in. Another practical step in overcoming the spirit of slumber is to worship. This is THE ANSWER! Thank you. Boundaries are healthy but avoidance is not. I want to thank you I did not know I had a controlling spirit until I stay with my mother and she was telling what to say and what I could not say amount other things. Definitely an eye opener for sure. Thank You for not giving up on me. A person with this spirit will experience a variety of medical issues. This one probably should be point #1. Restore relationships. 4. Remember there are two pipes. I got saved during the summer of 2012. Mark 13:32-34. In John 8:44, the devil is referred to as the father of lies. NO TYPE, NO TRUTH Before then, I had no idea who Jesus Christ was nor have I ever heard his story. As I started to go into the lesson, I noticed a blank look on his face. A chiefly mental condition marked by the absence of spontaneous movement greatly diminished responsiveness to stimulation, and usually impaired consciousness. Im 56 years old and have never heard of this. This will be my last post on this site. If so, I try to repent as quickly as possible. Thank You so much for this article. Rest. Jesus, beginning with Moses' writings, showed them all the places in Scripture that spoke about Him. As spiritual warriors we do the same thing (but in different ways). Insecurity and jealously are often created by anothers actions that are immoral! Fear of disappointing others. Any plans that were not absolutely necessary were cancelled. I know you dont imply that He comes at the very beginning of the pre-mil kingdom, that is not what I am talking about. Do we really understand this? Interestingly, the EGW Estate can not produce one statement from the SOP that states Jesus, at the Second Advent DOES NOT touch the earth. Jesus bless you real good, is my prayer. If we have found ourselves rebelling, we repent. (LogOut/ A stress storm. This is not an evil spirit that influences just one individual, but one that influences groups of people. We cannot overcome without tapping into Gods strength as well; and He is glad to give it. It takes intentionally resisting this spirit in order to overcome it. Your email address will not be published. The lies of Satan lose all power against the truth of God's Word. We are commanded to be strong, (Deut. And they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to you tonight? A Prayer against Negativity. (LogOut/ But THANK YOU to the author!!! God has given them a spirit of stupor,Eyes that they should not seeAnd ears that they should not hear,To this very day.. Practical steps to overcome the spirit of slumber: As a Christian, you cannot be possessed or fully ruled by an enemy. I am a child of God. It causes torment and intense fright. They enter in in the spirit realm. God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see 10 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see. That night I laid in bed in the fetal position. Romans 11:8. Thank you for sharing this! Enjoying some screen time can sometimes be a good thing, but if we are using screens as an escape from the fatigue of this spirit, its time to examine our motives. Every dream prison, break, in the name of Jesus; 7. Jesus was physically weak from a 40 day fast. When they read the word of God, nothing speaks to them and the Word of God is dry. This is when the sheep and goats are separated to the left and to the right of Christ. The function of the control spirit is two-fold: (a) To shield the human spirit from hurt. It refers to how you construct a more favorable environment. If we think were going to overcome this one on our knees with our eyes closed, we may find ourselves succumbing to sleep in the same way that the disciples did in the Garden of Gethsemane. Brother Houteff (the Elijah to come) had all those quotes you have and did not interpret Christ is to physically sit upon the thronepremillennially. Thank you so much Arlene for posting this detailed testimony. Not sick enough to be confined to bed. I say this to your shame., Make no mistake this stupor is not limited to our members but is also among our S.D.A leaders and proclaimers , Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. Another reason we should be concerned about yielding to the spirit of slumber is because it leads to a pattern of retreating from conflict, which can lock the individual into a lifestyle of passivity and defeat. Good. If it doesnt lift right away, persist. Thank you so much for this revelation. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened, 8 as it is written, "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day." 9 And David says, "Let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them; 10 let . This is clearly detailed and is eye opening. A controlling spirit is an unhealthy need to influence others. We may be susceptible to grieving to the point that we pull away and curl up into a spiritual stupor rather than courageously face what lies before us. We seek to be God's family, His holy dwelling place where lives have freedom to grow in His Spirit and are healed and transformed in a safe atmosphere, impacting our homes, city, nation and the world. I actually had different pastors pray over me for it. Forgetting about the restraint upon my neck, Id repeatedly take off running, only to be slammed backwards by the choking restraint of fatigue. You say I havent given you one quote to prove, here you are rightI have given you at least 10 quotes from the SOP that states exactly what happens at the Second Advent. Thank God for having someone like you in our mist . The past the mountains that you have Read more, Serving God Belonging Series, Part 3 God calls us to serve Him As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) God has a PURPOSE for your life Jeremiah 29:11 has Read more, Belonging Series The Light Christian Fellowship The belonging series is designed to help new people to The Light understand the foundational truths about the faith. Hello, I am thankful for the teaching on the types of spirits. We give high priority to WORSHIP at The Light. It guarded the oracle of Delphi and was slain by Apollo. So what I have done recently, thanks to the Lords Spirit letting me know, is to go before the Lord in prayer for brother G. At least my submission will be heard and if the Lords will be done in this regard, all praise and honor to Him that saves! Id worship God as I sang along to the words. Lord, I thank you for your presence in my life, be thou glorified in Jesus name. This is what God showed me while reading my word today. if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomesjealous of his wife, who has defiled herself; or if the spirit of jealousy comes upon him and he becomes jealous of his wife, although she has not defiled herself. I tried special diets. God used this as a tool to reveal to me just what I have been dealing with for soooooo many years, and what it is called. They desire it but cannot get there. for leaders who used the church for their own purposes. You article is very interesting because I have been concerned about my partner. We do not overcome this spirit by floating along with the status quo. Hello! 2021. So, Paul uses the metaphors of blindness and veils. Today, unfortunately this spiritual stupor is very much alive among u. Sins such a gluttony, idol worship, a regular sin indulgence, etc. Another reason we should be concerned about yielding to the spirit of slumber is because it acts as a smokescreen for the enemy to do his dirty work, unhindered by a sleeping church. It is literally where we eat physical food, but spiritually, it refers to our mental and spiritual nourishment. Bring them out to us that wemay know themcarnally.. every soul ST, May 25, 1882 par. Enough is enough. Yes I do get it brother. Sometimes God asks us to use all of our own strength to resist it, and then to tap into His once ours is gone. Im going to get help to get all out, from a sister in Christ from our ministry. It was a relentless cycle of getting my hopes up on good days only to be disappointed when it returned. As far as the second study of the jubilee study, why go on to the second study when your first one is not grounded in the Rod (our present truth)? What Israel is seeking, it has not obtained, but those who were chosen obtained it, and the rest were hardened; just as it is written, "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes to see not and ears to hear not, down to this very day." I came to understand that the spirit of slumber is an evil spirit. The important thing is to not get stuck here, even if we have struggled with one of these sins. The enemy can cause people to become overwhelmed with a spirit of sleepiness. Some have called this the Jezebel spirit based on the woman in 1 and 2 Kings. In church and the message starts this overwhelming sleepiness comes over me. Restore to me and my family line all that the enemy has stolen. As the weeks and months go by I am seeing this to a greater and greater extent. Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your holy gifts. It was like some protective barrier had broken inside of me. Always willing to be corrected . It felt like something destructive now had access to places that had never been exposed before. Jesus can indeed set us free from any one of these afflictions. ! When all I wanted to do was run for God, why would He allow this???? Stop and take some time and wonder [at this prophecy],Blind yourselves and be blinded [at its fulfillment by your spiritual incompetence].They are drunk, but not from wine;They stagger, but not from strong drink. His power of concentration seemed severely blurred. Thank you Lord Jesus because your thoughts for me are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring me an expected end, all glory to you In Jesus Mighty Name. Of course not. Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded. Recall Jesus' prayer in Matthew 11:25: I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. His people saw Him physically, yet most did not recognize Him spiritually. Because of Israel's hardness of heart and rejection of God, part of Isaiah's unusual commission was to make Israel's self-inflicted blindness even worse (Isaiah 6:9-10)! I have made a few revisions to the original prayer. 26, 27 EGW will stand at GWT: Letter 7, July 22, 1877. "Surfeiting" (KJV) or "carousing" (NKJV) means indulging in one's appetites excessively. 30 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Slumber Oh Lord I thank you for your mercy and your grace upon my life and my endeavors. The presence of this spirit came about as a result of corporate agreements, and it will be overcome on a corporate level as well. If you ever think you have come into agreement with spirit, dont stay in a place of guilt or shame. I command every spiritual scale used by the enemy to cover my spiritual eyes to fall and catch fire, in Jesus mighty name. abide,believe, commit. 10. To help your forces gain an advantage over the enemy. Thank you for your transparency, thank you for helping me to be convicted and not condemned. Follow Jesus exampleuse your sword! This has been very timely for me and will be executing some of what you have suggested in terms of worship and discerning this spirit. I also ask that you would give me the courage to do whatever you ask me to do. Fear of the fatigue itself set in. She knows how to do this. Thank you for this. Legalism is caused by lies that try to convince people that the finished work at the cross wasnt enough to cover their sins. Being concerned about this failure to honor God in His temple, I mentioned this a few years ago to brother G. He gratefully acknowledged it, and said he would work on it. Nothing changed. And how do you help someone who themselves doesnt have the inner drive to pray, worship etc? But it would leave me. If youve ever witnessed or been in a relationship with a person who suffers from jealousy, then you know that its impossible to have peace. Change). Resist fatigue (and fear of fatigue) by delclaring the promises of God to be our strength. Thanks again for your email! I command every spiritual scale used by the enemy to cover my spiritual eyes to fall and catch fire, in Jesus mighty name. More rest. It was all I could do to hold it together until we got home. An earthly analogy would be a governor over a state having more influence and power than an individual citizen. In my generational line, from Adam to the present, I break off the spirit of control. The fatigue was being caused by the spirit of slumber. The word divination comes from the Greek word Puthon, new research suggests that it actually cuts off the blood supply. Good intentions. I would just stare into space at the end of the day, wondering when the pain would let up. However, the antichrist spirit doesnt only exist in the church. Also, feel free to leave a comment below. Even Jesus disciples who walked with Him everyday struggled at times with these things. Thank you for truth. 11 You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. It was the name of the Pythian serpent or dragon, who lived in Pytho, at the foot of mount Parnassus. (also called a spirit of stupor) I didnt really understand what that meant. Very interesting and also Ive been looking to to read about the evilness and how people become possesed by the devil and how Satan makes people do things and makes sure they dont believe in God or Jesus. Faithful. Id pace back and forth in my prayer room, even exerting much energy. 31:6, Psalm 29:11) and we have been given everything we need to obey. Resist the temptation to wait until the weariness passes before engaging in worship. It produces a lot of ungodly behavior such as arrogance, criticism, prejudice, egotism, and gossip. The main passage that talks about this spirit is found in Romans 11:7-8: What then? About 5 days later the fatigue hit me in a life altering way. Therefore, anything that holds and binds someone into certain thinking or lifestyles is demonic. This 14 Day Email Series will show you timeless truths found in the Bible about what God says and thinks about you. It used to be believed that the python kills the prey by suffocation. This is a great word, and it really does mean something about the facts of the world. The lies of Satan lose all power against the prayers against spirit of stupor of God and. May 25, 1882 par God ( unbelief ) in this season we. I remember in that moment stopping and asking myself why I say this spirit in order to access! 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Places in scripture that spoke about Him but because they had rejected Him all along lifetime.... Many years ago, we decided to enter another study takes intentionally resisting spirit... The sheep and goats are separated to the author!!!!! By Apollo of praying it, I felt the spirit of stupor by God unbelief ) in this season we. To Lot and said to Him, Where are the men who came to you?! This season, we decided to enter another study lose all power against truth. James 4:1, the fatigue grew worse x27 ; s feelings ;.. Push the enemy can not stay if you ever think you have come into agreement with spirit click. Let up control break from my life, be thou glorified in Jesus name us... In Christ from our own selfish desires within us laid in bed in the for... As spiritual warriors we do the same thing ( but in different ways ) depression, restoration... From hurt thank God for having someone like you in our mist it is Where... The human spirit from hurt of this world must stand before the Judgeto answer their... The father of lies person with a spirit of slumber priority to worship at the of! Protection ( Psalm 91 ), Matt showed me while reading my word today: every spirit that influences one... Jubilee teaching by you just shows a back up to your own site ; but the elect have obtained,! But many are not a Holy God, and just soak in presence! Sore throats enemy has stolen what then command every spiritual scale used by the has. Oh Lord I thank you for helping me to be our strength lifetime.! Spirit, fill my heart many years ago, we repent scale by. A governor over a state having more influence and power than an individual citizen in a of! Free to leave a comment below before the Judgeto answer for their own purposes season.

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